I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 97 New Template, Wei Zheng, The Secretary For Rewarding Good Deeds! (Please Subscribe, Pleas


There were rapid footsteps in the distance.

Zhou Chen knew.

Someone from the Sheriff's Department arrived.

In this case, of course he will not continue to stay here.

The surrounding fog became thicker and thicker.

Soon, all the ghosts disappeared.

"Zhang Xifa, you have been surrounded!"

At this moment, a loud shout sounded.

I saw countless bright lights appearing, one by one with bright flashlights.

In order to successfully capture Zhang Xifa.

It can be said that the Sheriff’s Department put in a lot of effort this time.

They spent a lot of manpower and material resources just to capture Zhang Xifa.

However, no one responded at all in the yard.

This made the detectives feel very strange.

Is there no one in the yard?


not like this!

When the detectives entered the yard.

Everything in front of them still made everyone feel deeply shocked!

I saw more than a dozen beggars lying on the ground.

They looked at the agents with wide eyes.

And their bodies were still covered in blood.

But the detectives saw it too.

This blood is not from the beggar's body.

But it comes from other people around them!

Some people fell to the ground and were already dead!

A little thump.

The agents thought of something.

They rushed over quickly.

as expected!

Zhang Xifa and others all died on the spot!

"Quick, save people first!"

One of the captains said immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the detectives were in a panic.

An ambulance was called.

With everyone's efforts, the beggars were all sent to the hospital.

During the process of rescuing the beggars, their miserable appearance also shocked the agents!

It's too awful!

It’s really too miserable!

Unexpectedly, these people turned out to be worse than beasts!

Doing such beastly things to children!

Even some agents don't care about image.

He yelled out on the spot: "Good death! These guys who are worse than beasts should have been cut to pieces by a thousand cuts long ago!"

"Yes, die well!"

"These people deserve death!"

After several hours of busy work, the beggars were all sent to the hospital.

And the bodies of Zhang Xifa and others.

All were cleared by the detectives.

This matter was also exposed online.

Especially after the videos and photos of the scene were released, netizens were even more outraged.

"They are worse than animals! These guys treat children like this. They are really worse than animals!"

"It is not a pity for them to die!"

"No, I even think it was too cheap for them to be killed like this!"

"These people should be tortured for eternity!"

"Yes, I think so too."

"This is the only time I think the judge did something wrong, because these people deserve to be tortured forever! Killing them is simply too easy for them!"

Netizens expressed their opinions one after another.

However, they said they did not agree with the judge.

But everyone is still very happy to see the bad guys being punished!

It's just a pity for those children.

They suffered so much that some were left with permanent disabilities.

What will this do to them in their future lives?


Some netizens started making donations on their own initiative.

I hope to raise more money so that children can receive better treatment.

After the people from the Public Security Department rescued the children from that place, they also sent them to the hospital.

And let the doctors treat the children at all costs.

But it's a pity.

Even the most advanced medical methods in the world can actually only prevent the children's condition from deteriorating further.

It is almost impossible to treat them.

After all, they have been treated roughly by Zhang Xifa and others!

The injuries on his body were not treated as they should be.

the other side.

After learning that Zhang Xifa was killed.

Qiao Mingsen and others are also very happy!

They were about to go out to look for the abducted children, but what they didn't expect was that the judge had already attacked in advance!


The Sheriff's Department also notified them!

I hope they can go to the hospital to see if they can find their child!

After learning the news, Qiao Mingsen and others rushed to the hospital without stopping.

In the hospital.

The head of the Sheriff's Department received them.

"Everyone, please don't get excited. There is one thing I want you to understand first!"

The person in charge asked everyone to calm down.

"Please tell me!"

Qiao Mingsen suppressed the excitement in his heart.

The person in charge organized his thoughts and seemed to be organizing his own words.

After a while.

He then said: "According to our investigation, there are more children on Zhang Xifa's roster than the children actually rescued.

"W-what does this mean?"

Qiao Mingsen's heart skipped a beat.

It seems that there is some bad premonition.

"In other words, even I am not sure whether your children are among these rescued people."

"They may have been sold elsewhere, or...

The person in charge did not continue.

But the profound meaning of his words was still easily understood by most people.

"Ok, I know……………"

Qiao Mingsen nodded slightly.

Next, they entered the hospital.

In the hospital, they finally saw the beggars.

Now, these beggars have undergone treatment and look much more energetic than before.

But it is precisely because of this that the injuries on their bodies become even more shocking.

Qiao Mingsen and his wife were walking in such a place.

Looking at those children, they couldn't help but cover their mouths!

Because, they think of their children.

The same goes for Zhao Weiguo!

They couldn't imagine that their own children would suffer similar torture?


They did not find their children among these people!

The three families are all the same!

The person in charge said nothing.

He looked at the expressions of several people and immediately understood what they were thinking.

"Child, where are you..."

Hua Chen burst into tears.

Qiao Mingsen said nothing.

In fact, he doesn't know what to say now.

His mood was extremely complicated and he didn't know what to do!

The same goes for Zhao Weiguo next to him.

Zhao Weiguo's face also looked very ugly.

He has put in so much effort to find his lost child, and he also carries all the last wishes of his late wife.

He didn't hope that it would end up being like this.

But as it stands now.

It seems that everything is really doomed!

There is really no way to find the child!


The last support in Zhao Weiguo's heart seemed to completely collapse at this time.

He suddenly fell to his knees.

The tears finally flowed uncontrollably.

All of a sudden.

The atmosphere in the room became very heavy.

In the ward.

Zhou Chen opened his eyes.

Once again he has accomplished his mission!

Get 50,000 merit points!

Now, he has 100,000 merit points and is ready to use them all.

He is currently not short of money and life, so he plans to use all these merit points for lottery draws!

Ten draws in a row!

Swish, brush, brush!

Several rays of light flashed one after another.

Zhou Chen was also very nervous.

I want to see what I can draw out this time!


The previous few times were all third-level soul pills!

This made Zhou Chen feel very depressed.

In the past, I could always draw some props.

There will also be at least one template.

Could it be that this time, I can’t even draw a template?

Zhou Chen felt.

If this is really the case, then I will really lose money this time!


When he really thinks so.


I saw a ray of light flash past.

Damn it!

Something really good has appeared!

As the light gradually dissipated.

Zhou Chen saw a black figure appear.

This figure is somewhat similar to Bai Wuchang, but it is just completely black.

It’s the black impermanence!

Zhou Chen never drew Hei Wuchang.

This made him feel a little bit obsessive-compulsive.

But it's okay now, he finally got Hei Wuchang!

Zhou Chen was also quite satisfied.

And this is already the ninth lottery draw.

He has one last draw left!


Very quickly, another golden light flashed by!

Damn it!

Second template!

This time I was really lucky!

After ten draws in a row, two templates appeared directly!

Then he would like to see what the second one will pull out!

Soon, disperse.

Another person who looks like a judge appears!

Wearing a green robe and smiling broadly.

It is Wei Zheng, the Secretary for Rewarding Good Deeds!

One of the Four Great Judges!

Wei Zheng, the rewarder of good deeds, will help the host make better amends to the victim!


When the host protects these people, they will also receive corresponding blessings in the dark.

Even get rewarded with merit points!

The introduction of the system also appeared in Zhou Chen's mind.

This is really great!

After looking at the introduction of the system, Zhou Chen felt very satisfied!


He had been bitter about his inability to adequately compensate those victims.

Later, with the advent of the Day and Night Wandering God, this problem was somewhat alleviated.

But in comparison, Zhou Chen didn't feel that it was far from enough.

The impact those evil people have caused is too great!

And now, there is a template for Wei Zheng, the Secretary for Rewarding Good Deeds.

When Zhou Chen dealt with certain aftermath matters, he no longer had to be as full of worries and scruples as before.

For example, now.

He was ready to compensate those beggars!

But soon.

Zhou Chen also discovered a problem.

That is, if you want to use the Wei Zheng template, you still need to complete three tasks!

Just like when Zhong Kui template was activated.


Although he cannot directly use the Wei Zheng template in the mission.

But Zhou Chen can still mobilize the template's ability to reward kindness.

that's enough!

Zhou Chen knew.

The more powerful the power, the more difficult it is to obtain.

The conditions for activation are becoming more stringent!

But for the current Zhou Chen, the existing combat effectiveness is actually enough.


He is not in a hurry to be able to use the Wei Zheng template.

As long as we can compensate those victims, we will be very satisfied!

Think of this.

Zhou Chen still used Wei Zheng's ability!

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