I, the Lord of God, recruit witches to make money

Chapter 305 Returning to a peaceful daily life

Shiraishi is sick.

Heart disease.

It's like a person suddenly feels tired of everything at a certain period of time.

For an ordinary person, the most they can do is sleep or do something to cover up their fatigue.

For extraordinary people, it means entering a kind of spiritual practice disorder called the slack period. The specific manifestation is that like a cold and a fever, people become drowsy and lose interest in many things.

There is no cure, you have to get through it on your own.

Shiraishi needs time to let himself rest.

"Shiraishi-kun, good morning!"

Outside the sliding door were greetings from the witches in unison, but there was no response from inside.

The beauty of Onilongin opened the sliding door and said, "Shiraishi-kun, why is your face so red?"

The big girl noticed something was wrong, took a few steps forward, and subconsciously touched her forehead, "It's so hot~"

She exclaimed, her big almond-shaped eyes filled with surprise, and she turned around and said, "Komori, Kannagi, Shiraishi-kun seems to have a fever?"

"Eh?!" Kannagi Rin's face, as white as a porcelain doll, flashed with disbelief. How could an extraordinary person have a fever, let alone Shiraishi-kun?

However, when he saw the red-faced Shiraishi, Kannagi Rin came to the same conclusion as Kiryuin and said in shock: "How could this be possible?"

"You won't have a fever if you sleep with me last night."

Miyu Kiryuin pouted, thinking that if she slept next to him, there would be one more person to share the high fever, so it would definitely not be so hot.

But last night, Shiraishi-kun suddenly became reticent and let her sleep alone in the room above.

"It's not a fever..."

Baishi regained some consciousness in his groggy mind, and said in a rather weak tone: "It's just the battle with Taichu that caused me internal injuries. Don't worry, I can recover after a few days of rest."

He was embarrassed to say that he had entered a period of slacking off and was troubled by heart problems. He was like an adolescent kid who suddenly fell in love with his mother's friend and was ashamed to tell his family.

I just want to wait for this period of time to pass and let time dilute everything.

"Taichu?! Is he so strong?"

Miyo Kiryuin's face was full of shock. This was the first time she saw Shiraishi-kun injured and still in need of recuperation.

Bai Shi nodded and said: "Well, the strongest enemy I have encountered so far is Him. Don't worry, I will heal myself after some time."

At this point, he took a breath and said with a slightly tired expression: "I won't have breakfast. You can eat it."

"No!" Komori Jun's attitude was very tough, and his burgundy eyes stared: "At this time, the more you need to eat some food, I will make some light dishes.

Kannagi went to wet the towel and wipe Shiraishi-kun's body. Oniryuin held his hand carefully. The patient needs external care the most. "

"Oh!" The two women responded in unison. They didn't know anything about taking care of people. In the past, they only had experience of being taken care of.

Jun Komori knows how to take care of people.

They just do whatever she says.

"They all said it's not necessary." Baishi didn't want them to be in too much trouble, but they ignored his opinion.

Kiryuin Miya grabbed Shiraishi's right hand with both hands, and said with a serious look on her wheat-colored cheeks: "Please rely on us at this time!"

Her body temperature was normal. At Shiraishi's feverish temperature, her palms felt as cool as ice jade.

"All right."

Shiraishi didn't continue to say anything, closed his eyes and wanted to sleep for a while.

Miyu Kiryuin held his hand.

Kannagi Rin entered the bedroom carrying a basin of cold water soaked in towels. When he saw this scene, his amber eyes widened and he said: "Kiryuin, what are you doing? Didn't I ask you to hold Shiraishi-kun's hand?"

"I feel like this represents me more than my hands."

Miyu Kiryuin replied confidently.

"You." Kannagi Rin raised his eyebrows, but said nothing. He placed the basin next to Shiraishi, wrung out the towel, and wiped the sweat from Shiraishi's forehead and cheeks.

His eyes moved down to the collar.

"Hehe, are you thinking about lewd things?" Miyo Kiryūin showed a somewhat proud smile.

Kannagi Rin came back to his senses, glared and said: "What nonsense are you talking about? I am not that kind of person. This is to help Shiraishi-kun dissipate heat, so I have no other ideas."

"Then let me do it."

Kiryuin Miya put down Shiraishi's hand and used her free hands to grab the towel.

Kannagi Rin moved away and glared: "Do your job well and don't try to steal my job."

"Hehe, you said you didn't have any thoughts about Mr. Shiraishi's body, Kannagi, you can't deceive my fiery eyes!"

"Idiot, idiot, Kiryuin is an idiot, what do you know?"

Kannagi Rin went straight to the level of personal attack, and added what do you know, this classic quarrel tool, as long as you use it, the other party will say anything you don't understand.

She unbuttoned Shiraishi's shirt, put the cold towel in, and wiped it slowly. She could still feel the strong muscles through the towel, a little bit.

The girl blushed.

The beauty of the Ghost Dragon Academy narrowed her eyes slightly, hehe, you still said she didn’t understand?

The eldest lady's whole body is filled with that tough mouth.

"Well..." Bai Shi felt a little bit comfortable, but his brain was still a little confused, as if he was walking on a road with no light and no end in sight.

Walking alone.

However, the feeling of being held by someone in his palm made him feel that he was not alone.

The cool air traveling on his body made him no longer afraid of the darkness in front of him and continued to move forward.

Is there anything ahead?

The light pierces the darkness, turning the monotonous black into a colorful world, including the picturesque Yamato Nadeshiko, the wheat-colored and healthy sunshine girl, and the gorgeous and delicate eldest lady.

Three faces occupy most of the sight.

"Shiraishi-kun, it's time to have breakfast."

The wind blew the paper cranes and wind chimes hanging in the windows, making a pleasant tinkling sound.

Announcing that summer is coming.

"You were sweating a lot just now. Was it a nightmare?"

Kannagi Rin wiped his sweat with a cold towel, his eyes full of concern.

"No, it was just a long period of darkness, but somehow there was no feeling of loneliness."

Shiraishi wanted to hold himself up.

Oniryuin Miya quickly stretched out her hand to help her up and said with a smile: "Hey, it's definitely because I'm by your side!"

"And me and Komori, please don't take all the credit alone."

Kannagi Rin retorted.

"Huh." Komori Jun scooped up the white porridge and blew gently to ensure the temperature of the porridge, "Ah."

Like coaxing a child, say the word ah.

A trace of helplessness appeared on Baishi's face as he said, "You guys are making too much of a fuss. I'm just a little injured."

"This is not a minor injury. It must be taken good care of."

Kannagi Rin replied seriously.

Jun Komori also said in an unquestionable tone: "Yes, patients must be obedient.

Ah, open your mouth obediently. "

Shiraishi opened his mouth and let the porridge enter his mouth. It had a slight sweet taste and the temperature was just right, neither hot nor cold.

"Well, that's good." Komori Jun nodded with a satisfied smile.

Shiraishi said to Kannagi Rin who was idle with nothing to do: "Kannagi, please put up a signboard in front of the stone torii of the shrine, and anyone who writes it will be asked to return it.

I don't want to see guests at the moment. "

"Yes, leave it to me."

After receiving his request, Kannagi Rin quickly got up and went outside to find a suitable tree to chop down, preparing to use the knife as a pen to carve the words "please take back the tree".

The faint spring light shines in front of the stone torii gate, and a wooden sign is erected in the center, with the words "Please come back if you come" engraved on it.

The four large Chinese characters show the spirit of the engraver.

Fujiwara Ryugen stood in front of the sign, holding a drink in his hand, with a somewhat complicated expression. He did not leave or enter the shrine.

Just stood there in silence.

"What are you doing?"

With a voice of confusion, a woman with a high ponytail strode over. A silver skull necklace hung down on her chest, and silver chains collided with each other around her waist.

Huajama Kiku looked past him and saw the wooden sign in front of the shrine. She was a little surprised and said, "Please come back, please? Is this some kind of prank?"

"Probably not. With Shiraishi-san's strength, it is impossible to do such a thing without his acquiescence, unless he falls into an abnormal state."

Fujiwara Ryugen added the next sentence.

Huajian Ju's originally casual expression turned serious and said, "What do you mean?"

Fujiwara Ryugen scratched his head and said: "Last night in the city, someone claimed to have encountered Shiraishi-san, and there was another person, who was said to be very wild and terrifying, and they disappeared into the street together.

Mount Fuji changed from one to two. "

"The sky is filled with stars." Huajianju added a sentence, her brows became serious and she said: "I wanted to step forward last night, but was forced to stop by a huge hallucination. Could it be that that person is Taichu?!"

Then, Huajian Ju looked at the signboard, and suddenly a terrifying thought came to her mind, and she said in shock: "Shiraishi... No, I want to go up and have a look!"

"Wait a minute, what can you do after seeing it?"

Fujiwara Ryugen stretched out his hand to stop him, and said with an unusually solemn expression: "He doesn't see anyone, so he must have some considerations. What we can do is to wait outside silently and seal off the news."

Hanama Kiku raised her head and looked at the mountain. After thinking about it for a while, she felt that what Fujiwara Ryugen said was reasonable, and she suppressed the irritable mood in her heart.

The kind of existence that can destroy the world in the beginning, if it really causes any injuries, people like them can't help.

She hated her own weakness.

"Let's do what we can."

Fujiwara Ryugen murmured, took out his mobile phone, and decided to let the major media expose more exciting entertainment news.

The speculation about the encounter between Taichu and Shiraishi is treated coldly and not given any flow.

Let the news that is more likely to attract the public's attention occupy the news, such as cheating, discrimination, and the antagonism between men and women.

Anyway, whatever topics are likely to cause controversy will be used to attract attention.

"Let's not stand too conspicuously here and hide ourselves."


Huajian Ju agreed with this idea and hid in a shadow, hiding her breath.


Shiraishi broke out in a sweat, but still had a high fever.

Miu Kiryuin, who had seen his whole body, helped him change clothes, while the other two people stayed outside the sliding door.

Through the paper sliding door, Kannagi Rin could vaguely see the movements of Kiryūin, "Wait! What are you doing!"

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like you’re changing clothes!

"Oh, I'm trying to let Shiraishi-kun vent his anger."

Miyo Kiryuin answered seriously, thinking that if the fever didn't go away, then let it out, and maybe the temperature would subside.

"Idiot!" Kannagi Rin yelled angrily.

Junya Komori was angry, "Oniryuuin, the patient's body is weak, don't do such a thing!"

The words of the eldest lady can be said to be a daily scolding. Komori said this, which made Miyo Kiryuin realize that her idea might be a bit wrong.

"Oh, I'll change it right away."

She changed her strategy in time, changed Baishi's pajamas obediently, and said, "Okay."

The sliding door opened and the two of them stepped in together.

Kannagi Rin went up and knocked Miya on the head of Oniryuin, "Next time you dare to do this again, I will beat you severely. How can anyone do such a thing to a patient?"


Oniryuin Miya covered the place where she was knocked with her hands, looking aggrieved.

She was also thinking about Shiraishi.

"Yes, we can't do this again next time."

Jun Komori sides with Rin Kannagi.

Rather than the normal kind of thinking.

Once you do that kind of thing when you are weak, it will only aggravate the body's condition without any benefit.

"I'm sorry." Miyu Kiryuin apologized.

"Okay, don't blame Ghost Dragon Academy."

Shiraishi wakes up.

They all squatted beside the quilt, "Shiraishi-kun, are you feeling better?"

"It's okay." Shiraishi smiled and caught the two breaths outside, Fujiwara and Hanama, this is it?

After thinking for a while, he came to the conclusion in his mind, "I'm fine. You can go back. I just want to be quiet."

"Are you confused?!" Miu Kiryuin looked shocked.

Shiraishi raised his hand and flicked her forehead and said: "I am talking to Fujiwara and Hanama. They are guarding outside. They are probably worried that something is wrong with me."

"Oh, that scared me."

The beauty of Onilongin patted his chest with her hands, really afraid that he was suffering from fever.

"Let's eat." Komori Jun controlled the heart ghost to bring the food to the bedroom. The flames of the heart ghost condensed into the shape of a table, fell in front of Shiraishi, and several hands extended from it.

Help carry bowls, feed rice, and wipe away vegetable juices that may get outside.

The food on the table is mainly light, and even the meat is stewed so well that it can be easily scooped up with a spoon.

There are also some very greasy meats, which are for Kiryuin and Kannagi.

"Yes." Baishi sat up straight, Xingui's hand was behind his back, and he said sincerely: "Thank you, it's great to have you here."

"Hey, Shiraishi-kun, you can praise me a little more."

"this is what we are supposed to do."

Kannagi Rin's face was slightly red, his heart was beating loudly, and the sickly Shiraishi-kun made people feel like they wanted to bully him.

Jun Komori was embarrassed by the praise and blushed: "Kannagi is right."

The voice is very low.

The burgundy eyes were like a pool of spring water, bright and moving.

Shiraishi smiled.

It feels good to be so decadent once in a while.

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