The next day, in the Shibuya High School library,

Bai Yi was reading a book called"Detailed Explanation of Vampires" with great interest. On the table was a book called"Summary of Devil Curse Weapons".》

"Sure enough, the use of wooden stakes and silverware to kill vampires on TV is nonsense. Vampires in this world can only be killed with weapons blessed with the power of ghost curses."

"Hiiragi Mahiru is really amazing. He was able to develop a demon-cursed weapon in just a few years, reversing the absolute disadvantage of humans in fighting vampires."

"I don't know if I'll have the chance to see her again......"

While he was deep in thought, he heard footsteps approaching from behind him.

Feeling that the person was behind him, he closed the book with a click.

"Oh, Bai Yijun, are you reading any books that are not suitable for children?"

"Yes, at this age, it is the time of youth and ignorance, and it is normal to be curious about this aspect."

Hearing this, Bai Yi frowned, and he knew who was talking without turning around.

He turned his head to glance at Hiiragi Shinoya and said lightly:"Boring!"

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. The Imperial Ghost Army is now in charge of humanity. The Imperial Ghost Army's top brass has been encouraging humans to have more children and reproduce as much as possible to make up for the shortage of humans after the disaster."

"Bai Yijun, you have such excellent genes, you should respond to the policy and have more children."

Even though she has a pure appearance and an angelic smile, what Hiiragi Shinoya said is extremely sinister.

Moreover, she and Bai Yi have only known each other for less than two days, and this ability to be so familiar with others made Bai Yi's eyebrows jump.

"This woman is just as sinister as in the original anime, but I am not Yuichiro Hyakuya, who will let you tease me."

Thinking of this, he stood up suddenly, bent down slightly, and put his handsome face in front of Shinoa Hiiragi. The two were only a dozen centimeters apart, and could even feel each other's hot breath.

He joked,"I would like to cater to the policy of the Imperial Ghost Army, but no one cooperates."

"How about I put up with it? Let you be my woman?"

Bai Yi's abrupt action scared Xiaoya Hiiragi. She stepped back a few steps, her face flushed.

"You, you, you wishful thinking!"Hiragi Shinoya was a little unskillful in her speech.

Although she was usually eloquent and sometimes a little treacherous, she had never been in a relationship, let alone such close contact with the opposite sex. Facing Bai Yi's teasing, she could not resist at all.


Bai Yi straightened up and looked at her with disdain:"It's too small, the baby will be hungry."

After saying that, Bai Yi picked up two books and walked towards the bookshelf.

"Hmm? ? ?"

Hiragi Shinoya was stunned for a moment:"What do you mean?"

Thinking of Bai Yi looking at where his eyes were, she finally reacted:"Bai Yi, you bastard!"

At this time, Bai Yi had already walked out of the library in a chic manner.

At the original place, Hiiragi Shinoya's face changed for a while, and finally gritted her teeth and followed him:

"If it wasn't for completing the mission, who would want to bother with this bastard?"......

"Bai Yi, how can you be so powerful? Narumi Makoto is the captain of the Moon Demon Team and has the ability to kill middle-level vampires. How can you defeat him?"

The two walked side by side on the campus, and Shinoya Hiiragi asked curiously.

Bai Yi glanced at her and said calmly:"Talent, there is no way to explain it, and you can't learn it!"

Shinoya Hiiragi was stunned:"What kind of reason is this?"

As a non-commissioned officer of the Imperial Demon Army who possesses black ghost-level demon curse equipment and has participated in vampire extermination operations more than once, she knows very well how difficult it is for humans to defeat vampires.

Without demon curse equipment, even Honglian would find it extremely difficult to kill a lower-level vampire.

And with the black ghost-level equipment True Day and Night, Honglian even has the strength to fight against upper-level vampires.

But Bai Yi, an ordinary human, actually defeated Narumi Makoto when he entered the"possessed" state. This kind of counterintuitive thing, how can the word"talent" be fooled?

"Hey, hey, hey, you are too insincere, aren't you? This is just fooling people!"Hiragi Shinoya curled her lips and said unhappily.

Bai Yi suddenly stopped, touched his chin and thought for a while, then looked at Hiiragi Shinoya:"I heard that you have a ghost curse equipment, can you let me try its power?" Hiiragi Shinoya was stunned:"How does he know I have ghost curse equipment?"

"Did he know my identity?"

As if he knew what she was thinking, Bai Yi continued:"Don't guess, the Hiiragi family is the most powerful family that commands mankind, and it is obvious that you have some relationship with that family."

"As a member of that family, isn't it normal to own a piece of ghost-cursed equipment?"

"So that's how it is!"Hiragi Shinoya breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the Red Lotus Sect's plan to get close to Bai Yi had been exposed.

"I can show you, but you have to tell me the secret of your strength.

"Let's talk about it later!" Bai Yi said calmly

"You guy....."Shinoa Hiiragi was furious.

Facing Bai Yi, she really felt a little powerless.

She was obviously a beautiful girl, and other boys in the class wanted to approach her and please her, but Bai Yi was the only one who acted very indifferent.

When talking to her, he always looked very angry, and what he said was all nonsense, without any key information, which made the proud Shinoa Hiiragi feel a little frustrated for no reason......

On the rooftop, Hiiragi Shinoa lightly snapped her fingers, and black energy quickly condensed at her fingertips. The next moment, a small sickle appeared out of thin air.

"So small? How to use it?" Bai Yi asked in surprise, pretending to be an unsophisticated person.

"Small?"Hiragi Shinoya rolled her eyes at him.

The small sickle turned a few times between her fingers, and in the blink of an eye, it magnified dozens or hundreds of times and turned into a giant sickle with an exaggerated shape.

There were flashes of cold light on the sickle blade.

"This is my black ghost-level cursed weapon - the Four Scythe Boy."Hiragi Shinoya said proudly, holding the sickle and sticking out her chest.

Bai Yi looked at the sickle in Hiiragi Shinoya's hand, and a hint of heat flashed in his eyes;"Can I try it?"

Hiiragi Shinoya frowned:"Ghost cursed weapons can only be driven by the owner who has established a contract with it. Even if other people get it, they can only use it as an ordinary weapon."

Bai Yi was not surprised by this:"In that case, you take it and try to take my knife!"

"I want to see what the power of the black ghost-level equipment is like?"

After traveling to this world, it is impossible for Bai Yi to say that he is not interested in the world's top weapons.

Seeing that Shinoya Hiiragi was a little hesitant, Bai Yi added:"Don't worry, I won't use my full strength!"

This completely aroused Shinoya Hiiragi's competitive spirit, and she pursed her lips:"Even if you use your full strength, so what? I can block it!"

"Come on!"

After saying that, she prepared for defense and looked at Bai Yi seriously.

"Then I'll draw my sword!"

After saying that, Bai Yi pulled out a long sword that he often used in training from his waist.

He chopped it over casually.


The knife light was bright, and it was clearly a casual strike, but Bai Yi made a sonic boom.

""So fast!" Hiiragi Shinoa's heart trembled.

She swung the sickle in her hand with all her strength to meet the enemy.


Metal and iron collided, sparks flew everywhere.

The black air on the giant sickle fluctuated, and Shinoa Hiiragi retreated more than ten meters in embarrassment, her hands trembling constantly:

"This guy is really scary. He made a move and I almost couldn't defend against it even with all my strength."

"I really don't know how he practiced!"

Hiiragi Shinoa's eyes were extremely solemn.

At this moment, a loud"boom" came from a teaching building not far away.

The shrill alarm echoed throughout the campus.

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