White bone pattern needle.

As soon as these four words came out.

Fengxuan's face suddenly turned pale, and her eyes were extremely dim.

Even though I was already prepared in my heart.

But when the bloody truth was placed in front of her.

Still feeling extremely sad inside.

Don't know what to do.

You may be able to be calm with others.

But when things really happen to me.

Only then will you understand.

Heartache is real.

Su Yu sighed secretly.

At this moment, he finally understood why Fengxuan could not hold the wooden hairpin.

There will even be Yin Qi passed on.

Because the white bone pattern needle is the most sinister type among tattoos.

It is to lift the spine of a dying person alive.

Put it in sulfur lime and corrode it for forty-four days.

Four is a negative number.

Forty-four days is a very taboo number of days.

Plus people who are dying.

Because I know my death is coming.

The resentment and sinisterness on his body were even more frightening.

Under the erosion of sulfur lime.

The whole spine will be melted bit by bit.

Bone spurs, flesh and blood, and fascia will all disappear.

In the end, there will be only a needle-like object that is two fingers long and half a finger wide.

Not only is it filled with majestic Yin Qi.

There are also resentful souls of dying people who are bound within.


Ben is about to die.

But the spine was pulled out and made into white bone needles.

Three souls and seven souls, despair on the verge of death, resentment for survival and other evil atmospheres.

Everything is locked in a tiny needle.

I will never die with my eyes closed, and I will regret this life.

But such a sinister thing has amazing and mysterious effects. even if.

People who don’t understand Yin tattoos.

As long as you have a certain foundation in painting and tattooing.

You can rely on the special effects of the White Bone Pattern Needle.

Achieve a Taoist practice comparable to that of a Yinxing tattoo master.

The patterns tattooed also have otherworldly abilities.

But there is a world of difference.

That's because of ordinary Yang embroidery, Yin embroidery, or Ming embroidery, etc.

Or ask God to attach a picture.

Either a Yin spirit enters the picture.

Get this type of tattoo.

As long as your destiny can bear this tattoo picture.

Then don’t do evil things in this life.

You will feel safe and peaceful, if God helps you.

And the picture tattooed by the white bone pattern needle.

It is the despair of a dying person whose spine is being pulled out.

And people who are tattooed.

Due to the erosion of this desperate negative energy.

Even if the destiny is hard enough.

Subtly, life span will fade and blessings will decrease sharply.

Even if you can achieve what you want at the moment.

At the end.

None of them could escape the sudden disaster and sudden death.

It harms others but does not benefit oneself.

How evil this situation is.

Of course, it goes without saying.

Anyone who dares to use the Bone Pattern Needle.

Everyone will be punished.

Feng Zhi picked up such an evil thing as the Bone Pattern Needle.

The whole body is surrounded by evil spirits.

Through the sisters’ destiny chart, it was transmitted to Fengxuan.

Although Fengxuan has the blessing of Yin De, she will not be eroded by these evil spirits.

But the evil spirit that remains on his body remains.

But it caused Master Wenyin's magical weapon, the wooden hairpin, to reject him.

Unable to hold the hairpin.

That's a normal situation.

Fengxuan turned to look at Fengzhi.

With a look of extreme disappointment in his eyes, he slowly said

"When I was little, I told you"

"People are doing it, God is watching, and there are gods three feet above the head."

"Don't touch anything that goes against your conscience, don't even think about it"

"But you"


"Why do you make this white bone pattern needle?"

"Why exactly?"

"Don't you even know what I said?......"

"Don’t you even listen?"

These words are the truest reflection of Fengxuan's heart right now.

Disappointment, sadness, confusion and confusion.

She doesn't understand why her sister wants to touch such an evil thing.

Looking at the look in Fengxuan's eyes She felt disappointed.

It was an emotion she had never seen since she was a child.

She was not afraid of Fengxuan beating her, but she was afraid of Fengxuan showing such disappointment.

Sometimes , a look of disappointment from a loved one will be instantly shattered.

The disappointment is always more terrifying than being beaten and scolded , and Feng Zhi is stunned.

She stared blankly at Feng Xuan, letting her tears wet her light makeup, and then murmured after sobbing.

"sorry Sorry"

"Sister, I'm sorry"

"I shouldn't have done bone tattoo acupuncture, I shouldn't have disobeyed you, I shouldn't have just expired with you, and I shouldn't have thrown your advice away"

"But me"

"But me......"

When it comes to this.

Feng Zhi paused for a moment, wiped away the tears from her eyes with her palms, and choked with sobs.

"But me"

"I just want to be able to keep up with you, I just want to be like you"

"I just want to"

"One day, I can become your pride"



"don't be disappointed in me"

"Never, never be disappointed in me......"

Feng Zhi had already burst into tears.

It was a simple sentence that even had to be paused several times before it was finished.

Su Yu didn't know how to describe the current situation.

Seeing Feng Zhi looking so sad.

But unexpectedly, I felt a little distressed.

Just from such a short period of less than an hour.

I can really feel the deep love between the two of them as sisters.

This feeling.

Envious enough.

After Fengxuan heard these words, she was stunned for a few seconds.

He held Feng Zhi's face with trembling hands and gently wiped away the tears on her face.

After looking at it carefully for a few seconds.

Turning towards Su Yu, the last glimmer of hope rose in his eyes and he said

"Master Su, did you just tell me"

"I can hold the black dragon pattern needle, which means there is still a glimmer of hope."

"This glimmer of hope"


"Still, still there?"

Su Yu pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then nodded slowly.

Although he didn't speak, this nod made Feng Xuan's heart tremble.

He quickly squeezed Feng Zhi's palm and said with sparkling eyes.

"Xiaozhi, please be honest and don’t hide anything. Tell me the whole story carefully."

"do not be afraid"

"I'm here."

Feng Zhi rubbed her eyes hard, her eyes were red.

With a forced smile on her face, she stared at Feng Xuan next to her and said


"do you know"

"In fact, I have been"

"I regard you as my only idol......"

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