I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 89 Arrogant Cai Dingkun: Don’T Even Think About Leaving Here! (Please Subscribe, Please Cust

inside the house.

A lame middle-aged man is cooking.

After Meng Xianzhou and others walked over, the middle-aged man also noticed them.

Putting down what he was doing, he looked towards Meng Xianzhou and the others: "You guys are..."

Looking at the clothes on Meng Xianzhou and others, he knew that these people must be from outside the mountain.

So, it was very strange to see these strangers coming.

"Is such that………………"

After hearing this, Meng Xianzhou immediately explained their intention.

And the look on that man's face.

It immediately changed its appearance.

He waved his hands repeatedly and said to Meng Xianzhou: "What pollution? I have never heard of it. You should leave quickly and don't come here again!

There was even a hint of impatience in his tone.


Obviously trying to drive them away!

From this man's expression, Meng Xianzhou saw some unusual clues.

he noticed.

The man had a nervous look on his face.

There is no doubt that he must know something.

But for some reasons, this person did not intend to tell Meng Xianzhou and others.

Meng Xianzhou wanted to continue questioning.

But the man seemed impatient.

He even picked up a kitchen knife and tried to chop it at Meng Xianzhou.

When Meng Xianzhou saw this, he could only turn around and leave.

Next, they looked at other people in the village.

But without exception.

These people are similar to the man just now.

They were greatly repelled by the arrival of Meng Xianzhou and others.

They even did not allow Meng Xianzhou and others to settle in the village.

You must tell them to get out of here!

Although it was getting late, they still had no choice but to leave the village.

"I really don't know why the people in this village are so strange!"

One boy grunted dissatisfiedly.

"It's 137!"

"I see that they live very close to the smoking place. I guess they are also affected by the pollution on weekdays."

"We came here to investigate for their own good. But these guys are still so hostile to us! We really deserve to live in a place like this for the rest of our lives!"

Other students also followed suit.

And what they discussed was, without exception, an expression of dissatisfaction with the villagers.

However, Meng Xianzhou never interrupted.

He just walked quietly.

His brows were furrowed, as if deep in thought.

The classmates noticed something unusual about Meng Xianzhou.

So, they all looked at him: "Professor, what do you think of these villagers?"

They were all waiting for Meng Xianzhou's answer.

At this time, Meng Xianzhou glanced at them.

Then, he asked calmly: "Don't you think those villagers are a little strange?"


The students were all a little puzzled.

"Have you noticed that their complexions and physical conditions are different from normal people?"

Meng Xianzhou continued.

"Hey! Maybe it's because they are so poor in this place, leading to malnutrition?"

The classmates didn't pay too much attention.

At this moment, I just said it casually.

"No, it's not malnutrition!"

"I've observed them, they should have a disease!"

"Each of them has a common and similar situation. So, I suspect that all of this may be related to the source of pollution!"

Meng Xianzhou is worthy of being an old professor.

Easily, he revealed his guess.

When the students heard this, they all shut up.

Each one of them had a look of disbelief in their eyes.

"Professor, what do you mean..."

"Is it possible that these people are contaminated and don't know it?"

Another classmate asked.

"If it's just that they don't know it, that's fine. What I'm most afraid of is that they know it but are completely powerless..."

Meng Xianzhou said something thoughtfully.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place became quiet again.

Because no one is a fool!

Everyone understood the meaning of Meng Xianzhou's words.

If it is true as Meng Xianzhou said......

Then the situation here is more complicated!

Recalling that just a moment ago, everyone still had ill intentions towards the villagers.

But now, everyone just thinks these people are very pitiful.

Thought of this.

A classmate said excitedly: "If this is the case, then we should investigate the matter here more clearly!"

"Yes, we should investigate the matter here more clearly!"

"If someone discharges pollution in violation of regulations, they will all be sent to jail!"

Other students also echoed.

They are a group of young people after all, so of course they would be extremely excited when encountering something like this!

"Then let's go to the smoking place and investigate!"

Meng Xianzhou made a decision.


The students answered very simply.


at this time.

There was a rustling sound around them.

Soon, a group of men in black appeared.

There are a lot of these men in black, more than a hundred!

As soon as they appeared, they formed a circle and surrounded everyone!

"Who are you?"

Meng Xianzhou was surprised.

"I should be the one to ask you this question, right?"

"What are you doing here? Do you want to investigate something?"

Among the men in black, a young man walked out.

The men in black respected him very much.

Obviously, this person is regarded as the leader!

And this young man is no one else.

It’s Cai Dingkun!

He came to visit the factory today and happened to meet this group of people in the town at the foot of the mountain.

Looking at how these people were dressed, Cai Dingkun guessed that they were not locals!

Therefore, Cai Dingkun kept an extra eye.

Just have a follower follow them.

Soon, the followers discovered their purpose.

I really came here to investigate the situation here!

Therefore, he informed Cai Dingkun.

Cai Dingkun didn't hesitate and led a group of people to chase and intercept him!

"You, you are from that factory! The pollution here is caused by you!"

Meng Xianzhou quickly thought of something. (bgag)

"Hahaha, that's right! You're smart, old man!"

Cai Dingkun didn't hide it either.

He admitted it on the spot!

However, this thing doesn't matter to him at all!

Since these people are trapped here, they definitely have no intention of letting them leave!

Therefore, Cai Dingkun roared.

"Come with me and take them down!"

He waved his hand sharply.


The followers rushed forward.

Meng Xianzhou and others wanted to resist.

But there are only a few of them in total.

It's hard for two fists to beat four hands, and of course they can't fight against so many people!


They were all beaten to the ground!

In the factory.

In a shabby little dark room.

Meng Xianzhou slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, he only felt dizzy.

Cai Dingkun’s men are really ruthless!

Not even an old man like him is spared!

Meng Xianzhou spent a lot of energy and finally regained his composure.

He looked to his side.

I found that my classmates were the same as me.

They are all tied up!

Some of them haven't woken up yet, and some have slowly woken up.

After waking up, they all expressed shock and dissatisfaction with their situation!

"I think you should save your energy!"

"Now that you have become a prisoner, don't even think about leaving here!"

At this time, the door was pushed open.

A man came in from outside.

It’s Cai Dingkun!

He had a sneer on his face, like a condescending king.

"You bastard, if you have the guts to let us go, I will fight you alone!"

A burly boy shouted.

"Be honest with me!"

Cai Dingkun flew up and kicked the boy hard.

The boy grimaced in pain!

As for Cai Dingkun.

When he saw this scene, he laughed wildly.

"Let go of my students!"

Meng Xianzhou also spoke.

"Let them go? Dream on!"

Cai Dingkun snorted coldly: "Early tomorrow morning, the newspaper will publish the headline news: A famous professor led his students into the mountains for inspection, but he fell off a cliff and died!"


Meng Xianzhou's pupils narrowed!

He had seen this person look familiar before.

It wasn't until now that I finally thought about it.

Of course he has also heard of Cai Dingkun, a very famous playboy!

I just didn't expect that this person would be so domineering!

Even dare to kill people?!

Drop this sentence.

Cai Dingkun didn't talk nonsense to them anymore.

He turned around and left, returning to his room in the factory.

It's getting late today.

He plans to leave here.

The air in this place is very pungent, and Cai Dingkun will feel uncomfortable if he stays for a while.

Just when he got into his car.

Suddenly, I saw something appear on the seat.

That's an envelope!

A little thump!

Cai Dingkun's heart trembled.

He heard his father talk about death notices!


Is this a death notice?

Cai Dingkun took it apart tremblingly.


Cai Dingkun recognized it immediately!

This thing is a death notice!


He was so frightened that his face turned pale.

But after only a brief shock, Cai Dingkun came back to his senses.

"Damn it! Damn Judge, do you really think I can't deal with you?"

He cursed.

Cai Dingkun dialed Jiang Hongyin's phone number.

Jiang Hongyin's deep voice came from the other end of the phone: "Master Cai, what are your orders?"

Cai Dingkun replied: "I received a death notice!"

"I know.

"Boss Cai also received it!"

Jiang Hongyin answered.

This time, the judge also issued two death notices.

They were delivered to Cai Quansheng and Cai Dingkun and his son respectively.

Cai Quansheng and Jiang Hongyin were driving to the factory.


The death notice appeared on the car.

It also surprised Cai Quansheng!

He thought that he could get rid of the nightmare caused by the judge.

But what I didn't expect was.

This nightmare continues to grow!

The judge found him so quickly!

Moreover, he also planned to take the lives of both father and son at the same time!

This made Cai Quansheng feel really shocked and scared!

He stepped on the accelerator and soon arrived at the factory.

And Cai Dingkun.

Already waiting here!

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