As soon as the words of the King of Encountering Demons fell. suddenly.......


At this time, the Kamen Riders all let out a roar of charge in an instant.

Then, they took steps together and at the same time flew towards the King of Demons in front of them........

Some of them are riding motorcycles, some are driving red dragons, some have transformed into giant bat-shaped monsters, and some have transformed into pitch-black terrifying warriors.

The powerful Kamen Riders, when they started.

The ground even couldn't bear it, and the huge force generated by his instantaneous explosion collapsed into a huge pit.

They have only one goal.

That is......Defeat the lowest and most evil demon king in front of you.......

However, looking at the countless and powerful Kamen Riders in front of me.

At this time, when the Demon King met him, he just gave a contemptuous sneer.

"snort! after all.......Is it just this level?"

As soon as the King of Demon Time finished speaking.

At this time, he slowly raised his right hand........


Accompanied by a special sound of concentrated energy.

Instantly, it was on the right hand of the Demon King of Time.

It has already condensed into a dark golden color, containing huge power to meet demons and the power of time.


Once again, with the roar of the Demon King.


The entire planet, the entire galaxy, and even the entire universe......

It’s all because of the power of this demon king that the flow of time has stopped........ suddenly!

It was originally a huge force, with countless Kamen Riders.

At this time, they are unable to resist this demon king, who has the ability to manipulate time at will.

At this time, all of them were frozen in time and unable to move.

There were originally countless Kamen Riders.

At this moment, they looked so weak and powerless in front of the demon king, just like statues.

It has become a collection of the lowest and most evil demon king........

However, among these countless Kamen Riders.

Naturally, there is no shortage of Kamen Riders with special powers, or powerful powers, who can circumvent the"Time Stop" ability of the Demon King.

At this time, they successfully avoided being stopped by the Demon King of Time.

Continuing, at this time, they rushed towards the Demon King in front of them at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, these Kamen Riders, they even......

Without looking back, the group of Kamen Riders had stopped time and became the collection of the King of Demons.

Their belief is extremely firm, that is, to defeat the demon king in front of them who has turned black and become the absolute lowest and most evil demon king........

And looking at the few Kamen Riders who successfully circumvented their own"time-stop" ability.

At this time, the King of Demon Time meets.

Jiang Chen, who was under the armor, also showed a slight smile.

"It seems......Next time, I need to strengthen my time-stopping efforts. However, if the battle ends in an instant, it really means nothing."

The King of Demonic Time, what he meant was......

As long as he was serious, at that moment just now.

He can already end this unprecedented knight war and directly defeat all the Kamen Riders. only......

At this time, he wanted to see the power of these Kamen Riders....... quickly!

At this time, the passionate Kamen Rider Imperial Knight had already arrived in front of the Demon King of Time.


With a roar, Kamen Rider Emperor Qiu.

He struck out his right fist heavily towards the Demon King in front of him.

However, before his fist landed on the Demon King , At that time, it was already restricted by an invisible dark golden force, and there was no chance to move.


"boom~!"A sound.

The Kamen Rider Imperial Cavalry had already been blasted away by the energy it had released.

On the ground, a long ravine was dragged out......

On the other side, Chonghuang Shi-King, who was already in a fighting stance, was about to attack the Demon-King of Time.

He was also gently raised by Feng Moshi King with his right hand, and with a snap of his fingers, he flew backwards and crashed into a mountain.

The remaining Kamen Riders also chose to stop at this time.

Because they are very clear at this time.......

Hasty actions will only increase casualties.......

He looked at the Kamen Riders Imperial Knight and Chonghuang Tokio who were knocked away by him, as well as the group of Kamen Riders who stopped and watched.

At this time, when the Demon King met him, he just shook his head and said

"It seems that my expectations for you are too high........"

As soon as the King of Demon Time finished speaking.

Slowly, he put his hands on the switches on both sides of the"Enchanting Zi-o Driver" on his waist........

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