"Oh, yes.

"Although Senior Brother Ye has been driven down the mountain now, after all, he is a disciple of Yun Yufeng, and it is more convenient to get close to Senior Sister Late.

"Senior Brother Ye, this messenger is indispensable.

"Now that Senior Brother Ye is meditating and cultivating, I won't disturb him first, and I'll come to see him in two days......"

Gao Hong grinned, unfolded the Wind Resisting Technique, and disappeared into the vast night after a while.

In the next few days, in addition to cultivating, Ye Ling occasionally watched the sunset to pass the time.

Then it's just hunting a few bamboo rats or roasting mountain spirit chickens to eat.

In fact, he is already on the second floor of Jindan, and he has completely realized Bigu.

Making barbecue to eat is purely to relieve loneliness, after all, a person's life is too boring.

Time passed day by day, Ye Ling's realm achieved breakthroughs one after another, reaching the fourth layer of the Jindan realm, and the spiritual power in his body was even more vast and unfathomable.

On this day, Ye Ling was concentrating on cultivation in the cave, when suddenly a noisy noise came from outside......

"It's really unlucky, I lost last time, and I lost again this time.

"Then what's the solution, blame yourself for being stupid. "

Don't talk nonsense, you can talk about it, now that the beast tide is gone, what's the use of getting a mountain gate......"

As he spoke, several miscellaneous disciples wearing Yang Jian Peak costumes walked in.

They didn't notice Ye Ling's existence at all, and after sitting down on the stone bench, they still chattered and ......kept talking

"Yes, what the third junior brother said is right, it is really time to withdraw the mountain protection array, so as to reduce the burden on us low-level disciples. "

The problem is, you don't have that ability, hehe

......" "Don't say it, it's all tears when you say it, ah, there are ghosts......"

Someone finally found Ye Ling, a line of sky above the cave, and the sunlight outside spilled in and shone on Ye Ling's body.

At this moment, Ye Ling's circumference was full of mottled light and shadow, which looked extremely weird and mysterious.

"Ghost, run, ghost ......

" "Third junior brother, don't talk nonsense, where did the ghost come from?"

"Yes, such a handsome guy, but you treat people as ghosts, your eyes are too low."

"Yes, it's still this senior brother.

Ye Ling opened his eyes, let out a long sigh of relief, and then jumped lightly and got off the stone bed.

"Senior brothers, don't just stand, sit down and let's talk......" I don't

know if it's because I've lived alone for too long, Ye Ling was vigilant when he saw the disciples of Yang Jianfeng before, but at this time, he felt extremely kind.

"Are you, are you that miscellaneous spirit root?"

Someone finally recognized him, it was the third junior brother just now.

But as soon as he was halfway through his words, he covered his mouth.

"I'm sorry junior brother, I said the wrong thing, I shouldn't have said that you are a miscellaneous spirit root......"

Next to him, another disciple with a strong physique stopped doing it.

"Haha, the miscellaneous spirit root is the miscellaneous spirit root, are the miscellaneous spirit roots still afraid to say?"

Second Senior Brother, stop talking. The

third junior brother couldn't help but say, and pulled him aside, during this time, he secretly glanced at Ye Ling, his eyes were full of jealousy.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, this isn't a miscellaneous spiritual root. "

Isn't it a miscellaneous

spirit root?" "Yes, you will not allow these three words of miscellaneous spirit root in the future." "

Why?" The

second senior brother, who was in good health, seemed to be a little stupid, and the third senior brother sighed, and this time he directly pulled him out of the cave.

"Even if it's a miscellaneous spirit root, you are not allowed to say that.


?" "My second senior brother, you only know one and don't know the other, the second disciple of Lingjian Peak last year was directly cut off by his senior sister, and it hurt so much that

he died, do you know this?" "I don't know, what did you do in the end?" "

Kill to pay for your life, pay

off debts?" "Yes, you must also cut off one of his arms!" The second senior brother nodded in agreement, and at the same time picked his nose with his hand.

"What do you want? "

Uncle Yun?!"

Hearing this name, the rough second senior brother trembled directly.

"That's right.

"I can't mess with that, let's go.

Although the distance was relatively far, Ye Ling still listened to the conversation between the two clearly.

It seems that the three masters and apprentices of Yun Yufeng are no better, and in the entire Ten Thousand Swords Sect, they are about to become the existence of the common anger of people and gods.

Shizun has a strange temper, and there is still a saying about this.

Senior Sister is so gentle and lovely, how can it be as terrible as they say?

As for Ye Ling himself, he has done a few excessive things in the Ten Thousand Swords Sect recently, but it has not yet reached the point where people are daunted when they see it.

But you see it right in front of you.

No, this is absolutely not good, immortal cultivators, should be based on benevolence, and must not have a reputation of extremely bad conduct!

Ye Ling made up his mind to change this situation, so before the second senior brother was about to leave, he smiled and clenched his fists to stop it.

"Senior brothers, let's go after dinner, I'll make a barbecue in a while.

When the second senior brother heard this, the corners of his lips twitched.

"No, you see the sun is about to set, junior brother, we have to go back. "

Senior brother, soon, you believe me......"

As he spoke, Ye Ling had already taken out a few bamboo rats that he had just killed in the morning, and directly ignited the spirit stones and put them on the shelves to roast.

This begins?

Several brothers and sisters looked at each other, not knowing how to deal with it.

Ye Ling hummed a tune, and leisurely sprinkled various seasonings on the bamboo rat, with a comfortable look.

Several people glanced at each other, and their eyes showed panic that could not be concealed.

Especially the second senior brother, he picked his nose eight times in a row within a quarter of an hour, and finally knelt down in front of Ye Ling with a thud, and said with a stumbling voice.

"That's the teacher, the junior brother, I, me, you, can you let us go?"

"Senior brother, what are you doing here? Get up quickly, you can kill the junior brother." Ye

Ling didn't know why the second senior brother knelt down, so he hurriedly came to pick it up, who knew ......

"No, if you don't agree to let us go, I will definitely not get up!" The

second senior brother came up and had a temper, and he must kneel on the ground until Ye Ling agreed to his request.

"Senior brother, don't worry, after eating my barbecue later, you can leave. "

That's it......

" The second senior brother's eyes rolled, and he asked again: "Teacher, junior brother, how much does your barbecue cost, one?" "

Don't want spirit stones, I'll give you something to eat, come, give it to you, it's ...... baked"

Saying that, Ye Ling took a bamboo rat from the barbecue grill and handed it to the second senior brother.

The second senior brother originally wanted to resign, but the third senior brother desperately stepped on his feet by his side ......

"Shut it down, do you hear it?

"Okay. The

second senior brother trembled with his hands, and took the bamboo rat that was bubbling with oil in fear.

At this time, the voice of the second senior brother sounded next to ......

again"Quick, dig out the spirit stone, dig out the spirit stone......"


After the second senior brother agreed, he directly took out all the two treasure bags on his body and looked at Ye Ling with blank eyes.

"Teacher, junior brother, this, this is all my belongings, you can do well, how many count, okay, okay?"

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