I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 41 Magical Weapon? It's No Use At All!

"It works, it definitely works!"

"No matter how powerful that judge is, how can he possibly defeat these magic weapons? I spent a lot of money to get these!"

Zheng Tao said very firmly.

I don’t know if his words are self-consolation?

He had also heard about the experiences of Zhao and his son.

Therefore, he thought that if the judge really would find Zheng Yong.

Then I definitely can’t escape!

It’s better to take this opportunity and fight the judge to the end!

Compared to his own son, Zheng Tao still has a ruthless spirit.

Because he has indeed worked hard from scratch until now!

If it weren't for that fierceness, it would be impossible to have the status we have today!


The time came to midnight.

And the temperature in the room also dropped to freezing point!

Zheng's father and son clenched the peach wood sword in their hands and looked around.

this moment.

A dark wind rose in the house.

It made them tremble all over!

"come yet?"

Zheng Tao said secretly.

"Dad, look!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Yong on the side exclaimed.

Because, in the corner of the room.

At this time, two faint figures actually appeared!

One white and one red, it is Zhou Chen who is incarnated as impermanence and Li Qian in red.

"Ghost, ghost!"

Zheng Yong screamed in fright.

"Don't be afraid, we have magic weapons to protect us, so we don't have to be afraid of these evil spirits!"

Zheng Tao replied angrily.

"The devil is evil?"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chen actually laughed.


He who incarnates impermanence.

The sound sounds extremely weird and terrifying!

At the same time, he slowly approached Zheng Tao.

There was even a sarcastic remark coming out of his mouth: "If I am evil and evil, what does it matter to all the others who harm living beings, bully the weak, and oppress good people?!"


The wind in the house was even worse.

At this moment, both Zheng and his son felt.

He seemed to have fallen into an ice cave!

Zheng Yong's face turned pale, but Zheng Tao was still aggressive.

Hearing this, he sneered.

"Hmph! In this world, the law of the jungle prevails, and the winner is king. I, Zheng Tao, have achieved my current status! How can the lives of my father and son be compared to those of those ants?"

"No one can try to judge me!"

Zheng Tao's eyes were about to burst.

At the same time, he held the peach wood sword in his hand tighter!

With such a distorted outlook on life, no wonder he would teach a son like Zheng Yong!

The freedom of the strong should be bounded by the freedom of the weak.

Instead of treating other people's lives as playthings!

For such people, Zhou Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense to them.

Slowly raising his hand, the Soul Hooking Chain was like a spiritual snake coming out of its hole!


In an instant, he flew towards Zheng Tao!

"I have a magic weapon to protect me, so I'm not afraid of you!"

Zheng Tao roared angrily.

At the same time, he swung the mahogany sword in his hand and slashed at the soul-grabbing chain!

have to say.

He is the most powerful person among the people Zhou Chen has tried!

Moreover, the peach wood sword held by Zheng Tao is indeed a magical weapon!

Peach wood itself has the effect of exorcising evil spirits.

And the mahogany sword in his hand has obviously been blessed by other things!

When swung, a faint golden light shot out from the sword.



There was a crisp sound.

The mahogany sword in Zheng Tao's hand broke with the sound!

It is no match for Zhou Chen!

The quality of this magical instrument is so poor, it is about the same level as the Buddhist amulet used by Hu Xiaoyan!

But Zhou Chen is no longer the same person he was before!


Zheng Tao was shocked.

He didn't expect that the magic weapon he had worked so hard to obtain would be so vulnerable!

But Zheng Tao is obviously not to be outdone!

Because he has more than one magic weapon.

The Taomu Sword is broken, but he still has things like the Bagua Mirror and the Yellow Talisman!

At this time, I couldn't care about anything else.

He grabbed a handful of yellow talismans and threw them towards Zhou Chen!

These yellow talismans made a crackling sound after hitting Zhou Chen. They flashed in various ways on Zhou Chen's body.

But without exception.

But there was no way to hurt Zhou Chen!

"how so……"

Zheng Tao was stunned.

"If you have evil thoughts in your heart, burning incense will do no good!"

"A guy like you who has done many evil things, do you think spending money to buy some magic weapons will be useful?"

Zhou Chen sneered.

"I'll fight you!"

Zheng Tao roared again.

Next, he seemed crazy.

What kind of Buddha statues, amulets, rosary beads, crosses...

No matter what magical weapon he was, he grabbed whatever he saw and threw it towards Zhou Chen.

Bang bang!

They are not useless at all!

These are real magic weapons.

If it hits Zhou Chen's body, it will also emit a little golden light.

But it's a pity.

Zhou Chen's strength is no longer what it used to be!

As a result, no matter what magic weapon he throws, it will not cause any damage at all!

And what about Zhou Chen?

After seeing this scene, he just said to him with a look of disdain: "In order to deal with me, you have played a lot of tricks. Unfortunately, your father and son are doomed!"


The next second.

The scene in the room changed instantly.

The original luxurious villa was gone, replaced by a dark and gloomy void.

In this void.

There were countless chains shooting from all directions.

Zheng Tao, Zheng Yong and his son had no time to escape, but in the next second, these chains penetrated their bodies!


The heartbreaking pain is conveyed!

Immediately afterwards.

I saw a huge truck speeding from a distance.

That truck is extremely fast.

Zheng and his son were frightened!


They shouted at the top of their lungs.


Their bodies were pierced by chains, making it impossible to escape.


The two of them suffered a violent collision!

Immediately afterwards, he was rolled down by the huge wheel!

This truck weighs several tons!

It ran over their flesh and blood, over and over again, as if it was going to crush every bone in them!

"This is the pain of the couple who were killed by your drunk driving. You should feel it twice as much!"



The sound of cracking bones was heard.

Every time they are crushed, all the bones in their bodies will be crushed into powder.

But soon, their bodies will return to their original shape!

"Help, someone can come and save us!"

In infinite pain, the cries of father and son Zheng Tao and Zheng Yong could be heard throughout the venue.


No one will come to save them!

In addition to the punishment of car breaking, Zhou Chen also prepared a second punishment for them!

I don’t know how much time has passed.

The car crash is finally over.

Zheng and his son were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

This is……


However, they did not have long to rest.

I felt again that my whole person seemed to be falling rapidly from a high altitude!


The feeling of weightlessness made them scream again.



They hit the ground hard!

When flesh and blood collided with the ground, the feeling of fragmentation spread throughout their bodies in an instant!

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