I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 206 Paradise Island found me

"Ladies, this is your fault."

"I consider myself a gentleman, but it seems that you prefer tough men and the feeling of being conquered."

"What can I do?"

"I have no choice but to satisfy you!"

Amidst the chatter and laughter, the spears were deformed after being hit by Azu's 'biological force field'.

Then Azu unfolded the 'spiritual realm', covering the entire paradise island, and marked the women in front of him and the female shooter in the distance.

Take this as the positioning of ‘Psychic Storm’.

An invisible wind blew in the Great Lakes area. The 'spiritual storm' had no impact on the real space, but it had a severe impact on the spiritual light of these Amazons who were targeted.

One by one, women felt fearful, nervous, and flustered for no reason under Azu's 'spiritual storm'.

Their beliefs were shaken, their spirits and wills became weak, as if they were exposed to the eyes of natural enemies, they all turned pale with fear and their legs trembled.

One after another they sat down on the grass and could no longer stand up.

At this time, they were unable to resist whatever Azu wanted to do, and they did not dare to resist.

And they will be in awe of Azu for a long time to come.

This kind of psychological impact is more difficult to recover from than physical injuries, and the effects will be more profound.

At this time, Helena fell into the water and swam to the shore.

She was not the target of the 'Psychic Storm', so her eyes still maintained a strong fighting spirit.

The 'mermaid' climbed onto the shore, her wet hair sticking to her chest. Helena asked loudly: "What did you do to my sister!"

Azu smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just want them to be quiet for a while."

Helena looked at the nearby tribesmen and found that they only had ugly expressions and pale faces, but no obvious injuries.

I felt a little relieved.

Then he pursed his lips.

"who are you?"

"How did you find Paradise Island!"

Since the man who took Diana away accidentally broke into Paradise Island, Paradise Island has never been discovered again.

But today, another stranger landed on the island, so it was normal for Helena to be nervous.

Azu put his hands behind his back and smiled: "In many worlds, people call me 'The Conqueror'."

"I didn't find Paradise Island."

"But Paradise Island found me."

Helena was startled.

In Azu's few words, Helena grasped a lot of key information.

For example, the "many worlds" in the first sentence means that the man in front of you can travel to and from multiple worlds.

As an Amazon, Helena naturally knows that the earth is not the only 'world'.

Outside of the ‘world’, there are many ‘worlds’.

A person who can travel between multiple worlds is not simple in itself.

In addition, the last two sentences are more worth pondering.

I'm not looking for Paradise Island.

But Paradise Island found me.

Why did Paradise Island find him?

Is there some disaster about to happen?

Although Helena still didn't quite believe that Paradise Island would find the 'conqueror' in front of her.

However, this seems to be the most reasonable explanation.

If not found by Paradise Island, even a god would find it difficult to find Paradise Island.

Otherwise, Ares, the god of war, would have arrived on the island early, and he would not have waited until Diana left the island before letting the Amazon princess clean it up.

Thinking of this, although Helena did not fully believe it, she did not dare to despise Azu.

What's more, this man just made seven or eight sisters collapse to the ground.

Such a character is no longer much different from a demigod like Diana.

"Your Excellency the Conqueror, I apologize for our recklessness just now."

"Since you said that Paradise Island has found you, does this mean that a disaster is about to happen on Paradise Island?"

Helena tried to ask.

Azu looked solemn, nodded and said, "Yes."

"He has set his sights on this planet, and his minions are about to arrive."

"An ancient enemy will once again set foot on this land, however, it is clear that the Amazons are not ready yet."

"Maybe this is why Paradise Island found me."

"It may have felt that the Amazons needed a warning."

Helena opened her mouth slightly.

"He has his sights set on this planet? Who is he?"

"The ancient enemy, the conqueror, what exactly do you mean?"

Azu smiled slightly and said: "Perhaps it would be more appropriate for your queen to raise this question."

Helena said quickly: "I overstepped. I will take you to see the Queen immediately."

Azu coughed dryly: "Of course that's good, but although Paradise Island has a pleasant climate, I think it would be better for you to wear some clothes."

"I wonder if you guys will catch a cold?"

Helena was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that she didn't even have any clothes on her body!


As an Amazon, she is obviously not as shy as other women out there about being exposed to the male gaze.

On the contrary, she put on her armor and battle clothes gracefully, and intentionally or unintentionally, she showed her proudest parts to Azu.

It's a bit like an animal showing off some of its proudest and most beautiful parts.

Azu couldn't understand it, but he supported this behavior and thought it would be better if it could be promoted all over the world and in the multiverse.

After feasting his eyes, Azu followed Helena and left the big lake.

There are no cars on Paradise Island, and the only means of transportation for the Amazons is horses.

Azu had never ridden a horse before and didn't want to make a fool of himself, so he and Helena shared a horse.

The previous 'mermaids' also set off together. After listening to the conversation between Azu and Helena, they were 'scared' by Azu, and now their attitude towards Azu has undergone a strange change.

Awe still occupied most of them, but in their hearts, they were more curious about the man Azu.

The Amazons are a race with extremely long lifespans, almost immortal, and only a few of them have ever seen such a creature as a 'man'.

Most of them are just heard about and read in books.

So when Azu went all the way to the palace of the Amazon Queen, he was harassed by the eyes of these Amazons.

Fortunately, these Amazons have grown up with Azu's aesthetics, so it's not too uncomfortable to be stared at by things they identify with.

When they left the Great Lakes area, a desolate plain appeared in Azu's sight.

Azu saw a building built on the seaside from a distance. It looked like a fortress, but he knew that it was a 'vault' used to store one of the three mother boxes.

Soon after, Steppenwolf will arrive and try to take away the Mother Boxes.

After a while.

Azu and his party have entered the Amazon living area.

At the beach, he saw Amazons drying their fishing nets. These people were civilians on Paradise Island.

I don’t know if he also has the quality of longevity, but in terms of status, he is obviously not as good as a warrior like Helena.

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