Actually, it's very likely.

Su Yudu is already quite conservative.

Even conservative is a bit outrageous.

Judging from the current situation.

It's basically because of the sister's life chart.

The lifeline.

has been continuously transmitting yin qi to Feng Xuan's body.

caused her to be rejected by the wooden hairpin and unable to hold it.

But Feng Xuan's friendship with her sister.

Su Yu also saw it in his eyes.

So in order to take care of Xia Fengxuan's emotions, he didn't say it directly.

But as a person in the shadows.

Feng Xuan naturally understood what Su Yu meant at this moment.

His eyes were lowered, revealing a somewhat indescribable look.

His face looked a little pale, and he asked Su Yu in a trembling voice.

"Master Su, could it be that you are misguessing?"

Although at the age of eight, due to a serious illness, Feng Zhi's childhood memories were all missing. "

But she was still very well-behaved. "

"Nothing out of the ordinary. "

"I shouldn't do anything angry and resentful. "

Feng Xuan's voice was a little hoarse and weak.

Sisterhood is deep.

If there is still a glimmer of hope.

At all costs.

She didn't want to believe that her own sister could have caused this.

Su Yu sighed deeply, touched his chin and said in a deep voice.

"I understand your feelings. "

Facing his own sister, he will subconsciously disbelieve it in his heart. "

"But. "

"The authorities are confused, and the bystanders are clear. "

"As far as I can see. "

"It's almost certain that it's because of this sister's fate. "

"Where is Feng Zhi now?"

"If it's convenient. "

"Let her come directly to me and see. "

"If we continue to speculate, we won't get any results. "

"After all, you can only see the truth if you see it with your own eyes. "

Feng Xuan wanted to continue to say something.

But it's already a little unspeakable.

Biting his lip, his charming and beautiful face was a little dull at this time.

Touching his forehead, his cold voice trembled slightly.

She is now at the University of Heron Island. "

"If you come here, you can fly here, and it's not particularly troublesome. "

"But I, really..."

Feng Xuan couldn't speak, and her grief spread.

After bowing his head and being silent for a few seconds, he sobbed.

"That's it. "

"It doesn't matter how things turn out. "

"After all, it has to be solved, and evasion will only create a bigger problem. "

"I'll contact her now. "

After all that is said.

Feng Xuan took out her mobile phone from the small bag beside her.

Tap the screen.

Open the first contact.

After a moment's hesitation.

Converge all the different colors on your face, and dial it down with a calm countenance.

did not choose to avoid Su Yu.

Turn on the speaker directly and place it on the coffee table.


Melodious waiting.

In Feng Xuan's heart, it was like spending a century.

"Drip ————"

The phone is connected.

A clear female voice sounded in it.

"Sister, why did you call suddenly?"

Feng Xuan's eyes flashed when she heard this familiar voice.

I want to control my emotions with all my might.

But he still replied with a little crying.

"No, nothing. "

"Xiao Zhi, how are you doing lately. "

After a few seconds of silence.

"It's good. "

"Sister, you, are you crying..."

Feng Xuan couldn't hold back the emotions in her heart anymore and couldn't stop whimpering.

Covering his mouth hard, the bean-sized tears in his eyes dripped down his chest.

"Sister, what's wrong with you. "

"Did someone bully you?"

"No—no one bullied me. "

"Xiao Zhi, can you come to Gusu now? "

"Yes, yes, yes. "

"I'll book the fastest flight right now, I'll be right now!"

After saying this.

The phone fell into a blind sound.

Feng Xuan's eyes were a little distracted, and tears kept dripping.

As a person in the shadows.

She's seen too much life and death.

Sometimes they are sad, they lament, they are angry.

But in the end.

They are just passers-by of life.

But now after encountering this kind of thing.

I really understand.

If something really happened to Feng Zhi.

The pain was heartbreaking.

Sisterhood, Yubi Gold Diamond.

was originally extremely charming Feng Xuan.

At this time, she showed a pitiful posture like a little woman.

Su Yu sighed.

took out a piece of paper next to him and handed it to Feng Xuan.

"Maybe it's not the worst yet. "

"Anyway. "

"There's still a hint of a turnaround. "

Su Yu's words were not simply to comfort Feng Xuan.

It can be seen from the time when Feng Xuan held the black Jiao pattern needle just now.

It's bumpy though.

But there was nothing to do.

That's it.

There may be a turning point.

Feng Xuan stared at the tissue handed by Su Yu, and after a few seconds of sluggishness, she slowly took it.

Then a big smile appeared on his face to hide his sadness.

Gently wipe away tears.

He didn't care about his own image, and curled up quietly to the side, like a little beast waiting for judgment.

The quiet pin drop in the shop can be heard.

The straight-line distance between Egret Island and Gusu is 2,000 li.

The flight time to the nearest airport takes two hours.

In addition to the delay of the road, waiting for the flight.

As fast as possible.

It takes at least four to five hours.

This time.

It was also Feng Xuan's most painful period of time.

I can't help but think of all kinds of situations and endings in my mind.

Eye circles are red and sparkling.

Such a fragile appearance not only makes people feel pity.

Su Yu couldn't persuade anything, so he could only sigh secretly in his heart.

The sun is setting in the west.

The alarm clock also pointed to exactly four o'clock in the afternoon.

That's right.

There was an unusually hurried footstep outside the door.

Just from the sound of footsteps.

You can judge the panic in this person's heart.

I just don't know.

The panic is because of concern for someone.

Or is it worried that their own affairs will be revealed?

The sound of hurried footsteps.

From Yinxing Street, I walked all the way to the door of Cheng Banxian's store.

And with it.

A clear but panicked, gasping voice sounded outside the door.

"Sister ———"

"What's wrong with you..."

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