Facing the powerful 19th vampire ancestor, Bai Yi still showed no fear.

"Haha, you seem very confident!"

"As long as you can defeat me, I will let you do whatever you want and will never resist!"

After several fights, he gradually figured out the combat power limit of the Nineteenth Ancestor.

Even though his strength has increased at this moment, Bai Yi is still not very worried. He has absolute confidence in defeating him.

"Hahahaha, okay!"

""Swish, swish, swish~"

The 19th Ancestor laughed a few times and rushed towards Bai Yi frantically.

Before he arrived, the two hooks swung and shot out sharp rays towards Bai Yi.

Bai Yi's face was solemn, and he performed"Sun Breathing·Fourth Form Phantom Sun Rainbow", his figure was unpredictable.

The 19th Ancestor's full-strength attack was easily dodged by him.

Sharp hook rays shot out in all directions

"With a"swish" sound, a container was cut in half by the sharp hook.

"Boom", a wall was instantly broken into several large holes.

The vampires watching the battle not far away all looked horrified:

"Is this the fighting power of the ancestors? It's really terrifying."

"Look at that arrogant human being. Now he is like a stray dog, he can only run away."

"Humph, I have said it before, after the First Ancestor awakens the first level of armed forces, his combat power is unmatched. How could this human be the First Ancestor's opponent?"

"Judging from the situation, it won't be long before this human is defeated by the First Ancestor."


At this moment, the Nineteenth Ancestor's attack suddenly stopped, and he looked at Bai Yi with flaming eyes:"Human, is all you can do now is run away?"

"You are simply a coward, without any dignity of a strong man!"

All his violent attacks just now failed, which made him, who was always high and mighty, feel uncomfortable.

Although the first-level armament was activated, it was time-limited. After the limited time period, his combat power would decline.

The safest way is to completely get rid of the hateful human before the combat power declines.

However, Bai Yi was as slippery as a loach and did not confront him head-on, making his wishful thinking almost all fail.

Hearing his words, Bai Yi's fast-moving figure suddenly paused.

He looked at the Nineteenth Ancestor with a playful face:"What? You can't hit me, so you are anxious?"

"Although I know this is your way of provoking me, I want to fight with me head on before my fighting power declines."

"But I can fulfill your wish."

"I will defeat you fair and square, and make you convinced."

Hearing Bai Yi's reply, a hint of joy flashed in the eyes of the Nineteenth Ancestor.

Bai Yi didn't care about this.

He slowly calmed his mind and calmed the blood turbulence caused by the rapid movement just now.

After a moment, he exhaled lightly and grinned at the Nineteenth Ancestor opposite:"Hehe, be prepared to die!"

After that,"bang", a big hole exploded on the ground under his feet, and his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye:

""Breathing of the Sun: Sixth Form - Burning Bones and Flaming Sun~"

Bai Yi appeared behind the Nineteenth Ancestor and swung his sword rapidly.

Countless circular flames slashed towards the Nineteenth Ancestor.

"Humph, just a trick, how much damage can such an attack have?"

The 19th Ancestor turned around suddenly, with a flash of disdain in his eyes.

He swung his double hooks slowly and steadily to block the attacking flames.

If he couldn't avoid the attack, he would choose to use his body to resist it.

In his opinion, with his strong physique and recovery ability at the level of an ancestor, even if he was hit a few times, it would only be a tickle.

"Haha, you are so arrogant!"

"You will be in trouble next time!"

Bai Yi looked at the Nineteenth Ancestor mockingly.

Sure enough, when the two slashes landed on the Nineteenth Ancestor's body, two wounds of about 20 centimeters were instantly cut open.

"Human, I am the ancestor of the blood race. This kind of attack will have no effect no matter how many times it comes."

When the 19th ancestor said this, his face suddenly changed.

I saw that there was some flame attached to the wound where he was injured, burning his flesh and blood.

His powerful self-healing ability did not work at all.

"How could this happen? Damn, what kind of fire is this?"The 19th Ancestor's face changed drastically.

He quickly slapped the wound, trying to extinguish the fire.

Seeing that he was a little flustered, Bai Yi's eyes lit up:"Good opportunity!"


His body disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, he was already above the head of the 19th ancestor, Meru Stefano.

""Breathing of the Sun: Nine Forms, Sunset Turn~"

Bai Yi instantly flashed into the air, and in an inverted posture, he launched a horizontal slash with all his strength.

The blade was wrapped with flames as blazing as the sun and struck at the Nineteenth Ancestor.


The 19th Ancestor suddenly raised his head, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

At this moment, an extremely strong sense of crisis struck his heart.

"Damn it, I can't dodge it!"

He could only wave his double hooks in panic to deal with it.

The next moment, with a"swish", an arm flew up.

"It fell to the ground with a"pop".

The wound on the broken arm was still burning with flames.

"Damn it, my arm!"

The Nineteenth Ancestor let out a shrill roar. He knew that his arm was useless.

"Hehe, anger is the worst emotion. You will die if you continue like this!"

Bai Yi chuckled but did not stop attacking:

""Sun Breathing: Eighth Form Flywheel Sun Flame~"

Looking at Bai Yi's attack, the Nineteenth Ancestor was confused for a moment.

He found that the long sword in the human's hand had changed and became much shorter.

"What is happening?"

"His knife......Broken?"

Before he could figure out this puzzle, he suddenly felt a piercing pain in his other arm.

Looking carefully, he found that while he was stunned, Bai Yi had cut off one of his arms again.

This time he lost both arms, and his fighting power was almost gone.

After realizing this, the Nineteenth Ancestor showed a look of fear in his eyes for the first time:"Damn it, he's going to die, he's going to die!"

"This damned animal actually hurt me to such an extent."

"Yes, escape! You must escape as soon as possible."

Bai Yi saw all his expressions, and seemed to understand what he was thinking:

"Hehe, as the ancestor of vampires, he is so afraid of death"

"If you run away now, where is your dignity? Where is your honor?"

Hearing Bai Yi's mocking words, the pale cheeks of the Nineteenth Ancestor turned red.

In the distance, seeing the battle situation taking a sharp turn for the worse, the onlookers were all stunned:

"How is it possible? The powerful ancestor was defeated?"

"What kind of monster is this? It actually cut off the two arms of the ancestor"

"The First Ancestor's condition is not good. Are we just going to stand by and watch?"

"Even the First Ancestor is no match for us, so even if we take action

, we will only die." Seeing that no vampires took action around him, the Nineteenth First Ancestor yelled,"Assholes, why don't you take action? Do you want to watch me die?"

At this moment, Bai Yi's teasing voice came to his ears:"Hey, it's too late!"

"Be destroyed by my blade!"


The long sword wrapped in flames pierced through the chest of the Nineteenth Ancestor from behind.

The Nineteenth Ancestor felt that his heart was burned into nothingness in the blink of an eye. The wound was obviously burning with unbearable pain, but the rest of his body felt as if he had fallen into an icy cave.

"How could this happen? I was killed by a despised animal?"

"Is this cold feeling the feeling of death?"

As he spoke, his body slowly dissipated from the place where the blade pierced.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you killed a lower-level ancestor-level vampire and obtained 800 demon hunting points"

"The host's total number of demon hunting points is 2100 at this moment, which can be exchanged for one chance to draw a lottery!"

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