"Sharp impact. "

"In an instant, it is transmitted from the front of the co-pilot to every position on the body. "

"Gray smoke rises, alloys break, airbags pop up. "

"Even though my head was dizzy because of the impact. "

"But looking at the bloodied unconscious man in the co-pilot, I looked speechless with excitement. "

"I know. "

"Xiao Zi's life. "

"Saved !!"

"I trembled and picked up my phone and called the underworld organ traffickers. "

Then, enduring the vertigo, he picked up the prepared syringe. "

As a steel needle pierced through the man's bloody spine. "

"When the syringe is put in the car refrigerator. "

"My heart. "

"And then settle down. "

"I thought about the consequences. "

"I also understand what I've done. "

"But I can't help it. "

"This is the last option for me..."

The man lowered his head and rested his stiff hands on his knees.

His body trembled slightly, recalling the situation at that time, and continued with dull eyes.

"Just some time after the car accident. "

"I was taken to the hospital with the man. "

Xiao Zi, on the other hand, went to a hospital in another city to receive a spinal cord transplant under the arrangement of others. "

"Because it's not at the center of the impact. "

"So I only had a minor injury, a little concussion. "

"But as soon as the man arrived at the hospital, he was taken to the emergency room..."

"When I heard the news of his death. "

"The mood is incredibly calm. "

"The moment I decided, I was mentally prepared for everything. "

"Life, very tenacious. "

"You can go through all kinds of pain and suffering, and still have a love for the world. "

"Life, too, is fragile. "

"A seemingly accidental car accident can directly take away a fresh life. "

"He's dead. "

"Xiao Zi has a new life. "

"I'm ready to take it all on. "

"But I don't know if it's God's favor or my punishment. "

"The man has no wife or children, and his parents have long since died. "

The only few relatives were even more reluctant to meddle in this troublesome matter, and directly buried the man after Cao Cao. "

"And me. "

"Safe and sound, without any punishment. "

"But I couldn't calm down at all. "

"Because after knowing the ultimate truth. "

"I just knew. "

"I was wrong. "

"I couldn't be more wrong. "

"I realized that I had done something evil that was not even as good as a beast..."

"While lying in the hospital bed and observing. "

"I heard several nurses sighing and talking. "

They said. "

"It's a pity that this man died. "

"I came to Gusu from another remote city, just to donate bone marrow to a little girl with acute leukemia who had panda blood, and now..."

Speaking of which.

The man's expression was full of pain and regret, and the meaning of remorse was self-evident.

Suddenly, some people burst into laughter, and their smiles were full of bitterness, and they laughed miserably.


"I'm a terrible person. "

"In the absence of relatives and no reason. "

"People came here from somewhere else, brought fruit baskets, and all kinds of good diagnoses. "

"Don't ask for anything in return. "

"Just to save Xiaozi's life. "

"And me. "

"Not only did there be no thanks. "

"Even with his own hands..."

"Back then. "

"It's just ten minutes away from the hospital. "

"Ten minutes. "

"It's only been ten minutes!!"

"I can't even wait ten minutes..."

The man trembled, and his tone was full of deep remorse.

clenched fists, with a miserable face.

Su Yu exhaled a deep breath, and his expression was also a little strange.

That's it.

Basically, the beginning and the end are already roughly clear.

I can't help but feel sorry for the man in black who died unjustly.

With the intention of saving people.

but he was victimized.

It's really hard to say this kind of thing, and it's a great pity.

But if you are in the same situation.

It's understandable.

Inexplicably looking for someone on the street to donate spinal cord, normal people will definitely only give him a white eye.

There is simply no room for negotiation.

You can even be directly regarded as a madman.

Plain and unprovoked desire for the mercy of strangers.

That's just a book of wonders, one in ten thousand.

But it's a once-in-a-million opportunity.

was touched by a man.

Su Yu didn't know whether to say good luck or misfortune.


At all costs.

Since he has done such a thing, he must suffer the consequences.

Murdering others is a heinous crime.

In addition, the man who died originally had good intentions and wanted to treat Chen Zi with his own bone marrow.

This adds another layer of inexplicable relationship.

It is tantamount to adding one sin to the other.

It stands to reason.

If you do this kind of thing, the karmic retribution will be extremely heavy, and the retribution will follow.

Men can live so long.

Even though the body is dead, the soul is still there, which seems a little weird.

Su Yu pursed his lips and pondered for a few seconds, then asked slowly.

"It's rare for you to be in this situation. "

"It stands to reason that it should not exist in the world. "

"You've got something missing. "

"Didn't explain?"

The man's neck was extremely stiff and he continued.

"When I learned that I had done such a thing. "

"The remorse and pain in my heart devoured me speechlessly. "

"I don't care about anything. "

"I didn't even remove the gauze from my head. "

"I ran straight to the residence of the master who was guiding me at that time. "

"Hope he can help me. "

"Hopefully he can save that man. "

"But there is no resurrection from death. "

"All has been done, and any remedy will be useless. "

When the master saw me, he just sighed and shook his head. "

"To put it bluntly. "

"Wrongs have been made, let them atone for their sins. "

"But at my pleading. "

"Still gave me one last piece of advice. "

"Let me kneel down at the man's grave on the night of my resurrection in seven days' time, and light three incense sticks. "

"If the incense is extinguished in the middle of the way. "

"There is no cure. "

"I will die violently. "

"If only the incense could be completely burned out. "

"From now on, I can do more good deeds, and I can live a few more years to raise Xiao Zi as an adult. "

"But it's only nine years at most. "

"Nine years have passed, and you can die in an accident at any time. "

"Let's be honest. "

"I can't imagine how long I'll live again. "

"I just think I deserve to die, and it's not a pity to die. "

"That day. "

"I didn't go back to the hospital. "

"Instead, I went to a scrapped taxi. "

"Look at the blood-stained fruit basket. "

"Pick up an apple. "

"Take a big bite. "

"Apples are sweet. "

"Because these are all him. "

"Carefully selected fruits..."

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