I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 46 Falling Into The Abyss, There Will Be No Recovery In The End!

In the evening, after returning to the dormitory.

Liu Yue added the person's contact information.

"Hello, can I borrow money here?"

Liu Yue asked.

"Okay! How much do you want to borrow?"

Zou Lingchen quickly sent a message.

"I want to borrow...five thousand!"

After thinking for a while, Liu Yue reported a number.

She thought that after paying off the two thousand she owed her classmates, she would still be able to keep three thousand for emergencies.

And for these five thousand yuan, if I live frugally.

If I work a little more, I should be able to pay it back in a month!


Zou Lingchen replied.

At the same time, he sent a file.

It is an APP installation package.

"This is……"

Liu Yue asked.

"This is our company's APP. You can install it, register an account, complete the corresponding certification, and then you can place a payment!"

Zou Lingchen answered.

Still want to download the APP?

She thought it was this person who lent money directly to her!

However, Liu Yue didn't think much about it.

She needs money urgently now!

In addition to paying back her roommate's money, she also wanted to buy another bag purchased overseas.

That bag will be sold out in two days.

If you don’t make a payment now, you won’t be able to catch the last train!

Think of this.

She installed the APP without hesitation.

This is a loan software.

It seems simple.

After opening, it is the registration page.

After filling in my personal information, the journey was smooth.

But soon.

Liu Yue was stunned in front of a page.

Because, this page requires Liu Yue to take a half-length photo naked and holding her ID!

And photos are in demand.

There can be no obstruction at all!


Liu Yue hesitated for a moment.

Couldn't it be something like an ID card or an IOU?

Why does it have to be a fruit photo!

Although Liu Yue wanted money, she didn't want to take nude photos!

But if you don’t borrow it...

How can I use the money to repay my classmates?

There is also the purchase of various consumer goods, which all require money!

There was an ideological struggle in her heart.

Although those consumer goods and bags, buying one less will not make her lose any flesh.

But she enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by her sisters!

Posting stylish photos of herself on those social networking sites can bring her a lot of likes and fans.

This greatly satisfied her vanity!

If not borrow.

All this will disappear!

Think of this.

Liu Yue gritted her teeth!

She finally turned on the camera!

Payments are made quickly on this APP.

After she got dressed, the money was transferred to her bank card within a few minutes.

But only 3,500 yuan!

It’s less than 5,000 yuan!

Moreover, the loan period is only one month.

"Why is there less money?"

Liu Yue hurriedly asked Zou Lingchen on her mobile phone.

"The other 1,500 is the service fee!"

Zou Lingchen answered casually.

"And there is a service fee? Why didn't you tell me before?"

Liu Yue was a little anxious.

It was said that it was 5,000 yuan, but only 3,500 was obtained. Isn't this a loan shark?

“Of course there is a service charge!”

"Otherwise, you go borrow money from the bank!"

Zou Lingchen retorted.

These words immediately stunned Liu Yue.


If I can borrow money from the bank, do I still need to come here? It is impossible for a bank to lend you such a sum of 3,500 yuan!

Thinking of this, she could only admit it.

3500 is 3500.

At least she can pay off her classmates' debts first.

As for the rest, just pay it back slowly!

If I save money and work a little, I think I can pay it back soon!

Liu Yue thought so.


What she didn't know was.

All this is just the beginning of the nightmare!

the next period of time.

Liu Yue worked hard to work part-time.

Coupled with all kinds of frugality, I finally saved enough 5,000 yuan.

Although I only got 3,500, I still have to pay back 5,000!

One month later.

When she opened the APP again, she found that the amount due on the APP had actually changed to 8,000!

"Why did it become 8,000?"

Liu Yue couldn't believe it.

She clicked on the details and found that the principal was still 3,500 yuan.

But the so-called service fee of 1,500 has increased many times during this period!

This 8,000 is the result of even principal and interest!

It sounds like a "service fee", but it's actually interest in disguise!


I have to wait until the year of the monkey to pay it off?


Zou Lingchen called.

Liu Yue was naturally surprised when she saw it was him.

But she got through anyway.

On the other end of the phone, Zou Lingchen's tone was extremely serious: "The deadline is up, pay back the money quickly!"


Liu Yue hesitated a little.

"What are you doing? I'm telling you, don't even think about reneging on your debt!"

"I have your photo in my hand! If you don't pay back the money, I will post your photo online and post it in front of your school!"

Zou Lingchen said in a threatening tone.

"I will pay it back, I will pay it back. However, I only have five thousand in my hand..."

"Pay back as much as you have!"

See it.

Liu Yue could only pay back the five thousand yuan first.

However, there is still a service fee of 3,000!

Next month.

She continued to work.

But unfortunately, she is just a college student.

Even if you work part-time day and night every day, how much money can you make?

After finally collecting three thousand yuan.

Another month has passed.

And the interest has more than doubled again!

Seven thousand yuan!

Liu Yue was desperate.

She seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss!

She knew that even if she was paid 3,000 yuan this month, the remaining 4,000 yuan might even become 8,000 or 9,000 yuan next month!

This kind of profit and compound profit will never end!

this moment.

Liu Yue really regrets it!

Unfortunately, it’s of no use at all!

She didn't dare tell her family.

After all, she has always been the good girl in the family since she was a child.

Excellent in character and learning, diligent and thrifty.

But now...

If you tell these things to your family, I'm afraid it will make your parents sad!

no way!

She can only sell her own things!

A new bag that you’ve used twice?


Clothes with tags still on?



All for sale!

These things themselves are not cheap.

But in order to sell as quickly as possible, she had to give a deep discount.

However, the money is still not enough!

She could only give back a little.

Because if it is a day late, the other party will bombard you with phone calls from morning to night!

You may even send yourself a lot of insulting text messages!

She also thought about looking for Yu Bin.

But they found that Yu Bin seemed to have evaporated from the world and had already disappeared without a trace!

Could it be that Yu Bin also lied to him?


Even the last thing that could be sold was sold.

And her debts were not reduced but increased!

Now, there are more than 50,000 yuan!

This is just three months!

In three months, the debt can be doubled!

Over time.

Her spirit was on the verge of collapse.


On a rainy night.

Liu Yue came to a bridge.

The heavy rain poured down, extinguishing the last hope in Liu Yue's heart.

Although it was already late at night, her phone was filled with all kinds of harassing calls and messages!

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