I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 81 Compensation, Starting With Emergency Money (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

"Thank you, thank you very much!"

"If you hadn't done your best to collect evidence, the truth about my husband's death would not have been revealed. Those who were harmed by Xue Hao will never rest in peace!"

Yang Ting on the side finally spoke.

And her voice was filled with sobs.

Just now.

When Ouyang Meng and Zhu Feng were talking.

She stood silently beside him.

Because she is just a very ordinary woman.

He has neither a high degree of education nor much money.

Therefore, she felt that she could not get a word in at all.

And now that they have finished talking, Yang Ting can finally express her gratitude.

"No, this is what we should do, no need to say thank you at all!"

Ouyang Meng took the lead in waving his hand.

"Yes! This is what we should do!"

Zhu Feng also followed suit.

And, most importantly.

Song Song is dead after all!

And Yang Jiao is still thanking them.

This made Ouyang Meng and Zhu Feng feel somewhat sorry!

In order to prevent the two elderly people from getting emotional, Yang Jiao did not ask the elderly people to follow them, but just asked them to wait at home.

Now things here are finally over.

She was going to go back and tell Song's father and Song's mother what happened here.

It can be said that the two old people can get some comfort in their hearts!

"Then, two detectives, I will take my leave now!"

Yang Jiao tidied up.

"Wait a minute!"

Ouyang Meng greeted.

Then, she ran all the way and entered her office.

He took out a thick envelope.

In the envelope, there was a wad of money.

At least 20,000 to 30,000 yuan!

"This is a little thought from all of us. It can be regarded as compensation for you. Please accept it!"

While talking.

Ouyang Meng handed the envelope to her.

Yang Jiao was stunned and immediately shocked.

"This, I can't ask for this money!"

She waved her hands repeatedly, indicating that she could not accept it.

"I know that after your husband is gone, your family's situation has become more difficult. The two old people are still sick, and this money will be enough for you to survive for a while!"

"And this was not done by me alone, it was put together by everyone in the Public Security Department!"

Ouyang Meng still put the money into Yang Jiao's hand.

she knows.

Looking back, there is also compensation for the families of the victims.

But there is still a process to go through before the money is approved.

Judging from Yang Jiao's current family situation, they probably won't be able to support that time.


Ouyang Meng mobilized everyone in the Public Security Department to donate some money to Yang Jiao.

At this time, Yang Jiao was already bursting with gratitude.

She really needs this money!

Because Song Song lived in the hospital for such a long time.

The family’s savings have already been emptied out!

Finally, something like this happened again, which was really unexpected.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Thank you very much Yang Jiao.

After thinking about it, Ouyang Meng and Zhu Feng decided to send her home in person.

After all, it’s unsettling for a woman to carry so much money while walking on the road!

Drive all the way.

Returned to Yang Jiao's hometown in the next city.

A very ordinary farmhouse.

At this time, it was noon.

There was smoke rising from the chimney.

Their family is relatively poor, and they all worked and lived in the city before. So even though it’s a new era, people still have stoves burning.

Looking at such a simple house, Ouyang Meng and Zhu Feng felt a little sad in their hearts.

While on the road.

They heard Yang Jiao mention it.

Originally, they planned to save money for a few years and then return to their hometown to renovate the house.

But I didn't expect it.

This happened.

Everything has become empty!

"Mom and Dad, I'm back!"

Yang Jiao walked into the courtyard.

Song's father and Song's mother also came out one after another.

When they saw Yang Jiao coming back, they all seemed very excited: "Jiaojiao, you are back. These two are..."

"They're Sheriff's Department agents!"

"A Song's case has come to light!"

Yang Jiao introduced.

Immediately afterwards, Ouyang Meng told the results of the investigation.

When the second elder mentioned Song Song's matter, his eyes became moister.

They couldn't figure it out.

My son has always been kind to others, why did he have to encounter such an accident in the end?!


Hear the criminals have been brought to justice.

The two of them finally felt a little bit relieved.

My son can finally rest in peace!

"You two have worked really hard. Please stay for lunch today!"

Father Song said gratefully.

"No, no, we still have things to do...

Ouyang Meng waved his hands repeatedly.

Because she felt that this family was really pitiful.

And she felt guilty.

I don't want to disturb the family too much.

"Detective Ouyang, you helped my husband clear his name and helped our family so much. Our family really doesn't know how to thank you!"

"Just stay for a meal, it happens to be lunch time now!"

Yang Jiao advised.


"Then we won't bother you!"

Ouyang Meng smiled helplessly.

"Don't bother me, don't bother me. The two detectives came to our house and really made our house shine!"

With that said, Yang Jiao led the two of them into the house.

The furnishings in the house are also very ordinary.

It can be seen that their previous life was indeed very difficult.

The money she collected could indeed help.

at the same time.

Ouyang Meng also secretly swore in his heart.

After you go back, you must follow up with the above to approve the compensation as soon as possible!

Although the family is poor, it can be seen that they are still very happy today.

Because, idleness can finally rest in peace!

Father Song also went to the yard to catch a chicken.

I stewed a chicken soup for them to eat!

the other side.

The highest level of the Ponzi Group.

CEO's office.

"Mr. Pang, the judge, the judge is so terrible!"

The person who was sent to get information came back.

He held nothing back and told what he saw and heard.

And in the process of telling this matter.

The men seemed to have returned to the nightmare they had last night.

His face was pale and his voice was trembling as he spoke.

Pang Tianlong listened to his words with doubts in his heart!

Because what my subordinates said was too mysterious.

You are almost going to describe the judge as some kind of supernatural being!

"Some people on the Internet speculate that the judge is a legendary ghost. Is this really the case?!"

Pang Tianlong murmured to himself.

"It must be a ghost!"

"Only gods and ghosts can display such a line of blood on the wall!"

"Only gods and ghosts can watch us from the dark side!

His hands trembled as he answered.

"Okay, you go down!"

Pang Tianlong waved his hand.

"Report! Mr. Pang, something bad has happened!"

At this moment, another person rushed in.

"What's all this fuss about!"

Pang Tianlong was really angry...

One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.

What trouble did this person cause again?

"People from the Public Security Department suddenly rushed into our group, and our group is conducting an investigation!"

The subordinate answered immediately.


Pang Tianlong was surprised.

"It's about Xue Hao!"

"Xue Hao has a bill over there, recording our transaction with him!

The subordinate continued.


Pang Tianlong was so angry that he slapped the table.

Xue Hao wanted to die, but something happened at this time.

As a result, he has to deal with the gang from the Public Security Department again!

What a hassle!

His transactions with Xue Hao were all done through anonymous account transfers. Even if people from the Public Security Department went to the bank to check the bank statements, they would not be able to find out the reason at all!

But Xue Hao has a secret ledger.

Record the actual bill.

Nowadays, the Public Security Bureau conducts investigations through this secret ledger!

Fortunately, Pang Tianlong had already prepared measures to deal with it.

He has people under him who are responsible for taking the blame!

When the Sheriff's Department investigated, they just threw the blame on that person's head.

It is said that that person embezzled the company's account and secretly conducted transactions with Xue Hao behind the scenes.

Even the billers have been upgraded!

It can be said to be perfect!

In addition to Pang Tianlong, some other people also have similar responses.

This time, the Public Security Bureau investigated many companies.

They are all persons named on Xue Hao's bill.

Eventually, Xi arrested many people.

Netizens applauded!

But these people are just scapegoats thrown out by those behind the scenes!

For Pang Tianlong and others.

It doesn't really break them down.

However, the Public Security Department is temporarily unable to do anything about them.

But it doesn’t mean that the judge can’t do it!

Whether it's Pang Tianlong or some other forces.

This time, they all experienced the power of the judge!

For the judge, they did have some fear in their hearts.


Pang Tianlong received a call.

It was Qiu Jun calling.

"Mr. Pang, I heard that you sent someone to spy on Xue Hao?"

Qiu Jun's voice was very deep.

"That's right."

Pang Tianlong was noncommittal.

Then, he asked back, "Mr. Qiu, didn't you also send three brothers?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Qiu Jun laughed on the other end of the phone.

Qiu Jun himself is a bit glib.

Pang Tianlong knew this person from Xue Hao, but he didn't particularly like Qiu Jun.

Therefore, I rarely have contact with him.

but now.

This guy actually took the initiative to call himself.

I don’t know what his purpose is?

"Mr. Qiu, if you have anything to say, please tell me immediately!"

"If it's okay, I have other things to be busy with!"

Pang Tianlong looked at Qiu Jun angrily.

"There's something, of course there's something!"

Qiu Jun said again and again: "Since Mr. Pang is like this, then I won't hold back. I think we can join forces and discuss how to deal with the judge!"

He finally spoke his mind.


Pang Tianlong frowned slightly.

"The judge has eliminated Xue Hao, and sooner or later he will target the likes of us. After all, he has already issued a warning!"

"If we let him break through one by one, we will definitely die. Instead of doing this, it is better for everyone to unite together. There is strength in numbers, and if we all make plans together, we can win even more!"

Qiu Jun talked eloquently. .

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