I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 210 The Fearless Amazons

"Boom channel."

Over the holy temple, the red 'cloak of justice' fluttered in the wind, like a blazing flame.

Azu held Helena in his arms, looked at the column of light that went straight into the temple, and murmured softly.

Helena didn't know what the 'sound blast channel' was, but she could feel that the atmosphere in the temple was different.

She looked at the man beside her, bit her lower lip and said, "Conqueror, is that the enemy from ancient times?"

Azu shook his head: "No, at best it's just a watchdog."

"But even if it's a watchdog, it's not something your clan can fight against."

I don't know about comics.

But in the movie, Steppenwolf beats up hundreds of Amazons by himself.

Even Wonder Woman is no match for Steppenwolf one on one.

In the end, it was Superman, a nearly buggy being, who defeated Steppenwolf.

So Darkseid's watchdog is very strong.

Various thoughts appeared in Azu's mind.

But Helena said worriedly: "Queen Hippolyta is in the temple, and I want to help her."

Azu had no intention of letting go: "It's useless if you go."

"It's better to stay here, it's safe here."

Helena raised her eyebrows: "I am an Amazon warrior, and I will not shy away from any challenge."

Azu shrugged his shoulders and let go of his hand.

Helena looked at his tall and handsome face and said, "Conqueror, will you help us Amazons?"

Azu smiled and said: "I have expressed my stance to your queen from the beginning."

"I am a friend, not an enemy."

"However, your queen doesn't seem to believe it."

"So, let's see."

Helena showed a sweet smile and said: "It doesn't matter even if you don't help us, but please don't let the holy objects fall into the hands of evildoers."

After saying that, she let go of her hand, fell to the ground, and then ran towards the temple.

Azu touched his nose and said with a smile: "A villain?"

"It feels like it's talking about me."

Then he scanned the situation in the temple.

In the Holy Temple, behind the stone platform enshrining the Mother Box, in the 'Sonic Boom Channel', a group of figures suddenly fell down.


The entire holy temple shook slightly.

Hippolyta's eyes suddenly shrank a little.

She straightened up as she looked at the figure behind the stone platform. It was a humanoid creature over three meters tall.

He was wearing a silver battle armor covered with spikes. The spikes on the battle armor were constantly moving on their own, as if they had a life of their own.

This creature has two huge horns, which are like buffalo horns and are also covered with silver needle armor.

He held a battle ax wrapped with yellow lightning, and his two eyes lit up with blue light.


Darkseid's lackey!

Demon-like commander!

Looking around, Steppenwolf's subwoofer-like voice sounded: "Amazonians."

"I'm here to show you the great darkness."

"I will wallow in your fears."

Hippolyta drew her long sword, put on a fighting stance, and said loudly: "Daughter of Paradise Island, let him see your fear!"

All the female warriors shouted: "We have nothing to fear!"

Steppenwolf's expression did not change and he said calmly: "Then let us take a look."

"Demons, kill them!"

Suddenly, demonoids flew out from the sonic boom channel.

The demonoid looks like a man with wings, pale skin, and wearing tactical glasses.

They were armed with beamers, and they were huge in number, buzzing around like flies.

Demonoids are biological weapons transformed by Apokolips technology. They are transformed from prisoners captured by Apokolips' army from a planet in the universe.

Their individual combat effectiveness is not very strong, but they also have a power that ordinary people cannot resist.

But the scariest thing about them is their numbers.

The endless demonoids are their scariest thing.

These things have no thought, no free will.

Only taking orders from the dark lord Darkseid, and frontline commanders like Steppenwolf.

At this time, Steppenwolf gave an order, and a large number of demonoids rushed out of the sonic boom channel, using the beam rifles in their hands to frantically attack the Amazon warriors in the temple.

The Amazon warriors responded without fear. They pulled the bow strings and let the sharp arrows break the air and penetrate the demonoid's chest.

Although primitive cold weapons are used, with the skill and power of the Amazon female warriors.

The power exerted by these cold weapons is not weak at all. Although the demonoid has armor to protect its body, it is as if it is made of paper under the powerful arrows and spears, and is easily stabbed to death.

However, the Amazon female warriors also don't get much benefit.

The beam emitted by the demon-like rifle has strong penetrating and high-heat properties. The Amazon female warrior only has amazing physical strength, but her physical strength is only a little higher than that of ordinary humans.

Once hit by a laser, a transparent wound will be left on the body. Once it hits a vital point, it will die immediately.

Zeus seemed to have played a bad joke on this race, giving them near-immortal life but not a strong body.

So under the constant attack of the demonoids, one Amazon warrior after another died in the temple.

In less than a minute, one-third of the female warriors in the temple had fallen.

Hippolyta was extremely sad to see.

At this time, Steppenwolf walked towards the stone platform where the Mother Box was enshrined, and reached out to catch the Mother Box.

Unexpectedly, a rope was wrapped around his arm. Several female warriors worked together to grab the rope and forcefully tore Steppenwolf's arm away.

One by one, the Amazon warriors rushed forward fearlessly. These tall women surrounded Steppenwolf like ants, desperately blocking his progress.

There was even a female warrior who jumped on the back of Steppenwolf. Regardless of the fact that her body was pricked with holes by the needle armor on Steppenwolf's body, she still raised her sword high and stabbed the enemy's head fiercely.

Unfortunately, mortal weapons cannot harm Steppenwolf.

The long sword suddenly broke, Steppenwolf waved his other arm, and the electric ax thundered, spraying out electric snakes.

With a simple slash, countless female warriors flew up and their bodies shattered into terrifying shapes.

Just as Steppenwolf was about to escape, a rope flew over and wrapped around the mother box.

With a tug, the mother box flew away and landed in Hippolyta's hands.

The Amazon Queen played the lasso very well. As soon as she got the mother box, the Amazon Queen ran out without hesitation.

As he ran, he yelled: "Close the door!"

Suddenly, the strongmen on both sides of the passage swung their sledgehammers and broke the pillars supporting the Dragon Breaking Stone. Then the two strongmen near the gate used their shoulders to carry the sinking boulder to buy time for the queen.

When Helena arrived, she saw Queen Hippolyta holding the mother box and sliding out from under the door.


The Broken Dragon Stone was completely lowered, the ground shook slightly, stones continued to roll down from the fortress, and the Holy Temple was completely sealed.

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