Kimiko looked distressed when she saw her younger brother whom she had not met for a long time.

She asked in sign language: Does it hurt? I mean when the blue poison is injected.

Kenji's face wearing a peaked cap was mottled with light and shadow. He said softly: "I wanted to die at that time."

The liquid from the corner of Kimiko's eyes slid down her face, rolled into a pearl, and dripped to the ground.

She gestured and said: Me too.

"They had one dose left of that drug and knew it worked for you," Kenji said.

"So they thought, that should work for me too."

"After all, we are siblings."

Only then did Kimiko realize that it was her fault that made her brother suffer this kind of pain.

She stood up, pressed Kenji's chest with tears streaming down her face, and gestured: I'm sorry.

Kenji shook his head: "That's not your fault."

He stood up, gestured, and emphasized again: "It's not your fault, sister."

The two hugged each other tightly.

After a moment, Kenji let go of his hand and looked at Kimiko.

"How are you doing now?"

Kimiko nodded and signed: I am doing well, I have a job, and I work for a very special person. In return, he protected me. And solve some troubles for me.

"That's good." Kenji nodded.

Kimiko gestured again: Now that I have found you, I have no regrets. Kenji, let's go home, back to the village.

Kenji shook his head: "You don't know yet, but the village is no longer there."

Kimiko's beautiful eyes widened: What?

"They came to the village to find us," Kenji said.

Kimiko gestured and asked: Who?

Kenji didn’t hide it: “People from this country.”

"A hero screamed like a demon and fell from the sky, destroying the camp and all the surrounding villages."

"It's a good thing you weren't here. You wouldn't want to see that scene of corpses strewn all over the place."

"So, everyone is gone."

Kimiko's shoulders shook, obviously shocked.

Then he tried to persuade Kenji: Let's go somewhere else, let's go back to our country. Maybe my grandparents are still alive.

"Don't you care?"

Kenji suddenly became excited.

"I saw with my own eyes that superhero tore an old woman in half!"

"Don't you think it's excessive?"

"That old lady did nothing, but she died inexplicably."

"Also, do you remember the school we went to?"

"They razed the whole school to the ground and there were kids in there!"

"There were even babies burned alive in their beds when the propane tanks exploded!"

"That superhero is the devil, and this country is hell!"

Kimiko's expression was complicated. How could she not know? She just didn't want her brother to get stuck in the mud.

She wanted to take Kenji away, as far away as possible.

Kenji shook his head and said, "I don't want to come here, and I don't want to do what they asked me to do in Flash, but Flash is right."

"This is a sinful nation and if we don't destroy them, there will be a lot of people like you and me in this world."

Kimiko shook her head decisively and gestured vigorously with sign language: No, Flash has been lying to people, they have deceived you!

Kenji disagrees: "Flash fights injustice, they defend those who have no voice."

Kimiko was very sad and couldn't believe that such words came from Kenji's mouth.

She gestured vigorously: The flash killed our parents!

Kenji shook his head and said: "This country is now the public enemy of the whole world, and we must resist."

"Sister, fight with me!"

Kimiko felt flustered. When she saw her brother this time, she realized that she no longer knew Kenji that well.

But she was unwilling to give up and said in sign language: You used to take care of all the mice that lost their mothers. Have you forgotten? That's why I call you a mouse, Kenji, don't believe in the flash, come with me.

Kenji stepped back and said, "That was a long time ago, and now I have more important things to do than taking care of the mice."

Kimiko grabbed his sleeve and said: But you are still my brother, I can't watch you being used by Flash.

Kenji held Kimiko's hand and said, "Since you are my sister, you know I have to do this."

"Forget it, I don't want to force you."

"If you are not willing to help me, then let's separate here."

Kimiko quickly grabbed his hand. Kimiko knew that Kenji's fight against this country and superheroes would not end well.

Even if Kenji can fight against other superheroes, he can't pass the level of the people of his motherland.

Kimiko didn't think that the people of her motherland would be lenient just because Kenji was her younger brother.

After all, even if it’s yourself.

To that man, he was just like a stray cat on the roadside.

If Kenji offended him, even if he begged him, he would not let his brother go.

at this time.

Suddenly a figure fell next to the siblings, and then the man straightened up and clapped.

"It's so touching."

"It's a true brother-sister relationship."

"I was almost so moved by you that I forgot what I was going to do."

"Hi, I'm Storm."

"Hello, I didn't bother you."

Kimiko and Kenji looked and their eyes fell on a petite woman.

He has asymmetrical short hair, wears a black and green battle suit, and is waving to his siblings.

At this time, the sound of helicopter propellers sounded in the sky, and then a light lit up from the helicopter and fell on Storm, Kimiko and Kenji.

Storm looked at the helicopter, waved his hand, and said, "Don't worry about it."

"That's the TV station's helicopter. They are broadcasting live."

"Oh by the way, what should I call you, Mr. Wanted?"

Storm looked at Kenci: "You don't know, right? You are already a wanted criminal, and the police think you are dangerous, so I hope I can come and arrest you."

"Look at this, Mr. Wanted Criminal."

"If you are willing to let go, I can hand you over to the police."

"How about it? It's a good deal."

"You have to be happy, today is your lucky day."

"This is my first arrest as a member of the Seven, so I hope the methods can be more peaceful, which will help increase my popularity."

"You probably don't want to be missing an arm or a leg or something, right?"

Kimiko pulled Kenji behind her and gestured: "Go away quickly, I'll hold on to this woman."

Feng Feng seemed to understand sign language, and she chuckled: "Don't be like this, I'm in a good mood today, so don't force me to do anything."

Kimiko was already charging into the storm.

However, the storm flew up and Kimiko was thrown into the air.

The storm flew towards Kenji. At this time, a tanker truck drove over on the highway. The car honked its horn to remind Kenji who had already run onto the highway.

Two beams of snow-white car lights immediately illuminated Kenji's face.

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