I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 54 Sin Before Gods And Buddhas! (Third Update, Please Order First!)


"Donor Jiang is right, our Guyun Temple has more than just one monk, Fa Yuan!"

As soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a loud Buddha trumpet sounded.

Look for the sound.

He saw a figure walking slowly towards him.

This is a monk wearing cassocks.

He looked about sixty years old, but he was tall and straight.

There was a hint of determination in his eyes.

The most important thing is that he has an extremely strong aura.


It is much more powerful than Monk Fa Yuan!

At this moment, he came to the two of them.

It gives people a sense of not being angry and being proud.

Seeing the monk appear, Jiang Chen immediately stood up and saluted.

Scar Liu, on the other hand, was still standing there stupidly.

"What are you doing? Quickly salute!"

Jiang Chen glared at him.

At this time, Scar Liu started to learn in style.

Jiang Chen had met the monk before him once.

His name is Fa Ming.

He is Fa Yuan's senior brother.

The death of Fa Yuan not only shocked the outside world.

Even the inside of Guyun Temple was extremely shocking!

They closed the door and thanked guests, on the one hand, to avoid outside comments.

On the other hand, the entire temple is planning to discuss this matter. 950

Many monks were quite angry!

Because no matter what, Fa Yuan is their monk at Guyun Temple.

As a temple that has been inherited for more than 300 years, Guyun Temple also has a certain foundation!


The judge directly killed the monks in the temple.

This is a challenge to Guyun Temple!

Not only the outside world would think that the monks in Guyun Temple had bad conduct and were killed by the judges.

It is also a huge joke to my colleagues in the religious community!

Let them Guyun Temple, they will not be able to gain a foothold in front of their peers!


The monks in the temple think so.

They must have a good meeting with the judge!

"Don't worry, you two. As long as that person dares to come, he will never come back and he will be saved!"

Fa Ming's tone was solemn.

When Jiang Chen and Scar Liu heard this, they couldn't help but smile at each other.

Immediately, Jiang Chen’s eyes lit up

He nodded slightly: "If so, thank you very much, Master!"

In the ward.

Zhou Chen once again opened the book of sins.

After activating the judge template, the functions of the crime book become more comprehensive.

Not only can the targets to be eliminated in the mission be announced, but even the information of some people who were killed by the way will be included one by one.

For example, those gangsters who followed (bgbe) Zheng and his son, Zou Lingchen's followers, etc.

These people are all evil people without exception!

After flipping through it, Zhou Chen discovered that the crimes they had committed were all clearly recorded.


These people are just cowards.

The crimes they committed were also the orders and instructions of their masters.

And except for these people.

There is one person who is particularly eye-catching.

Monk Fa Yuan.

This person has no enmity or grudge against me and is a stranger to him.

But he still killed Zhou Chen halfway!

Zhou Chen had to think that this person was instigated by someone else!

Since his information is also included.

Then the identity of the person behind him must be recorded in the crime book!

A thought came to my mind.

The information about Monk Fa Yuan is then displayed!

In Guyun Temple, Zen bells ring.

Inside the hall, smoke and clouds curled up.

A monk sat in front of the Buddha, with lowered eyebrows and eyes, reciting scriptures.

It is Monk Fa Yuan.


A tall figure walked in from outside the house.

The man in suit and leather shoes is none other than Jiang Chen.

"Master, you're fine!"

Jiang Chen greeted Fa Yuan calmly.

"Mr. Jiang, you are here."

Fa Yuan stood up.

He folded his hands and saluted.

Then, he led Jiang Chen out of the main hall and into the Zen room nearby.


A young monk brought tea.

The two sat down at the table, and Fa Yuan made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Jiang, please have some tea.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Chen took a sip and said, "It's really good tea!"

At this time, Fa Yuan was still sitting upright.

Putting down the tea cup, Jiang Chen got down to the topic: "Since the master is willing to see me, does that mean that the master has agreed to my previous request?"

"It is our responsibility to kill demons and eliminate evil."

"Mr. Jiang is destined to be my Buddha, so of course the golden monk will die without mercy!"

Fa Yuan answered seriously.


Hearing this, Jiang Chen laughed.

After this meeting.

Jiang Chen visited Guyun Temple many times.

He kept donating money to the temple, which was nominally money for incense, but everyone knew what the money was used for!

For the temple.

Of course such a big sponsor cannot run away.

The relationship between the two parties is getting better and better.

In addition to donating money to Guyun Temple, Jiang Chen also secretly eliminated some competitors with grammar!

For example, some temples have a bad relationship with Guyun Temple.

They were all suppressed under Jiang Chen's instruction!

In this way, the incense of Guyun Temple is naturally becoming more and more prosperous.

In the imagination of Fa Yuan.

With Jiang Chen in his lap, in the future, in the surrounding cities, I will have no other choice but to have a temple!

The scale of Guyun Temple is bound to get bigger and bigger!

It's just a coincidence.

It hadn't been long since they'd met.

Fa Yuan was killed by Zhou Chen!

His idea of ​​using this to strengthen Guyun Temple also came to nothing!

"Obviously he is a monk, but he is full of worldly copper stench!"

"You deserve to end up like this!"

I saw Jiang Chen and Fa Yuan conspiring under the lights in front of the Buddha.

Zhou Chen only felt extremely ironic!

Fa Yuan died unjustly!

Just as he guessed.

As Fa Yuan's information comes to light, Jiang Chen behind him also emerges!

Except for the Dharma Circle.

Xuanjizi's information also emerged.

Zhou Chen only knew that Xuan Jizi was a helper brought in by Li Guangzong.

But after reading this information, he realized that Xuan Jizi was actually a helper brought by Jiang Chen.


I also know that Li Guangzong is just a bait used by Jiang Chen!

Unexpectedly, these two times are related to Jiang Chen!

It seems.

I need to consider taking action against Jiang Chen!

Through the information of Monk Fayuan, Zhou Chen knew that Jiang Chen was currently taking refuge in Guyun Temple!

This guy is quite cautious.

He actually wants to be blessed by the gods and Buddhas in the temple!

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen just smiled lightly.

It is indeed a good idea to protect yourself through a temple!


Can you do whatever you want if you have money?

Can you buy the blessings of gods and Buddhas if you have money?

Those ordinary believers knelt down and worshiped in various ways.

Don't know what they can get?

What they have been praying for all their lives, Jiang Chen can easily get by spending money!

What a great irony!


Jiang Chen's wishful thinking was about to come to nothing.

Because the person he was facing was Zhou Chen!

A mere temple cannot be Jiang Chen's protective umbrella!

after all.

Zhou Chenke activated the judge template.

He is more powerful than ever!

However, Zhou Chen has no intention of taking action against Jiang Chen now.

He still decided.

Continue to complete several missions.

In this way, make yourself stronger.

Then when he goes to deal with Jiang Chen, he will definitely have a better chance of winning!

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