Su Yu had already put down the teacup in his hand.

Listen carefully to Liu Yang telling his own story.

Liu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a look of recollection, and spoke in a low voice.

"I grew up in the countryside"

"When he was three years old, his father died of a serious illness."

"For a family like ours that is not wealthy, a serious illness means bankruptcy."

"At that time I didn't know what death meant."

"But since then, I have never seen my father again"

"He has disappeared from my life since then"

"in my memory"

"It's my mother, who has always been both a father and a mother."

"In the eyes of outsiders, my mother seems to be a real strong woman, kind to others, hardworking and hard-working."

"Even many relatives around her tried to persuade her to remarry, but she would smile and shake her head, telling them to wait until the children were older."

"This wait is a lifetime"

"In order to treat his father's illness, the family also owed a lot of debt, all of which fell on the mother's shoulders."

"Although she never said a word of complaint in front of me, I knew the heavy pressure in her heart."

"Because I often heard her sobbing at night, and my father’s photo had already been rubbed and turned yellow."

"Growing up, I remember my mother crying in front of me three times"

"Those three times became memories that I will never forget."

After saying this, Liu Yang's voice trembled and his eyes were red as he continued.

"The first time, it was when I was seven years old, when I just entered elementary school"

"On the way home from school, three kids my age pointed at my nose and called me a fatherless child."

"I walked home silently, just because my mother told me not to argue with others."

"Until one of the children said this"

"Liu Yang’s mother is an unwanted widow"

"I'm completely crazy. They can scold me, they can scold my father, but they can never scold my mother."

"I picked up a stone from the ground and rushed directly towards the child who said this. I held the stone tightly in my hand and hit his head."

"In just one blow, I cracked his head open, and blood gushed out like a fountain."

"I ran home scared"

"But after a while"

"The child's parents came to the door, and the words they said were as unpleasant as they could sound."

"My mother could only keep nodding, apologizing, and smiling."

"Finally, the neighbor stepped in and the family gave up."

"That night, my mother neither beat me nor scolded me"

"She just said something to me with tears streaming down her face and her voice hoarse and choked with sobs."

"Those people dare to bully us like this just because we are only mother and son."

"I must study hard, stand out, and make a name for myself."

Liu Yang's nose was full of soreness, and even the knuckles of his clenched fists were white. He took a deep breath and continued.

"The second time was when I was fifteen years old and in the second grade of junior high school."

"Because I have known since I was a child that we are looked down upon by others. Only if I stand out can I be worthy of my mother."

"So I studied hard and finally got into the best junior high school in my area."

"At that time, electronic halls and illegal Internet cafes were prevalent. I was fifteen or sixteen years old, which was the time when I was most eager to play."

"In order to go to these places, I started cheating my mother out of money"

"Said the school has to pay for books and tutoring fees"

"But all the money was used by me to go to these places, and my grades naturally plummeted."

"That day is Qingming Festival"

"After I paid my respects to my father, I found an excuse to sneak into a black Internet cafe in our town."

"Just when I was playing in full swing, my mother took a stick and found the black Internet cafe."

"The stick hit me hard, and I cried while hitting me."

"This is the first time in so many years that she has hit me"

"There were a lot of people in the Internet cafe, including a lot of classmates, and I looked very embarrassed."

"This time is the saddest time I have ever seen my mother cry."

"She didn’t just cry because of me, she cried because she didn’t teach me well."

"It was me who felt sorry for her and defrauded her of money to go to an Internet cafe."

"I forgot how hard it was for my mother to raise me up."

"It was me who was wrong, it was me who was wrong!"

When Liu Yang said this, his voice was choked with sobs, and his eyes sparkled.

"From that time on, I no longer went to Internet cafes or electronics halls. I really immersed myself in books."

"A few years later, I was admitted to the best university in the country"

"A poor kid who grew up without a father went to university and it was the best university in the country."

"The various bonuses and grants alone are more than what my mother earned in several years."

"That period was also the happiest time for her"

"People who used to look down on our mother and son now come to our house every day to compliment us, borrow money, and even beg me to provide tutoring for their children."

"This is all because"

"Her son finally has a future"

"Her son finally became famous"

"Just a week before school starts"

"My mother asked me if I wanted her to go to school with me. She said she couldn’t bear to worry about me."

"At that time, my anger was as high as the sky, and I refused directly."

"He even said something that I regret deeply to this day."

"I said"

"Mom, if you go like this, others will think that I come from the countryside and look down on me."

"Just this sentence"

"My mother was stunned for a moment and said nothing. Two lines of clear tears fell from her cloudy eyes."

"I was so proud that I was stunned for a moment"

"Looking at my mother's withered hands, wrinkled face, and silver hair"

"My mother, who is only in her forties, is like an old woman."

"I finally realized what kind of beastly words I had said."

"But no matter how much I begged, my mother was unwilling to go to college with me."

"You know, for more than 40 years, my mother has not been able to leave that city and see the outside world."

"This has become a regret in my heart forever."

"This is my mother too"

"the third time"

"shed tears in front of me……"

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