Ho Mei'an's reply was like the walking dead.

Su Yu and Jiang Xue couldn't help but glance at each other, their eyes full of doubts.

Killed five people.

And say they all deserve to die.

Needless to say, how strange and horrific these situations are.

He Mei'an's face was corroded by sulfuric acid, all of which were distorted together, and he suddenly laughed maniacally.

"Hahaha. "

"yes, all deserve to die, all deserve to die. "

Su Yu took a deep breath, tapped on the table and said slowly.

"What the hell happened. "

"To make you say such extreme words. "

"Five human lives, not five livestock, how can they all be killed just because of the word damn. "

"It is also used by you as a living human skin, and stays on your face all day long. "

"Though a man is dead, his face is still there, this kind of evil and evil thing. "

"Reasonable. "

"I can't say anything. "

After He Mei'an heard Su Yu's somewhat cold words, he didn't say much.

Just restrained his somewhat crazy look, bowed his head and was silent for a moment, and then took out the hand in his bag.

After a few seconds, he handed it to Su Yu, and said in a hoarse and bitter voice.

"Master Su, you said I did something wrong, then look at this photo. "

He Mei'an's hand was trembling, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

Su Yu took it suspiciously and looked at the phone that lit up.

There's nothing special about the screen.

is a woman with light makeup, bright and bright teeth, willow eyebrows and nose, and a smile that attracts the eye.

It is a beautiful column among ordinary people.

Even more beautiful than the living human skin that He Mei'an brought just now.

Su Yu stared at the woman on the screen.

Ponder for a few seconds.

Looking at He Mei'an, who turned her head to the side and didn't dare to look at the phone for half a minute, a thought couldn't help but rise in her heart.

Placing the phone on the table with the back side up, he asked slowly.

"Don't you say. "

"The woman in this photo is the same you used to be?"

He Mei'an stroked her distorted face and replied with a snarled voice.

"What's wrong. "

"Isn't it the same as the ghost I am now, not the slightest resemblance? "

"Is it that my ugly appearance now will make people's scalp tingle and chill down the spine?"

"There is no resemblance to the confident, sweet girl in the phone?"

Ho Mei'an's words.

Not a question.

Instead, it was crying.

Crying about the once glamorous self, it has become this picture now, yes or no, and everyone is frightened.

Su Yu exhaled a long breath of turbidity.

Although I knew that He Mei'an was definitely not like this, I didn't expect it to be so different.

After sorting out the thoughts in his head, he gently tapped on the coffee table and continued to ask in a deep voice.

"I have to admit that there is a huge contrast between the present and the past. "

"But. "

"Can you elaborate on the relationship between you killing five people?"

"After all, the murder of five people is a heinous crime. "

"Even if I can't help you, I can show you the way. "

He Mei'an looked at the mobile phone that Su Yu deliberately carried on his back, and was silent again for a few seconds.

He nodded slowly.

Picked up the phone, flipped through a few pages with his fingers, handed it to Su Yu again, and said slowly.

"This photo is one of my most cherished and favorite photos I have ever had. "

"But now. "

"This picture has become a nightmare for me, reminding me of the cruelty of the moment. "

"It's like a blunt knife that keeps cutting my heart open one at a time. "

These words.

couldn't help but make Su Yu frown deeply.

So I didn't say anything more.

Look down at the phone in front of you.

In the phone screen is a dormitory photo.

The six people in the photo are all girls, their faces are extremely outstanding, and their bodies are even more slender.

But if you want to choose the best looking one among them.

That must be the former Ho Mei'an.

This time.

didn't wait for Su Yu to ask.

He Mei'an directly used a self-deprecating tone and said slowly.

"There used to be six of us as close partners. "

"Eat together, take classes together, practice dancing together, and even say take a bath together. "

After hearing the word dance together.

Su Yu also couldn't help but look at the photo on the screen.

Indeed, it is what the American said.

These six girls are all wearing dancing shoes on their feet, and their posture is also like a regular dancer.

He Mei'an didn't stop talking, still talking to herself.

"Originally, I thought that the six of us would continue to be good like this, being each other's bridesmaids and each other's godmothers. "

"But now. "

This sentence seems extremely ironic and ridiculous. "

"Huh. "


"It's ridiculous. "

"The so-called sisters are just for a chance to perform, and they splashed the extremely poisonous concentrated sulfuric acid on my face without the slightest hesitation. "

"Everyone knows that opportunities are rare, but isn't it even more rare to get together in the same school and in the same dormitory?"

"Results. "

"It's really ridiculous, it's really ridiculous. "

"I can't forget that scene now. "

"The five people except me were all in unison, and not a single one of them had ever objected to this proposal. "

"They even think that everybody thinks. "

"I robbed them of their only chance, and I ruined their future. "

"This thing. "

"I still can't figure it out. "

He Mei'an turned his head to look at Su Yu and asked in a longing tone.

"Master Su. "

"Can you tell me, tell me, why is that..."

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