I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 212 Salute to the Conqueror! (monthly ticket adds 2 updates)

In the field of vision, the thunder ax carrying a violent aura continues to expand.

Helena could even see her own figure reflected on the cold axe.

A voice sounded in her heart: Is that the end of it?

But it's nice to be able to die so honorably.

But that's it.

Between the battle ax and Helena, a figure suddenly appeared.


Azu took Helena off the horse, turned her back to Steppenwolf, and covered the female warrior with a biological force field, preventing her from receiving any harm.


Steppenwolf's battle ax struck Azu's back, sparking lightning, but both the kinetic energy of the impact and the damage from the thunder were all blocked by the biological force field.

Helena's beautiful eyes widened and she looked at Azu in disbelief.

Although she knew that the Conqueror was very powerful, she never expected that Azu would be so tyrannical that he could withstand Steppenwolf's ax without moving!

"Why are you so excited?"

"Have you forgotten our evening agreement?"

Azu smiled, then fell to the ground, put Helena down and said: "Go, help your queen."

He turned around, smiled, and looked up at Steppenwolf, who was taller than him.

"I'll take care of this watchdog."

Helena nodded and hurried to Hippolyta.

Steppenwolf took two steps back, looked at Azu warily, and gradually raised his gaze as Azu's feet left the ground.

"Who are you, stranger."

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

"You cannot prevent the great darkness from coming."

When Azu reached a height that was one head higher than Steppenwolf, he stopped and smiled.

"Want some advice?"

Steppenwolf narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "You can tell me."

"my suggestion is"

Azu spit out two words: "Get out of here!"

Steppenwolf roared suddenly, raised his battle ax high, and struck Azu with a ball of lightning.

Azu quickly turned sideways and watched the battle ax pass by the tip of his nose with electric light, and saw his figure reflected on the smooth surface of the axe.


The battle ax struck the ground, and the earth split into pieces with a roar, crackling into a spiderweb-like shape.

The electric snake trembled and gravel flew.

Azu was unscathed.

He smiled: "That's it?"

"Give it back!"

Azu's eyes lit up, and then scorching golden flames burst out, and two dazzling golden rays of light blasted towards Steppenwolf.

Steppenwolf quickly raised his battle ax in front of him, but as soon as it came into contact with Azu's 'heat ray', the violent kinetic energy pushed his burly body back continuously.

Passed by the mother box all at once.

In the blink of an eye, he was pushed out a thousand meters away.

Then the light expanded, golden flames rushed out, and in a blink of an eye, Steppenwolf's eyes were completely white.


The violent explosion shook the entire Paradise Island.

Hippolyta only saw the Steppenwolf in the distance suddenly submerged in the flames, and then like a volcano erupting, golden flames soared into the sky.

In that huge pillar of fire, flickering light points continued to emerge, and each light point was an explosion.

However, in the blink of an eye, hundreds of explosions occurred, and the explosions and shock waves caused Hippolyta and Helena to lie on the ground, unable to raise their heads for a long time.

Heat ray! A series of explosions!

After the continuous violent explosions ended, Hippolyta looked up and saw that the scene in the distance was distorted by the heat wave.

Thick smoke was billowing, and the red smoke in the black flashed with electric light, and sparks scattered all over the sky.

In this apocalyptic scene, the figure with his back to her, the red cloak flying in the sky, was so tall that the backlit silhouette seemed to be unable to accommodate him.

"Conqueror, so strong"

Helena opened her mouth wide and looked at the backlit figure, as if she had witnessed a miracle.

Azu landed next to the mother box and picked up the cube whose surface was constantly changing and undulating.

Look ahead again.

Within the flames, Steppenwolf staggered out, his head bruised and bleeding, and he looked at the mother box in Azu's hand.

His eyes moved to Azu again, and then he yelled.

Suddenly, above his head, a cylindrical channel emitting light fell.

Boom channel!

In an instant, Steppenwolf's figure flashed into this passage and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He retreated.

Azu raised his lips and said, "You can run fast."

At this time, the Amazon army finally arrived.

The Amazon warriors who arrived didn't know what was going on, but when they saw Azu holding the mother box, they surrounded him.

At this time, Hippolyta came over with Helena's support and said: "Stop it!"

"The Conqueror protected the Mother Boxes."

"He is not our enemy."

"But our benefactor."

"Everyone dismount!"

"Hail to the Conqueror!"


All the Amazon warriors got off their horses, and one after another, they knelt down on one knee towards Azu.

Helena looked at the figure accepting everyone's salutes, her eyes flashed with excitement, and she also knelt down on one knee.

Except for Queen Hippolyta, all the Amazon warriors bowed their heads to Azu at this moment, knelt down on one knee, and performed the highest etiquette!




There were buildings scattered across the desolate land, but they were all empty.

A rusty carousel, the horse is gone and only the rusty base remains.

This place seems to be forgotten by the world, a desolate scene, like the end of the world.

Suddenly, the weeds danced slightly, and then a beam of light fell from the sky.

The injured Steppenwolf fell from the 'sound tunnel' like a meteorite and landed on an abandoned land full of weeds.

He put down his battle ax and looked around.

"The air here is full of poison. Humans should not notice this place."

"Just use it as a base."

He looked at his injured shoulder: "Conqueror?"

"That's what the Queen of the Amazons calls him."

"Is there such a powerful life on this planet?"

"It doesn't look like an old god. Who is he?"

Steppenwolf suddenly grabbed a demonoid and threw it into the sky: "Go, go and find the other two mother boxes!"

"The ones on Paradise Island can only be left alone for the time being."

"After we find the other two mother boxes, we can then find a way to get the last one from the Conqueror."

"Damn it!"

"The Mother Box summoned me, and I thought there were no guardians in this world!"




Paradise Island.

A carnival was being held in the warrior camp under the palace. Many Amazon female warriors died in battle today, but for them, dying on the battlefield was an honor.

After the tribesmen held a funeral for them and prayed silently for them, they did not continue to be immersed in sorrow.

They used strong wine, delicious food, music and dancing to celebrate defeating the powerful enemy and guarding the sacred objects today.

As the person with the greatest contribution here, Azu naturally received the highest level of hospitality.

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