The world is beautiful.

Who wants it to end hastily.

Hear these two sentences.

Cheng Banxian slapped the steering wheel excitedly and exclaimed.

"That's a good point. "

"However, I think there is one more thing to add. "

"People are doing it, the sky is watching, and there are gods in the head. "

Lao Lin, who was recuperating with his eyes closed, was also a timely addition at this moment.

"Don't take the good for the small, don't take the evil for the small. "

After this sentence is spoken.

Cheng Banxian was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, quite high-spirited.

"It's enough to be so confidant in life. "

Hearing Cheng Banxian's heartfelt words.

Su Yu and Lao Lin also raised the corners of their mouths slightly, and nodded secretly.

Half an hour later.

The car was parked near a street in the middle of the street.

Just as Su Yu unbuckled his seat belt and was about to get out of the car.

I heard Lao Lin's reminder.

"Su Yu, it seems that someone is waiting in front of your store. "

"Hurry up and take a look. "

"Lest you make a mistake. "

After hearing this.

Su Yu also hurriedly got out of the car and looked towards the door of his store.

Right next to the tattoo parlor's vertical sign.

A woman and a young man sat on the steps.

The woman was staring at the floor in a daze, her brow full of sorrow.

The young man was holding a steamed bun and gnawing on it a little weirdly.

After Su Yu saw this scene.

With a rough guess in mind, he strode towards the door of the store.

The woman in a daze.

I didn't notice Su Yu approaching step by step.

Go to the woman.

Su Yu then coughed lightly and asked.

"Are you waiting for me?"

The woman suddenly had a wit, quickly stood up, and asked cautiously.

"May I ask if you are Master Su?"

"We're here to find Master Su this time, and we won't look at anyone else. "

The woman's tone was visibly guarded, and there was even more concern in it.

Su Yu replied with a faint smile.

"I am Master Su. "

looked at Su Yu so young.

The doubts in the woman's eyes tightened the small bag around her, and she didn't dare to speak again.

already regarded Su Yu as a liar.

Su Yu was a little helpless, so he could only walk up the steps.

He took out the key and opened the roller shutter door, and said to the woman behind him.

"You can believe it now, right?"

Hear this.

and the door that finally opened.

The woman was a little embarrassed for a moment, and hurriedly explained.

"Master Su, it's me who is wrong, it's me who is wrong. "

"I shouldn't think you're a liar just because you're young. "

"Please don't be angry, I'm a man with long hair, knowledge..."

Su Yu waved his hand, interrupted the woman's follow-up words, and walked into the store.

"Okay, okay, I'm not angry. "

"After all, this kind of thing is not once or twice, if there is anything, let's talk about it first. "

After hearing that Su Yu didn't take it to heart, the woman also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Hurriedly pulled up the young man who was nibbling on steamed buns next to him and walked into the store.

Su Yu took off his coat and pointed to the sofa in front of him.

"Don't stand, sit down and talk. "

The woman, who was looking at the surrounding items, also slowly withdrew her gaze.

Let the young people around him sit comfortably on the sofa before sitting down together.

However, the tightness of her feet was a little cramped, but it was obvious that she was nervous.

Su Yu glanced at the woman and the young man again, and asked suspiciously.

"What's wrong?"

"Just said that everyone else doesn't watch it except me?"

Su Yu was actually a little puzzled in his heart.

As the woman just said.

No one else looked at it but him.

From this sentence, it should be right to know him.

But at first glance.

But he showed an extremely surprised look, which is indeed a bit strange.

The woman looked nervous.

One hand is pressed on the sofa, and the other hand is still clutching the bag.

He opened his mouth, but didn't say a word.

Su Yu pursed his lips when he saw this, and tapped his fingers on the coffee table.

"But it doesn't hurt to say that. "

"If you want me to help you. "

"Tell the truth, and don't hide anything. "

There was silence for a few more seconds.

The woman bowed her head and hesitated.

"Because I've heard people mention it before. "

"There is a Master Su in Gusu, who is not only profound, but also does not charge money when he meets someone who is destined. "

"That's why we're here..."

Hear this answer.

Su Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows a little embarrassed.

The woman secretly glanced at Su Yu's expression, thinking that he was angry, and hurriedly explained.

"Master Su, we are here for your way, not because we don't collect money. "

"You see, I have money here, I have money. "

After speaking.

The woman hurriedly took off the small bag on her body and opened the zipper.

Su Yu glanced at Xiao Bao.

I found that there were basically bits and pieces of paper money inside, mixed with a few green fifty yuan, and not even a single red.

I also knew it in my heart, and I said it peacefully.

"It's okay, don't show me. "

"For some people, I don't take money. "

"But there are some people who I won't help if I give more money. "

"Tell me what it is. "

The woman was a little embarrassed and zipped the bag up, sighed.

"I'm from Longnan, and this time I'm here to find Master Su for my son. "

"During this time, in our pimple-sized place, I sought out many masters and asked them to help me see what had happened to my son. "

"But the money has not been spent, but my son's situation has not improved in the slightest. "

"Master Su, please help me see what evil my son has fallen into. "

"How did a good person become like this? "

Su Yu nodded and looked at the young man beside the woman who was still nibbling on steamed buns.

His eyes are dull, his teeth are bulging, and the corners of his mouth are all steamed bun residues, which is quite sloppy.

But the clothes on his body were very neat, and the woman must have taken great pains to do so.

After a moment of thought.

Su Yu frowned slightly and said to the woman.

"Tell me exactly what happened to your son. "

The woman nodded lonely.

Just as I was about to speak.

A hand that was covered with crumbs of steamed bread and still holding half of the steamed bread stretched out in front of Su Yu.

"Brother. "


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