I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 78: A Paper-Like Friendship, They Both Fly Away When Disaster Strikes (Please Subscribe, Ple


Xue Hao couldn't help but be surprised.

How could this person do this!

You know, he saved the other party's life before!

That Mr. Li wanted to have a liver transplant, and he had been begging with tears and runny noses to help him!

The results are better now.

He turned his back on me so quickly!

It seems that he was frightened by the death notice!

Damn snobbery!

Xue Hao cursed.

He had no choice but to dial another number.

But without exception.

No matter whose number he dialed, the other party would immediately hang up the phone after hearing the death notice.

Same as Xue Hao.

Those rich people on the phone are all evildoers!

How could they not know what the judge had done during this period?


When I heard that Xue Hao actually provoked the judge.

Everyone can't wait to break up with him!

The Judges are in the spotlight now, and they don’t want to provoke this evil star!

No idea.

Xue Hao could only dial the last savior's number.

Pang Tianlong!

He hoped that Pang Tianlong could save him!

They just met yesterday, Pang Tianlong shouldn't be so cold-blooded!

"Mr. Pang, I, I received a death notice. I really have no choice. Apart from you, I don't know who else to turn to for help. So "Please help me!"

Xue Hao's voice was broken.

And the tone was also full of deep despair.

"Dr. Xue, did you really receive the death notice?"

Pang Tianlong on the other end of the phone looked a little surprised.

He didn't hang up the phone immediately.

But there was also a sense of disbelief in his words.

"Yes! When I got up this morning, I found an envelope beside my pillow. When I opened it, I found it was a death notice...

"It says that the judge will come tomorrow night to take my life!"

Xue Hao didn't dare to neglect.

He told the other party what happened.

He believes that by doing this, he will definitely get help from Pang Tianlong!

But when Pang Tianlong heard this, he sighed and said: "Hey, Doctor Xue. It's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that I really can't do anything!"

"Can't do anything?"

"Mr. Pang, you have such a big industry, how can you be powerless!"

"I know, I know there is an expert beside you. Please, please let him help me!

Xue Hao was even out of breath.

Because Pang Tianlong is his only hope!

If even Pang Tianlong is not willing to help him, Xue Hao really has nothing to do!

"I do know a master, but he definitely won't help."

"Dr. Xue, you'd better give up!"

Pang Tianlong's tone was calm.


"If you are not willing to help me, then I will expose everything you have done!"

"When the time comes, neither the judges nor the Public Security Department will let you go!"

"Let's go to hell together!"


Xue Hao became angry from shame.

This was indeed an idea of ​​his.

It was also his only thought that drove him to a dead end!

"Oh? Really~!"

"Then if you dare to be exposed, I will make you disappear from this world today!"

But unexpectedly, Pang Tianlong was completely fearless.


Xue Hao was speechless for a moment.

He wanted to refute, but found that he had no means to counterattack!

on the contrary.

He has no doubt that Pang Tianlong can do this!

Kill yourself one day in advance!

For Pang Tianlong, it should be a piece of cake!

"If nothing happens to Dr. Xue, then I will die!"

After saying that, Pang Tianlong hung up the phone.

Xue Hao was left alone in despair!


He felt a kind of loneliness!

An unprecedented loneliness!

Xue Hao didn't expect it.

Those who once called him brothers and sisters abandoned him so quickly!

They used to regard Xue Hao as a friend, a miracle doctor, and a life-saving benefactor!

But what about now?

After hearing that he received the death notice, he actually ran faster than anyone else!

Just ignore Xue Hao!

Is this what is called friendship?

Not even bullshit!

It’s nothing more than relying on interests to bind them together!

Once there is any disturbance, this so-called friendship will be shattered in an instant!

"Just because you don't help me doesn't mean that I really have no means at all!"

"I don't believe that I spent money to find bodyguards and thugs! I hired a hundred thugs, why can't they still deal with a mere judge?"

Xue Hao thought of this and took out his mobile phone again.

"Why, why did a person from Jidaiduan die!"

Holding Song Song’s urn.

Yang Jiao was heartbroken.

They returned to their hometown and buried the urn in a simple grave.

They were so sad that they didn't hold a funeral.

Because according to the rules of my hometown, people who died at a young age are not qualified to hold funerals or enter ancestral graves.

Therefore, they could only bury Song Song hastily.

"Hey, Dr. Xue tried his best, but Song'er's life is in jeopardy..."

Father Song sighed.

They don't know the truth.

I can only comfort myself in this way!

However, at this moment.

A strange man came to them.

"No! All of this was done intentionally by that Xue Hao!"

The man had a gloomy look on his face.

He was dressed in black and looked haggard.

What was said just now also shocked the Song family.

"W-what did you just say?"

The Song family was very puzzled.

"Xue Hao appears to be a doctor who is dedicated to treating illnesses and saving lives, but in fact, he is also secretly engaged in the underground surgical trade of human organs!"

"This is the evidence I collected, take a look!"

The man handed over some photos.

The Song family took it and took a look and found that it was the transaction process between Xue Hao and the mysterious man!

All kinds of bloody inside stories deeply stimulated the hearts of the Song family!

"Xue Hao uses some medicine to keep people in a state of suspended animation. Waiting until the dead of night, he secretly sends people for organ transplant operations to replace organs for rich people who are seriously ill!"

"Song Song did not die due to a failed surgery [but was killed by Teng Huo!"

The man continued.


this moment.

Song's mother's mood collapsed instantly.

She burst into tears and collapsed on the ground!


Learned the real cause of death of his son.

Anyone else would not be able to accept it!

Yang Jiao and Song's father also shed tears at this time.

This well-dressed beast!

Devil in white!

But, even so.

What can they do?

Those who came to Xue Hao for help were all wealthy businessmen.

Those people have hands and eyes that can reach the sky!

How can they be their opponents?

So what if we have these photos?

Think of this.

Everyone is in deep despair again!


Yang Jiao still asked: "So, who are you? How did you collect these photos!"

The man replied: "My name is Zhu Feng. I used to be an agent."


He revealed his identity to the Song family.

Zhu Feng was once an agent of the Public Security Department.

His wife died in Xue Hao's hands.

Of course.

At that time, Xue Hao still cited the failure of the operation as the reason.

However, as an agent, Zhu Feng is more keen.

He soon became suspicious.

After secret investigation, he discovered Xue Hao's unknown secret!

But at the same time, he also knew.

The energy of those people around Xue Hao is huge!

If you rashly publish the clues, it may not be able to convict you, but it may be counterproductive.

Bring undue disaster to yourself!

So, he quit his job as an agent.

From the surface to the underground!

Specially collecting evidence of Xue Hao’s crimes!

Case after case was collected by him.

Prepare for one day.

Make it public and put Xue Hao on trial for his crimes!

Therefore, Song Song's experience was also under Zhu Feng's observation.

'."Thank you for your righteous behavior all the time, but just collecting evidence is of no use. How can we make Xue Hao plead guilty and be punished?"

Yang Jiao is younger and has more things to consider.


Zhu Feng spit out three words.

After a pause, he continued: "I know a very powerful female detective. Maybe she can also help us!"

the other side.

Ponzi Group.

The president's office on the top floor.

At this moment, Pang Tianlong was sitting upright.

Just because he refused to help Xue Hao didn't mean that Pang Tianlong didn't care about it.

About what you have done.

Pang Tianlong is very knowledgeable!

His Ponzi Group is a construction giant in Hongdu.

It has contracted many major projects.

And their company, when building a bridge, found that the piers could not be erected no matter what.

at last.

He listened to the advice of a certain expert.

A worker buried under the bridge pier, and then the construction of the bridge was successfully completed!

It is also called “driving raw piles”!

(King Zhao's) In addition, Pang Tianlong also had a lot of blood on his hands.


Of course Pang Tianlong knows what it means to be targeted by the judge!

Also know.

What will happen if you are targeted by the judge!

And at this time.

Pang Tianlong also has his own plans.

Soon, a person came in from the door.

It's a bodyguard wearing a black suit.

"Mr. Pang, what's going on?!"

The bodyguard in black asked.

"Take a few of your brothers and squat near Xue Hao's residence in the West District tomorrow night."

"Monitor the goings-on in his home, and then come back and tell me what happened!"

Pang Tianlong ordered.

He believed that since the judge was targeting Xue Hao.

Then it won't be long before you will definitely notice yourself.

So, to deal with the judge.

He must find out the identity and abilities of the judge in advance!

This way, it will be easier for you to think of a solution yourself!


The bodyguard in black responded.

Soon, he retreated.

The end of a coal mine.

The roar of the machine rang in my ears.

Qiu Jun is sitting in the office.

He looked at the computer screen and frowned tightly.

In my heart, I have so many thoughts.

Xue Hao went everywhere begging his grandfather to sue his grandmother, although he did not get help from his so-called friends.

But this news still spread among those evil people.

The judge is about to take action again!

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