When it comes to this.

Yao Wuwu held his head in his hands, his eyes full of fear and confusion.

After a few seconds of silence.

He spoke slowly in a hoarse voice.

"The tomb of the First Emperor, everyone is crazy about it. "

"Maybe it's for his treasure, or maybe it's to see the death of the first emperor. "

"And we're in the same vein of tomb robbing. "

"For the burial palace of the first emperor, it is like a moth seeing fire. "

"Even if you know that you have a chance to be crushed. "

But they still follow one another. "

There is not the slightest exaggeration in this statement. "

"Because the danger of the underground palace of the First Emperor's tomb is far beyond our expectations..."

Yao Wuwu exhaled deeply, clasped his hands and continued.

"Although mentally prepared for everything. "

"But you really should pass through the direction indicated by Jin Yan and enter the underground palace after laying a thief hole. "

All the thoughts in my heart were thrown out of the clouds in an instant. "

"Where we entered through the thief hole. "

"It's just the periphery of the entire dungeon, not even the periphery. "

"Because we opened the fire fold and probed it carefully. "

"There's nothing special around it. "

"There were only brand-new brass drums and bells, and the base instruments used to place them. "

"The bronze drums and golden bells are so well preserved that they seem to have not been eroded by the years in the slightest. "

"Gently beat the brass drum and the golden bell with your knuckles. "

"There will still be a clear and dull sound, lingering in the dungeon. "

"All in all. "

"This may barely be a place for a twilight drum and a morning bell. "

"The emperor has all the opportunities in the world. "

"Life and sleep are not as casual as we think. "

"There are very clear rules and charters. "

"Hence the dynasties. "

"Basically, a place will be set up to ring the bell on time and wake up the emperor in the early dynasty. "

"Still. "

"In every imperial tomb excavated before, no such establishment has been found. "

In other words. "

"The First Emperor may be the only emperor who still set up a place for the morning bell and the dusk drum after his death. "

"This kind of daily management and strict government intentions really shocked us. "

"The golden goose that flew out may really be as speculated. "

"It was set up for the First Emperor to probe the situation in the present world. "

"This kind of thing. "

"It's so weird, it's impossible to explain. "

"I can't even think about it. "

"At that time, we entered the underground palace of the First Emperor together, there were four people in total, and one person from each of the four veins of our tomb robbery. "

"Actually, when I stepped into the dungeon. "

"The whole mind was already tense. "

"Because compared to the loess of other mausoleums, it is uneven, and it will eventually be contaminated with dust. "

"This dungeon I set foot in. "

"In our observations, if nothing else, it's just this clean, dust-free situation. "

"That's all. "

"It's weird and it's a little tingling. "

"You know. "

"This place has been buried deep underground for thousands of years in the dark. "

"It's okay if there's no decay. "

"It's even cleaner, not a speck of dust. "

"It's like. "

"There have been people who have been cleaning this burial palace. "

"But the world. "

"I can't even find a real tomb. "

"I was confused by the blinding method at the foot of Li Mountain, let alone cleaning. "

"I couldn't even find the tomb here. "

"Since it's not an ordinary person. "

"What is it that cleans the tomb palace here..."

"I don't even dare to think about it. "

That's it.

For the panic and worry in Yao Wuwu's tone.

Su Yu already understood.

As his words say.

The dungeon is clean and tidy.

But it is not human.


I really don't dare to think about it.

Replace it with ordinary people.

I'm afraid that my scalp has already turned around and fled.

Just when Su Yu pursed his lips and pondered.

Yao Wuwu clenched his fists and made a 'click' sound, gritting his teeth.

"The four of us are the four strongest in the line of tomb robbers. "

"Arguably. "

"In this world, there is no one who knows more about all kinds of tomb burial styles than the four of us. "

"The strange situations encountered such as corpses, ghosts, etc. "

"It's not a small number of times. "

"But this time, it's on the periphery of the dungeon. "

The four of us were unanimous in silence, and we didn't dare to rush in. "

"Experience alone. "

"This ancestral dragon's mausoleum is by no means simple!!"

"It's going to be much more than you think. "

"But I said it before. "

"Tomb robbery, to enter the tomb of the first emperor, the tomb of the ancestral dragon is the highest glory. "

"Even though I know it. "

"Seven or eight times out of ten, there will be no return, and you will fall here. "

"We still walked towards the depths of the dungeon without hesitation. "

But I don't know. "

"We are walking towards doom step by step. "

"If only I could have a chance to do it again. "

"I will never. "

"Half a step deep into the dungeon. "

"Hoo ————"

Yao Wuwu took a deep breath.

"For the place where we have arrived is the outermost place of the morning bell and the twilight drum. "

"So I want to go into the depths of the underground palace. "

"You have to pass through the stone gates that are blocked by the broken dragon stone, and you have to be careful of hidden weapons that may appear from everywhere. "

"As is normal for most cases. "

"The Emperor's Tomb. "

"It is composed of nine ticket gates and five underground palace halls, representing the Ninety-Five Supreme. "

"The emperor's coffin is naturally resting in the deepest underground palace. "

"It's also the expected final destination. "

"At that time, with the faint light, the four of us looked at each other and exchanged looks. "

"After packing up all kinds of door theft equipment. "

"Three steps and two steps. "

Walking towards the stone door in front of him, a huge broken dragon stone lay behind it, which could not be opened by human beings. "

"This is the first level. "

"The Broken Dragon Stone weighs a thousand pounds, and it is difficult to open the door even with great force when it is stuck on the edge of the door through an ingenious mechanism. "

"Although we have some various techniques, it will take a lot of effort in front of this kind of broken dragon stone. "


"Something happened to us as a surprise. "

"Just as we were about to use brute force to break the Dragonstone. "

"The Broken Dragon Stone actually fell on its own, and the stone door was wide open..."

"This has never been done before. "

"The reason why the dragon stone is called the dragon stone is because it is known for its strength and stability. "

"But it's this hard stone. "

Falling down on its own in front of our eyes, it made us, who were already a little nervous, suddenly look at each other with strange expressions. "

"Because of the situation in front of me. "

"It's not like an obstruction, it's more like inviting you into the urn..."

In order to prevent tomb robbers, the emperors of the past dynasties have emerged in an endless stream of various means and measures.

But when it came to the tomb of the First Emperor.

The Broken Dragon Stone, which was originally used for guarding, fell off on its own.

This is the case.

It's terrifying.

Dragonstone is known for its durability and longevity.

It will never be because of age.

Leads to decay and uselessness.

So the situation at that time.


It's not like blocking.

Instead, it's more like inviting you into the urn...

Yao Wuwu's eyes trembled, and he said in deep memory.

"At the time. "

"The four of us hesitated. "

But he didn't flinch for a moment. "

"One blow, then decline, three and exhaustion. "

"We who have decided to break into the Ancestral Dragon's Tomb have no way out, and we don't want to leave without doing anything. "

So no one spoke, but they all continued in silence. "

"When we pushed open the stone door together. "

"I was instantly stunned by the strange sight in front of me. "


"What we see before our eyes is not the so-called dim dungeon at all. "

"It's a brilliant galaxy that glows brightly, and the silver-white river flows along all around, sparkling and dazzling. "

"This river is not made of water, it is made of mercury!"

"Although it has been passed down by word of mouth since ancient times. "

"In the tomb of the first emperor, there are great rivers made of mercury, and the waves are magnificent. "

"But after seeing it with your own eyes. "

"It's really understood. "

"How majestic and magnificent this is, it is not at all like a dead man's underground palace, but more like a dormitory. "

And we looked at the river of mercury in front of us, and we were all a little frightened and panicked in our hearts. "

"According to this situation. "

"The golden geese really exist, and so does the mercury galaxy. "

"Doesn't that mean a thing? "

"The various rumors that have been circulating in the First Emperor's Underground Palace are actually true. "

"The four of us didn't even dare to think about it at the time. "

With the obsession with the emperor's mausoleum in his heart, he covered his head all the way forward. "

"Since the dungeon was full of mercury steam, we didn't dare to breathe hard with bated breath. "

"As you pass through the rest of the stone gates. "

"The Broken Dragon Stone, which was originally pestle, also broke away on its own. "

"If you say one, it may be a coincidence and an accident. "

"So many words. "

"It can only be explained intentionally. "

"As we get closer and closer to the place where the coffin of the First Emperor rests, one of our hearts hangs high. "

"Because no one knows. "

"What exactly will happen then? "

"Just as we walked to the penultimate dungeon, ready to enter the location of the emperor's coffin. "

"In front of us. "

"There was an extremely strange situation. "

"A man in armor with a face full of white bones, holding a sword and pestle in his right hand, kneeling on one knee seemed to be guarding the coffin of the ancestral dragon behind him. "

"This situation. "

"It's incredibly rare. "

"In the various mausoleums we have stolen and excavated now, we have also seen people who were forcibly buried. "

"There are men and women, old and young. "

"But those people are all extremely miserable in death, with broken bones flying around, and different postures. "

"It wasn't as heroic as the white bone in armor we saw at the time, as if we could feel its bloody breath like a battlefield. "

"Just a glance. "

"We came to a conclusion. "

"When this white bone in front of the last underground palace must have been a great general in his lifetime. "

"Not only because it has turned into white bones, but it still has such a terrifying momentum. "

"And because of the greatsword that pestle the ground. "

"Then there are two words engraved on it - Long Yuan. "

Hear this.

Su Yu's eyes froze slightly, and he asked with a frown.

"Long Yuan?"

"Are you serious?"

"Am you not mistaken?"

The word Long Yuan.

Most people are no strangers to it.

Because of this sword.

It is one of the ten famous swords in the history of Kyushu.

He is also a general next to the first emperor.

The sword used by Meng Tian.

With this sword.

Regain the lost territory, the northern town of the Xiongnu.

Seeing a sword is like seeing a person.

A white bone was able to hold the sword of the dragon yuan and stand in front of the coffin of the First Emperor.

That already says a thing.

It is recorded in ancient books.

In order to be able to continue to complete his great cause of unification in the underworld after his death, the first emperor continued to complete his great cause of unification.

Tens of thousands of terracotta warriors and horses were cast.

It is also made of mountains and rivers with mercury, and he has begged to be able to see all the rivers and mountains after death.

One of the most important things is.

In order to prevent himself from being harassed and harmed by thieves after death.

Specially let the heartfelt Meng Tian brother swallow medicine and go to the underworld with him.

As for the medicine given by Huhai as recorded.

It's just a ploy to cover up.

Hold Long Yuan in your hand and kill one side.

If everything is really there.

Su Yu didn't dare to think about it.

When Yao Wuwu and the four of them came to the last door.

What a strange thing can happen.

For the time being.

It's already an incomparably terrifying horror.

Yao Wuwu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"How could I be wrong. "

"I will remember for the rest of my life the giant sword with the word Long Yuan engraved on it. "

"I won't forget it. "

"This giant sword named Long Yuan. "

"From the side of my chest, I slashed down hard diagonally..."

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