Chief Rem slowly groped along this energy and gradually came to a place surrounded by hard rock.

Along the way, it encounters quite a few other elves.

However, these elves are very weak, and Chief Rem does not want to bully them.

But these elves are very afraid of Chief Reim, because Chief Rem is huge and the cold aura on his body is very powerful.

This kind of role is the role of the strong, and the weak elf does not dare to get into trouble.

So wherever Chief Rem walked, the elves scattered and fled.

While lamenting the changeable environment on this Tianlong Island and the number of elves, Chief Rem was wary of increasingly clear energy.

Chief Rem is getting closer and closer to Gurado’s lair.

At this time, Gurado was cleaning up in the lair.

Although Qin Mu had promised it before, he would come over to help it clean up the nest together.

But Gurado still plans to clean up in the lair first.

In this way, after Qin Mu came, he only needed to help it embellish it.

Some rough work, there is no need to waste too much time on Qin Mu.

The reason why Gurado did this is because when he quarreled with Gaioka before, he felt that some of what Gaioka said still made sense.

There are so many elves on Tianlong Island this time, everyone needs Qin Mu’s care.

Although Gurado is a divine beast, it is not a special existence on this island.

Gaioka said that Gurado actually asked Qin Mu to help clean up its lair, which was a waste of Qin Mu’s time and made Qin Mu very tired.

So Gurado cleaned up himself before Qin Mu came.

Gurado collected and laid out some of the rubble, which was where he slept.

Then some other hard boulders were removed to make a large clearing.

Just as Gurado was packing up the heat.

It also felt an air of hostility.

There are other powerful elves approaching themselves!

Gurado turned his head and saw a fierce-looking chieftain Reim.

Chief Rem finally found the source of the breath that made him uncomfortable.

It turned out to be Gurado.

In terms of strength, Chief Rem does not lose to Gurado.

Swish, several ice picks flew towards Gurado.


Gurado swung his claws, and the ice pick hit Gurado’s hard shell, and it all bounced off.

It was just a tentative attack by Chief Reim and did no harm to Gurado.

But it bore Gurado.

Don’t bother me packing up my home!

Chief Rem whizzed out a few more ice picks, more numerous and larger than just now.

Gurado dodged sideways impatiently.

But the ice picks hit the rubble that Gurado had just collected.

Gurado’s lair, which he had managed to pack, was made a mess by Chief Reim.


Gurado was completely angry with Chief Reim and went up with his paws.

Chief Rem also immediately came on the field, and the cold breath on his body radiated.

The two divine beasts scuffled together like this.

The cold air of Chief Rem froze Gurado’s lair.

But then it was burned by the flames of Gurado.

The two divine beasts fought, the battle was particularly large, and a corner of the island shook.

The elves who lived around Gurado’s lair were terrified.

They were already afraid of the power of Gurado, and now they have another chief.

As the saying goes, the gods fight, and the mortals go away.

Now the two divine beasts are fighting immortals, these elves, it is better to run away quickly.

If you are accidentally injured, you will die.

At this time, a group of elves thought of the time when Gaioka and Gurado almost fought before.

It was Qin Mu who taught the two divine beasts a lesson, which allowed Tianlong Island to avoid a devastating blow.

Maybe this time Qin Mu came forward, and everything would be fine.

Some elves immediately went to find Qin Mu.

However, Qin Mu had already felt the movement here on Tianlong Island.

As an island guardian, if such a big event occurs, of course, he will not care.

But he won’t go so stupidly.

The other party is a powerful elf who has never met.

I am a human being, and what I say, the other party will not necessarily listen.


Qin Mu came to the sea area where Gaioka was located and called loudly.

Gaioka, who was at the bottom of the sea, had already felt the movement caused by Chief Reim, and now he heard Qin Mu’s call.

Immediately surfaced.

“Xiaolan, it’s up to you!”

Qin Mu and Gaioka exchanged glances, and the clever Gaioka immediately understood what Qin Mu meant.

It swam to the shore and let Qin Mu climb on its back.

Then Gaioka flew towards Gurado’s lair.

Just in the middle of the flight.

A strong wind blew high in the sky and the clouds twisted.

A long green voice appeared in the clouds, shuttling back and forth.

“It’s Midori! Midori also came. ”

“Midori, let’s stop it!”

Qin Mu shouted loudly towards the rift seat.

Rift Void had long noticed Gaioka and Qin Mu on it.

Of course, I also noticed the chief Reim who was sabotaging the island.

It came down from the sky at this time, because it was afraid that Qin Mu would encounter some danger.

So specially to help.

Two divine beasts escorted Qin Mu to Gurado’s lair.

At this time, Gurado and Chief Rem were already in full swing.

Although both sides still suppress the ability, they only use physical attacks.

So the destructive power is still limited.

But there is no guarantee that the battle will not escalate again.

If the battle escalates again, both beasts will start using skills.

Then this Tianlong Island will probably be destroyed.

“Stop! No fighting! ”

Qin Mu roared towards the two divine beasts that were fighting.

Gurado heard Qin Mu’s voice during the battle and immediately stopped.

Jumping backwards, far away from Chief Reim.

Chief Rem was stunned, not knowing why Gurado suddenly stopped fighting.

Turning his head again, Gaioka and Rift Empty Seat actually came.

And on Gaioka’s back sat a human.

And the human being is reprimanding himself and is not allowed to fight.

Chief Rem was unimpressed, just a small human being, why order himself?

It is a divine beast, not something that ordinary humans can command.

Humans say that if you are not allowed to fight, you are not allowed to fight?

Chief Rem ignored Qin Mu’s reprimand and continued to take a step forward.

It and Gurado haven’t decided yet!

Who knows, after being reprimanded by Qin Mu, Gurado had no intention of fighting with Chief Reim.

Chief Rem advances, and it retreats.

Moreover, Gurado glared angrily at Chief Reim, angry that it did not listen to Qin Mu.

Not only that, but Chief Rem also felt two hostile eyes behind him, staring at his hair.

Turning around, he saw that Rift and Gaioka were also glaring at him angrily.

Chief Rem was angry, why did they all listen to that human!

It has to fight today!

Chief Rem intends to release a frozen beam on Gurado.

Who knows, at this time, Chief Rem actually felt a fierce gaze that also came from Tianlong Island.

A mysterious elf that exists in the depths of Dragon Island.

Its strength seems to be above Chief Reim!

Chief Rem became honest at once, also learned from Gurado, and took a step back.

Only then did Chief Rem feel the uncomfortable gaze disappear.

It breathed a sigh of relief.

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