I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 61: The Magic Of Witchcraft, The Head-Dropping Master Takes Action! (Ten Updates, First Orde

"Mu Sang, where is your master?"

Luo Qi glanced at the young man.

"My master has something to do when he goes out, but he just called me and told me about you, Miss Luo."

The young man is tall, thin, and dark-skinned.

There was a strong accent in his words, and he was probably from some ethnic minorities in the south.

"Okay, let's get down to business!"

Rocky is no nonsense.

However, Hu Feifan couldn't sit still.

He looked at Luo Qi and said with some doubts: "Luo, Sister Luo, the master you mentioned is not here. Can this person, this person, do it?"


Hu Feifan does not trust this person named Mu Sang!

Because in his opinion, the older this kind of person is, the more powerful he will be!

"Hu Feifan, don't underestimate Mr. Musang. He is the master's direct disciple, and he has learned the master's true inheritance!"

Luo Qi introduced.


"tt="Hu Feifan wants to say something else.

But Musang spoke first: "What kind of judge is that? Maybe they are just some brats!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand.

Hu Feifan only felt that a mist seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

But the fog quickly disappeared.

Hu Feifan was at a loss and looked rich.

But not long after, he suddenly realized something was wrong!


He felt something tugging at his trouser leg under his feet.

Look down.

I saw a rotten baby with a weird smile appearing at his feet.

When Hu Feifan lowered his head, the baby raised his head and looked at Hu Feifan.

Just for a moment, Hu Feifan was frightened!


He screamed.

Then, he fell off the chair.

Using both hands and feet, he retreated continuously.


Not long after.

He noticed that more and more imps appeared around him!

Some of those little ghosts were covered in ulcers, some were as black as coke, and some seemed to have no skin, with their red muscles exposed.

They giggled strangely and came closer to Hu Feifan little by little.


Where has Hu Feifan ever seen such a battle?

He almost peed in fear!

However, those little devils had no intention of stopping.

Still approaching him step by step!

After a while, Hu Feifan could even smell a strong rancid smell!


crucial moment.

It was Musang who spoke.

These little devils are very obedient.

Soon, everything stopped.

Musang walked slowly, and the little devils made way for him.

These little devils.

It was actually completely controlled by him!

Immediately afterwards, Mu Sang stood in front of Hu Feifan.

He bent down and looked at him with a smile: "How about it, do you believe in my strength now?"

"Xiang, I believe it!"

How could Hu Feifan still dare to question?

At this moment, he nodded in agreement!

Musang smiled slightly and waved his hand, and those little devils ran and jumped and disappeared one after another, as if they had been given an order!

"Actually, during this period we have also been paying attention to the so-called judge!"

"According to the video footage posted online, the yin energy in the video is very strong. It can be seen that this so-called judge may also be a ghost!"

"Since he is a ghost, I have a way to deal with him!"

Musang had his hands behind his back.

He said confidently while pacing in front of Hu Feifan.

"Then, please, master, please save me!"

Hu Feifan only felt that he had finally found a great savior.

He crawled up to Mu Sang, hugged Mu Sang's thigh and refused to let go!

At this time, he no longer cares about his image!

"Save you? Of course!"


Musang laughed.

At the same time, he made a gesture asking for money.

"Master, don't worry! I have money! As long as you quote a number, I will give it to you even if I sell a house or a car!"

Hu Feifan agreed immediately.

In order to survive, he has already risked his life!

If the house and car are gone, you can still buy them again.

But if your life is gone, then it’s really gone!

"Well, don't worry. I'm a very ethical person and won't let you end up selling houses and cars."

Musang continued.

As soon as these words came out, Hu Feifan felt a little relieved.

However, he quickly changed the subject: "It's just..."

Hu Feifan was stunned.

Seems a little nervous.

After a pause, Musang continued: "I also go online and know some of your previous affairs. So..."

Having said this, a bad smile appeared on his face.

He didn't finish what he said, but Hu Feifan understood it.

Obviously he knew what Musang meant!

"Master, please rest assured, as long as you help me deal with this judge... After that, I can personally provide you with many high-quality girls, I guarantee you!"

Hu Feifan spoke firmly.

"Okay, then I'll go with you!"

Musang smiled slightly.

Next, Musang prepared some more things.

Then he left with Hu Feifan.

As stated on the death notice.

Hu Feifan's death time will be at midnight.

It's past ten o'clock now.

With death imminent, Mu Sang needs to decorate Hu Feifan's home to make it easier to wait for the judge to arrive!


The hands passed twelve o'clock.

The hour has come!

A dark wind suddenly rose in the house, and the originally luxurious villa turned into a ghostly hell!

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared.

It was Zhou Chen who transformed into Judge Zhong Kui!

At the same time, beside him.

Li Qian in red, Po Meng, Niu Tou, Ma Mian, Wu Chang and others - line up!

Such a show of strength.

It really feels like the arrival of a judge!

"Here he comes! Master, he is here!"

Hu Feifan was a little nervous.

"Don't panic, look at me!"

Mu Sang bit his middle finger and a drop of blood shot out from his fingertip.

At the same time, there are words in his mouth.

The blood from the fingertips shot out streaks of light and turned into a circular formation, covering Mu Sang and Hu Feifan!

The formation was filled with the smell of blood.

It is not a traditional righteous method, but it does have a 0.5 ability to protect!

It is a witchcraft technique belonging to the head-lowering master!


Zhou Chen did not take action personally.

When I noticed how unusual this aura was, I felt that these people were really ridiculous!

In order to deal with themselves, these guys really use any means!

Just monks and Taoists.

Now, even the head-dropping master who knows the art of Xiaofeng Gu has been found!


is that useful!

the other side.

When Hu Feifan saw that the formation was completed, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Master, is it done?"

He looked at Musang.

"With the protection of this formation, no monsters or monsters can get close!"

Musang replied.

Then, he took out a copper bell.

Hold it in your hand and shake it.

Reciting a mantra in his mouth, and waving the bell, a series of hideous and terrifying little ghost figures appeared!

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