I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 93 It’S So Heartless! Traffickers Order Beggars To Take To The Streets! (Please Subscribe, P

The twelfth lunar month of winter.

The north wind howled.

Outside, everyone is in a hurry.

They didn't want to stay in a place like this for a moment longer.

Everyone wants to get back to a warm room as soon as possible.


In such an environment.

But there were a few children alone on the street.

Some of these children can still stand.

But there are still some who can't even stand up.

They can only move around on the ground by crawling on small wooden boards with wheels.

There were broken bowls in their hands and in front of them.


These people are the beggars artificially created by Zhang Xifa.

"Brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts, please do your best and give us some money!"

Children's voices echoed through the streets.

It was extremely heart-wrenching to hear.

Some people passing by looked at them pitifully and dropped some coins.

But there are still many people who are passing by in a hurry and have no intention of looking at these poor children.

In addition, there are fewer pedestrians on the streets in winter.

At the end of the whole day, the children didn't ask for much money.

The children were only wearing thin clothes, causing them to shiver from the cold.

However, they cannot leave.

Because someone was staring at them in the darkness of the surrounding streets.

If they dare to leave, those people will come out immediately!

Punch and kick the kids in all kinds of ways!


It's getting late.

It's time for them to close their stalls.

Those hiding in the darkness came out.

Came to the children.

He took them back to the car and took them to the dilapidated courtyard where they lived.

And in the small yard.

Zhang Xifa has been waiting for a long time.

In his hand, he held a thick wooden stick.

Seeing the children getting out of the car, Zhang Xifa walked up coldly.

His eyes swept over the people one by one.

Examining the harvest in their bowls.

But not surprisingly, these children gained very little today!

Taking inventory.

I found that the total amount was only over one hundred yuan.

The anger in Zhang Xifa's eyes instantly ignited.

"Fuck! That's all you get in the whole day! Are you all trash? Bastards!"

Zhang Xifa immediately became furious.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and then he glared at the children fiercely.

The children were immediately frightened.

They were so shocked that they knelt on the ground, trembling like chaff all over their bodies.

Everyone bit their lips tightly, unable to even utter a complete sentence.

On the one hand, I dare not say it at all.

Because they know.

Zhang Xifa is a person with a very bad temper!

I didn’t gain much, so I just came back.

It is easy to be punished by Zhang Xifa!

as expected.

I saw Zhang Xifa pick up a wooden stick and hit one of the people hard.


That's a little girl.

After being hit by such a blow, he immediately let out a scream.

"I have made you useless and made you such a waste! I will teach you a lesson today and let you know how powerful you are!"

Bang bang bang!

The little girl was beaten until she screamed repeatedly.

But the people around him could only watch like this.

I didn't dare to step forward to stop him.

After a while, the girl stopped screaming.

He couldn't even move.

At this time, Zhang Xifa also gradually stopped holding the wooden stick in his hand.

He found that the girl really didn't move at all.

"Get up, why are you pretending to be dead!"

Zhang Xifa was obviously still angry.

He kicked the girl.

However, there was absolutely no response.

At this moment.

A subordinate next to him came over.

He reached out and touched the girl's nose, and then she seemed to be frightened.

He immediately said to Zhang Xifa: "Brother Zhang, she, she is dead!"

The subordinate's voice even trembled a little.

"What? He's actually dead!"

Zhang Xifa also seemed a little unbelievable.

"Yes, someone was killed! What should we do next!"

The subordinate asked again and again.

He had obviously never seen such a scene.

At this time, I was already a little at a loss.

But Zhang Xifa spat: "She can't help but beat her? It's okay if she dies! Since she's dead, let's throw her into the sewer!"



Several followers came up.

Without saying a word, they carried the person out.

At this time, the subordinate came over again and said: "Boss, isn't there something wrong with what we do?"

There was full worry in his tone.

But in Zhang Xifa's opinion, this is just a trivial matter!

One person dies.

It’s no different than a dead dog!

Therefore, he didn't care at all.

He snorted coldly, then glared at the subordinate: "What? Do you pity her? If you pity her, then go out and work for her!"

"No, no, no, I don't want..."

The men shook their heads in fear.

"It's good to know!"

Zhang Xifa snorted again.

And that subordinate finally calmed down and stopped saying anything.

the other side.

On a street.

A couple walked out of the Sheriff's Department.

They have come to the Sheriff's Department several times, always looking for their lost children.


Even the Sheriff's Department.

There are no clues!

During the investigation and surveillance, people from the Public Security Department found out.

Their child eventually disappeared into a secluded street.

Finally, he disappeared.

People from the Public Security Department conducted separate investigations locally, but did not find any useful information.

This time, the same goes for the couple.

They walked out of the Sheriff's Department in despair.

Sit on a bench by the roadside.

Soon, the wife burst into tears.

I saw her hiding her face and crying, and kept saying: "It's all my fault. I didn't take good care of Xiaoqiu and let him get lost...

The husband sighed.

He sat next to her.

He patted his wife on the shoulder and whispered comfort.

"Don't blame yourself, I also have a responsibility. I was too busy with work and doing business to make money. I didn't take into account your feelings and left the child to you alone!"

"Now that Xiaoqiu is lost, so what if we make more money?"

The man's expression also looked very sad.

"Xiaoqiu, where are you?"

"Can you please stop playing hide-and-seek with your mother and come out quickly!"

"Mom misses you. Mom will never beat or scold you in the future!"

The woman cried and screamed.

Unfortunately, there was no response at all.

But at this time, the man saw a person riding a bicycle in front of him.

Maybe he was a little tired.

The man parked his car under a tree, took out a piece of steamed bun from his backpack and ate it.

The man's eyes were fixed on the other person.

I found that it was also a middle-aged man.

He was wearing a shabby jacket, and his body and face even felt a little dirty.

He was riding an equally old motorcycle, with a large bag of luggage tied with ropes on the back seat and trunk of the motorcycle.

It seems that he is a traveler.


The man noticed.

There was a big flag erected on this man's motorcycle.

The flag has a picture of a little girl printed on it.

After the baptism of wind and rain, the photos are somewhat mottled.

But it can still be recognized. The little girl in the photo is very cute.

Next to the photo, there is also a line of words written.


Above is detailed information about his lost daughter.

Below, there is a phone number.

Is this also a parent who has lost his child?

He is riding his motorcycle everywhere looking for his daughter!

Judging from his appearance, he must have traveled to many places!

The man quickly walked up and came to the other party.

And what about that person?

Seeing the man coming over, he seemed a little surprised.

I don’t know what this stranger wants to do when he comes to me?

The man immediately introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Qiao Mingsen, this is..."

He told the story that his son Xiaoqiu was lost.

When the man heard this, he burst into tears and burst into tears: "I didn't expect that you are also a person who has the same experience as me!"

"Husband, what are you doing? This man is...

At this moment, his wife also came over.

He came to Qiao Mingsen and asked doubtfully.

"Let me introduce you, this is my wife, Hua Chen."

"Ah Chen, this big brother, like us, also lost his child!"

Qiao Mingsen introduced.

"Hello, my name is Zhao Weiguo, just call me Lao Zhao."

The middle-aged man also introduced himself.

"You, you also lost your child?"

Hua Chen opened his eyes wide in shock.

Then, she also noticed the motorcycle warehouse nearby.

Zhao Weiguo forced out a smile with some embarrassment: "Yes! Like you, I also lost my child..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Weiguo told his story (Zhao's good).

His family situation is not as good as Qiao Mingsen.

He is just an ordinary worker.

Three years ago, my daughter accidentally got lost. From then on, my wife was bedridden and never got up.

A year ago, my wife also passed away.

Before her death, the wife's last wish was to see her daughter return home safely.

From then on, he rode a motorcycle everywhere looking for his daughter.

But it's a pity.

He traveled to many places across the country, but still could not find where his daughter was.

Today, he came to this city.

Continue to search for your daughter.

Because I was hungry, I had something to eat on the roadside.

But he didn't expect to meet Qiao Mingsen's family.

This surprised him too!

"We are people with the same destiny, so we should help each other more!"

Qiao Mingsen sighed.

"In order to find my daughter, I quit my job and sold my family's house. I posted missing persons notices everywhere just to find her. Unfortunately..."

When Zhao Weiguo said this, his tone was full of helplessness and frustration.

From the corner of his eyes, tears gradually fell from his eyes.

As for what he said, Qiao Mingsen and his wife also expressed deep sympathy.


They are suffering the same pain!

"We are destined to meet each other! Brother Zhao, have you had dinner? If not, I'll treat you to a meal!"

Qiao Mingsen said suddenly. .

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