
The man laughed wildly.

The smile was full of bitterness and unspeakable pain.

If there are still tears.

At this time, the man's eyes must have been filled with tears

"It is said that the prodigal son never exchanges gold for his return, and everything will be smooth and smooth in the future."

"I don't know what this is"

"When I began to understand the burden on myself, the love of my life died in front of my eyes."

"I still remember very clearly what it looked like at that time"

"When my wife lost blood to the point of no return, the doctor asked me to go in and see her for the last time."

"As soon as I went in"

"The smell of blood hit me, and even the smell of disinfectant couldn't cover it up."

"Her face was as pale as gold paper, and her eyes were dim"

"Seeing her like this, I can't cry, I don't know what to do"

"I don't blame the doctor"

"They have tried their best, I only hate myself, I hate myself for being useless and useless"

"If I could be more courageous, maybe I wouldn't be in this situation."

"I held the newborn Zi in front of her"

"She was already unconscious at that time, but the moment she saw Xiao Zi, she actually showed a motherly smile."

"I see!"

"I am clear!"

"I know!"

"She thought, she wanted to grow up with Xiaozi, she wanted to watch Xiaozi grow up little by little, and she even wanted our family of three to be safe and sound."

"But all the thoughts became extravagant hopes at that time."

"The blood keeps flowing, and her life is like an hourglass counting down the seconds."

"There is love in her eyes"

"No regrets"

"At the last moment, she held my hand tightly and struggled to open her mouth to speak, but there was no sound."

"But I know she wants me to take good care of Xiaozi"

"that's her"

"The last thing on her mind"

"As the monitor sounded a harsh cry, the originally extremely weak curve representing the heartbeat turned into a suffocating straight line."

"Her tightly clenched hand also slipped from my palm, and her pupils were dull and dull."

"that moment"

"I felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the whole world was plunged into complete darkness."

"Like an abyss with no known bottom, swallowing me up"

"The person I loved most passed away in front of my eyes, and she was only twenty-four years old"

"I started crying so hard that I couldn't help myself"

"I hate it so much!"

"I really hate myself!"

"If I had worked hard earlier, if I had understood earlier, if I had turned back earlier……"

"I regret it!"

"I hate it!"

"But there is nothing I can do!"

"She's gone, completely gone."

"The only thing I can do is"

"Take good care of the little Zi in my arms who has not yet opened her eyes, and take her share with her"

"Xiaozi’s name"

"It also represents how much I miss her"

"Not so much thinking about it"

"It's better to say regret"

"When the catalpa flowers bloom, don’t wait for the flowers to fall and break the branches."

These words made Su Yu feel a little heavy.

In life, you never know the accident or tomorrow, which one will come first.

The couple who were originally looking forward to the future suddenly encountered such an unexpected event. They also suffered an emotional breakdown. It 's inevitable.

Su Yu sympathizes deeply with this situation, just like what he just said. But when the prodigal returns, the person he loves has passed away. It was even more painful and unspeakable. The man's story did not end, he continued to recall.

"The deceased is gone, and all I have left is pain. Xiaozi has become the pillar of my heart."

"Watching Xiaozi grow up day by day"

"There is an indescribable feeling in my heart, as if this is an agreement between me and her"

"Xiaozi inherited her appearance, her personality and her blood type"

"The moment I saw Xiao Zi's blood type"

"There was a sudden stabbing pain in my heart, and I was afraid that the scene from before would appear before my eyes again."

"But I'm also a little lucky"

"With the progress and development of society, these people with rare blood types have spontaneously formed a group."

"They will automatically go to the hospital to donate blood and store it in the blood bank."

"for them"

"People with the same blood type are the same type"

"Seeing things getting better little by little, the worries in my heart gradually let go."

"Xiao Zi also changed from a child who was learning to speak to a well-behaved and sensible little girl."

"Even though my mother is not around, I often go out in the car and am away from home."

"Sensible little Zi has never worried me"

"Even when I came back from a hard trip in the car"

"She would also rub my shoulders, lean into my arms and say that she had scored 100 points again."

"Whenever it is quiet at night, I always think of her face"

"I would talk to myself and say to her,"Look, my dear, Xiaozi is so good now, and she is getting more and more beautiful just like you.""

"The days are getting better day by day"

"Xiaozi is also growing up day by day"

"But at this time"

"Fate started playing tricks on me again."

The man looked a little dazed, and his whole person was in pain.

"one day"

"Xiaozi suddenly fainted during class and her nose couldn't stop bleeding."

"I took her to the hospital for a careful examination"

"Got a result that crushed me……"

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