I, the Lord of God, recruit witches to make money

Chapter 65 Who is the most handsome man?


The spirit monster heard a hint of wind and had no time to think about where it came from. Under that wonderful whisper, his thoughts fell into boundless darkness.

The meat pile connected to the five arms was severed from the neck, and a large amount of blood spurted out from the girl's body, instantly staining the ground in front of her red, and then she fell down.

The gap in strength between the two sides will not change much depending on who is trying his best.

It lost to Kiryuin Miya, Komori Jun, and finally to Kannagi Rin. Naturally, it had no chance of survival.

She flicked the knife, but there was no blood on it.

Raikiri is a famous sword, so sharp that it can kill monsters without staining a drop of blood. It is simply to show the charm of this famous sword to the viewers in the live broadcast room.

The hot sunlight makes the blade shine, but it doesn't give people an extremely dazzling feeling, revealing the cold air.

"As expected of the Rose Knight." "Amazing!" "Wow, I envy Lord Nohara so much." "It's okay to kill spirits, but it's obviously not appropriate to play like this." "Yes, spirits should be guests in the house of the person upstairs. "Strongly agree with the guy above."

From their perspective, they couldn't see the specific battle. They could only hear the rumbling of the wind and watch the scenery become blurry.

Such sound and picture made them understand how fast it was just now.

When the mobile phone camera focused on the stadium and a row of big trees, the blade seemed to cut through the blue sky, and was sheathed by green hands, announcing the end of the battle.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were bewildered, the comments kept rising, and the rewards came one after another.

This is because there is only one extraordinary blogger on the entire network who dares to broadcast the killing of monsters. Due to the rules of the live broadcast room, they cannot see the corpses of monsters and the blood splattered outside. This is their regret.

Kannagi Rin lowered his head and said: "Today's live broadcast ends here. Thank you everyone for your rewards. I look forward to seeing you next time. Bye~"

She responded to this group of fans with false enthusiasm, then turned off the live broadcast room. The moment she turned around, her face as delicate as a porcelain doll revealed a true expression: "Master God, how long will it take for us to reach LV.2?"

"It takes eight orders to upgrade."

Shiraishi explained again, took the mobile phone she handed over, entered the spirit hunting interface, selected to confirm the order, the system jumped to the photo mode, took a photo of the death spirit and uploaded it to the system.

Unlike weird and evil orders that cannot be photographed, after killing the ghosts and taking pictures, the money will be transferred directly to the account.

There is no need for confirmation from the police station. They are only responsible for sending people to collect the bodies and wash the floor.

The 250,000 yen for the order was received. Adding to his existing savings, leaving aside the fraction of a few thousand, there was a total of 1.27 million yen.

Shiraishi was in a good mood and was not a stingy boss. He decided to ask them to relax and relieve their inner murderous aura.

What attractions are there in Kasai?

The answer is definitely Kasai Rinkai Park.

That is indeed the problem with My Youth Love Story. In the last episode of the second season, Hikigaya, Yukino and Yui went on a date together.

Uh, which episode does it seem to be?

Shiraishi can't remember it clearly. It was too long ago and the details have been submerged in the long river of time. Only scattered fragments remain in his mind.

Perhaps because today is a working day, there are not many people visiting Kasai Rinkai Park, so it seems a bit deserted.

His first stop was to Kasai Rinkai Aquarium. You have to pay for tickets here, which is not expensive at 700 yen per person.

It's dark inside, with a circular fish tank in which fish of all sizes swim around, and crabs walking on the bottom. What exactly are they called crabs?

Shiraishi couldn't tell. Judging from that appearance, it must taste good.

"Wow, so many fish. What are the names of these fish?"

Oni Ryūin Miu clung to the fish tank, looking at the scenery near the bottom of the sea in front of her with a look of confusion on her face.

"I don't know. Just look at her and make her feel better."

Shiraishi simply replied that he was not an oceanographer, he was just a tourist looking at the scenery. He did not need to know the names of these fish, as long as he remembered to take pictures.

After taking pictures of the fish, I went to see the penguins. These chubby guys, I really want to take one back and raise one, but there is a special warning prohibiting extraordinary people from stealing penguins. Violators will be held legally responsible.

It looked like someone had tried to hug her, but I don’t know if they caught her.

Shiraishi thought about these questions, took a few more photos, and turned to the next stop, the West Coast.

The word "seaside" in Kasai Rinkai Park is not added casually. It is indeed close to the sea and there are two crescent-shaped artificial beaches.

The east seaside is a bird protection area and tourists are not allowed to enter, while the west seaside is a place where you can play casually.

The midday sun is so fierce that it can make people want to escape from the beach for a while. As a result, almost no one can be seen here.

The blue sky, blue sea and high-rise buildings are seamlessly connected together. People are walking on the beach, and the sea breeze blows their black hair. Shiraishi suddenly feels like he is in a comic book world.

The beautiful scenery makes him immersed in it, and he wants to enjoy it quietly. Some people like to express their inner joy with liveliness.

"Haha, the wind is so strong here and it's so cool."

Oniryuin Meiya spread her arms and spun around on the beach, her white wide sleeves and bright red hakama rustling in the wind.

Her big almond eyes were full of joy and she smiled: "I feel like all my worries will be blown away by the sea breeze."

Kannagi Rin combed her blond hair into a ponytail. The sea breeze kept blowing, making her hair messy, straightening it out and falling out again.

She hated the feeling of having unruly hair, and complained: "It's not just a worry, my head is going to be blown away by the wind. Let's find a place to eat."

"Hey, let's play a little longer."

Oniryuin Miya screamed, not wanting to leave, her flat belly grumbled in agreement, and she changed her words: "Let's eat."

"Haha." Kannagi Rin couldn't help laughing.

The beauty of Guilongyuan blushed, bared her teeth and said: "Okay, if you dare to laugh at me, see if I don't deal with you."

"Catch me if you can."

Kannagi Rin immediately started running, without using the Dragon Step. It was just a joke, there was no need to run so seriously.

Shiraishi shouted in time, "Remember to go to that barbecue restaurant."

Curry is delicious, but he doesn't want to eat curry today. He wants to drink cold beer, so a barbecue restaurant is the best choice.

"Hi~" The girl's echoing voice floated in the wind.

He shook his head and said, "Xiaosen, let's go."

"Yes." Komori Jun nodded. She was always very quiet and rarely participated in the rough and tumble. She followed Shiraishi like a shadow that would never leave.

The two people in front disappeared, and Shiraishi and Jun Komori walked to the gate of Kasai Rinkai Park.

"Stop." Someone yelled, reaching into his skirt and pulling out a silver musket with complex gold patterns on the surface, "Fairy Merlin!"

Bai Shi looked around and found no trace of the spirit.

"Don't act stupid, it's you, the most handsome man."

Good guy, that could only be him.

ps: Thanks to Chuwuyuan for the tip.

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