I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 65: Evil Force Feedback, The Truth Comes To Light!

"You are my best friend, why are you doing this!"

"Why did you expose my photos and let those people post pictures to humiliate me!"

Yin Xiaodie's face was distorted and she let out an extremely sad cry.

Immediately afterwards.

She just bared her teeth and claws and rushed towards Xiao Yun.

"Ah, help!"

Xiao Yun screamed.

Then, he would run away without his life.

Yin Xiaodie, on the other hand, seemed unwilling to let her go.

He kept chasing after her, as if he wanted to cut her into pieces!

"Ghost, ghost!"

Xiao Yun's voice echoed in this empty place.

However, the reality is cruel.

No matter how she shouted, no one responded to her!

that's all.

Xiao Yun fled all the way in front.

And Yin Xiaodie was chasing after her.

Not knowing how far he had escaped, Xiao Yun even felt extremely tired.

But Yin Xiaodie still had no intention of stopping.


Finally, Maiyun fell to the ground in fear.

She can't run anymore!

Yin Xiaodie chased after him and quickly forced Xiao Yun into a blind corner.

Waves of chill came over me.

Yin Xiaodie's distorted face was already very close to her.

Xiao Yun noticed.

Yin Xiaodie's skull was shattered, and even a piece was obviously missing.

And inside the head, the white head was exposed.

As Yin Xiaodie moved, the head kept moving.

Looks like a very scary and twisted insect!

"Xiaodie, Xiaodie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

"At that time, I was also blinded by anger!"

Xiao Yun huddled up and said shivering.


"For the sake of a mere idol, can you push your best friend to a point of doom?"

"Come down and stay with me!"

Yin Xiaodie pounced on Xiao Yun.


Xiao Yun exclaimed.

She opened her eyes suddenly and stood up from the bed.

Breathing heavily, I felt like I was still in my heart about everything that had just happened!

"Was that a dream just now?"

Xiao Yun muttered to himself.

She noticed that she was still at home.

Everything around him is still familiar.

It seems that everything just happened was indeed a dream!

However, this nightmare is too scary and too realistic!

Xiao Yun stood up and wiped the sweat from his body.

There was an indescribable complex feeling in my heart.

To be honest, she doesn't feel much guilt about Yin Xiaodie.

The things I mentioned in my dream just now were actually just to save my life!

"A dream, nothing to be afraid of!"

Xiao Yun was not disdainful at all.

But what she didn't know was.

This nightmare, which seems to have nothing to fear, is actually just the beginning!

the following few days.

She has the same nightmare every night!

Yin Xiaodie came to her covered in blood and accused her of many problems.

Even, ask for her life!

Over time.

Xiao Yun couldn't bear it anymore!

She became crazy all day long, feeling that Yin Xiaodie might ambush her anywhere!

Even, it eventually developed to the point of self-mutilation!

She blinded her eyes directly, saying that she would not be able to see Yin Xiaodie.

But it's a pity.

Even so, she still saw Xiaodie.

And because she became blind, she couldn't see anything else.

In front of me, only Yin Xiaodie's figure remained!

"Xiaodie, Xiaodie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I know I was wrong..."

"Please let me go..."

"Xiaodie, let's go play together! Haha, hahaha...

In the end, she was no longer mentally healthy.

I just sat on the bed stupidly all day long, talking about everything about Yin Xiaodie.

She is completely crazy!

In addition to Xiao Yun, several other fan leaders also met a similar end.

Some people even committed suicide because of it!

The news spread to the Internet, and netizens once again started talking about it.

Some people say that Yin Xiaodie died with her eyes closed.

She began to take revenge on those who had hurt her!

Some people said that it was the judges who punished these people!

These people are the leaders of the navy and fan circles.

In the case of Yin Xiaodie's death, it played a role in fueling the flames!

Although they did not directly kill anyone, the power of words cannot be underestimated!

Unbridled online violence can indeed push a person into a bottomless abyss!

But no matter what the truth is.

In this case, more people did die than before!

That's why.

The local Public Security Bureau had to transfer Ouyang Meng over.

In fact, even if the local government did not make this application, Ouyang Meng would take the initiative to investigate.

Because she actually already had an idea in her mind.

I feel like I should investigate matters related to the Judge!

This seems to have become my responsibility!

Ouyang Meng believes that the judge will not kill by mistake!


Hu Feifan must have deserved his fate!

And she prepared the entry point.

Of course it’s Yin Xiaodie’s case!

Yin Xiaodie's case has been closed.

The local community concludes that people who cannot tolerate online violence commit suicide!

After all, that's pretty much the truth.

And afterwards, the Net Safety Administration also arrested ten groups of operators and marketing operators.

Everything looks so normal!

As for Hu Feifan's stir-fried noodles, the local Public Security Bureau has no evidence.

"We assume that Hu Feifan did engage in fan-facilitating behavior, but if the victim was forced by Hu Feifan's threats and did not dare to report the crime immediately."

"As time goes by, it will indeed be detrimental to the investigation of the case!"

"The longer this case lasts, the more detrimental it will be to the victim!"

Ouyang Meng made a judgment.


There can be direct evidence!

She thought of the video recordings that suddenly appeared in the Sheriff's Department in several previous cases.

Hopefully the judges will do the same this time!

In fact.

Ouyang Meng's every move was indeed under Zhou Chen's gaze.

As Ouyang Meng wished.

Zhou Chen used the power of the system to send a file bag to the people in the Public Security Department.

It’s the video record of Hu Feifan’s stir-fried noodles!

And it is extremely detailed, with dozens of video files!

Each video is a record of him exciting different fans!

There are even videos of him sending fans to the beds of other entertainment industry bosses!

Got it all!

Including how he coerced and lured fans to prevent them from exposing the scandal, Xidu recorded it intact!

Seeing all these things, Ouyang Meng was furious!

So many scum!

He is simply a dressed-up beast!

Think of him singing and dancing on the stage, pretending to be a great man and his hypocrisy.

Ouyang Meng's heart even felt extremely disgusting!

Other Sheriff's Department detectives also saw the video.

Everyone is filled with indignation!

All I can say is that this man is truly unforgivable!

You really deserve to end up like this!


The truth of this case has also been made public!

A living life was pushed to a dead end by Hu Feifan himself.

In an instant, the entire network was in a state of excitement again.

"I'm just saying this guy deserves it!"

"I didn't expect that thing to be true, and I didn't expect that he would do so many things that were worse than a beast!"

"He can do so many things that are worse than a beast. This guy really deserves to be punished!"

"Yes, those who do evil deserve to be punished!"

"Fortunately, he has been punished by the judge, otherwise he might still do evil again!"

"What about those company CEOs? They use Hu Feifan to do evil. They are worse than animals and should also be punished!"

"Yes! But I believe in the judge, these should be punished as they deserve!"

Netizens were filled with outrage.

And this incident once again verified the correctness of the judge.

Some people even think that letting him die like this is simply too cheap for him!

Such people should be cut to pieces!

Fans of Hu Feifan saw the truth listed here.

Some also shut their mouths!

It was hard for them to accept that the idol they had liked for so long was actually such a beast inferior to a beast!

But there are still some people who are still stubborn!

"Brother, that's just because he's under a lot of work pressure. Do you know how hard my brother works? Isn't it okay to take a short break?"

"No matter what, it's the dead man who is the most important. Now that it's like this, why are you still unwilling to let your brother go?"

"We are very sad now, but we still have to be abused by you like this!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Our brother is so innocent and pitiful! Now that he is like this and he still needs to be scolded by you, are you still human?"

Netizens were almost stunned after seeing these bizarre remarks.

I didn’t expect that a crazy fan could be so stupid!

Everyone has been brainwashed so thoroughly!............

It's simply unimaginable.

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup Hu Feifan gave them.

"Damn it, who are you? It's obviously you who started the trouble first, why is it our turn to be violent online?"

"You're right! When you abused other people online before, did you ever think about how they felt?"

"Hu Feifan has done many evil things, and he deserves it! Now it's just feedback from evil forces!"

"What are you farting on?"

"This can clean the floor? It's amazing! See you soon!"

"Is it still justified to hit someone? Is it still justified to do evil?"

"The reason why you can help your brother on the Internet is because there are countless people who are carrying their lives forward! After saying these words, do you still want to order Bilian!"

"Yes! Are these people worthy of the parents who raised them? Have they finished elementary school? Let's get it right! The appraisal is complete!"

"These people have pure cerebral palsy. No wonder those fans listen to Hu Feifan's nonsense!"

"That's not true. After all, they are young and can easily be incited and bewitched!"

"Maybe it's the navy hired by Hu Feifan's company. It's so shameless!"

"It can only be said that the evildoer has finally been punished. Hu Feifan's mistake in throwing coins and ending up like this is entirely his own fault!"

"Yes, the judge will certainly not disappoint!"

Everyone sighed with emotion.

The fighting power of netizens was completely aroused.

In the fight against the idiot fans, everyone finally gained the upper hand.

Every sentence is like a barrage of fire.

In an instant, the idiot fans lost the ability to refute!

Coupled with the platform's vigorous efforts to deal with illegal accounts, the storm finally subsided.

the other side.

Yin Xiaodie's parents are cooking at home.

Their family was very poor and did not have television, so they did not learn the news.

But suddenly, the village chief ran in in a hurry.

He held today's newspaper in his hand and said excitedly: "Old Yin, good news, good news!"

Father Yin looked sad: "Village Chief, what good news can I have? My Xiaodie is no longer here!"

The village chief shook the newspaper in his hand: "This good news is related to your Xiaodie. According to the investigation of the Public Security Department [Xiaodie was indeed tainted by Hu Feifan and couldn't think about it]"

The village chief sympathized very much with Lao Yin's family.

On weekdays, he also takes care of the family a lot in life.

Early this morning, he learned the news.

He rushed over immediately!

Tell the old couple the news!

"What? Are you serious!"

Father Yin couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's true. Is this still false?"

As the village chief said, he handed the newspaper to Lao Yin.

After taking a look at the newspaper, Lao Yin's hand holding the newspaper began to tremble a little.


The evildoer finally got punished!

Yin Xiaodie is innocent!

My daughter is finally innocent!

The old couple was so excited that they burst into tears!

They believed in Xiaodie before and believed that Yin Xiaodie would never commit suicide by jumping off the building for no reason!

It’s also impossible to sensationalize and gain attention!


The truth finally came out!

The two hugged each other and cried, tears flowing uncontrollably.

"Xiaodie, you can finally rest in peace!"

"This judge is really our family's great savior and our family's great benefactor!"

The second elder said excitedly.

Hearing this, the village chief also sighed with emotion: "Yes! If it weren't for him, Xiaodie's case would not have come to light so quickly!"

"I heard that this judge has punished many heinous people!"

"Hey, if only he had taken action earlier. Perhaps, a tragedy could have been avoided!"

At this moment.

The poor couple finally burst into tears.

Looking at Yin Xiaodie's portrait on the table, they felt extremely complicated.


If Hu Feifan had been punished earlier,

Then Yin Xiaodie might not die!

But they don’t blame the judges.

Because the judge’s ability is not unlimited!

Moreover, he punished the evildoers and allowed them to receive the punishment they deserved.

I should also thank the judge!

What I really hate are those who do all kinds of evil!

It was Hu Feifan who defiled Yin Xiaodie!

It was the navy that slandered, smeared and bullied Yin Xiaodie!


They all got punished.

You should be grateful to the judge!

If it were not for the judges, these people would not know how long they would have been free from this world!.

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