I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 218 The flames boil the sea

"are you serious?"

Vera, who has short platinum hair and wears earrings, raised her eyebrows: "Are you going to get a discount from 'Apocalypse'?"

Azu smiled, shrugged and said, "Even if the overall strength drops by 10%, I'm still more than enough to deal with Steppenwolf."

"You're confident."

Vera nodded: "Okay, then I will play with you."

Bruce coughed dryly and said, "You two, can you compete outside?"

He was well aware of the Conqueror's strength and knew that if a fight broke out, his secret base would definitely not be kept intact.

However, neither Azu nor Vera paid any attention to him.

Almost at the same time, both of them erupted golden flames from their eyes, and simultaneously blasted blazing and dazzling energy streams towards each other.

‘Heat ray’!

Unlike Martin, the 'motherland' who is very partial to science, Vera has obviously strengthened her basic talents.

Her 'radium ray' has also been upgraded to 'heat ray', but she doesn't know which level it has been upgraded to.

Two golden streams of light encountered each other in the field, canceling each other out and wrestling with each other.

Vera said openly: "Why, is this all you have?"

Azu chuckled and said, "I'm very capable, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Vera's face was not red and her heart was not beating as she said: "Don't just talk without practicing, like those guys who only brag."

"I usually say that I am invincible, but when I use it, it ends in three minutes."

Azu Haha said: "I won't lie to you. If you try it, you will know it. I can torture you all night."

Having said that, by increasing the solar radiation equivalent, the stream of light blasting out of Azu's eyes suddenly became as thick as an arm.

The temperature in the air also rose sharply. The casing of Bruce's jet quickly became red and hot, and many circuits began to spark.

Bruce quickly ran into the plane and put on his Bat suit.

As Azu continued to 'increase the power', the power and temperature of the 'heat ray' steadily increased.

Soon it was approaching 10,000 degrees.

Vera's expression became solemn. Although she could keep up with the light stream blasted by Azu, she was no longer as relaxed as before.

She snorted, suddenly increased the output, pushed Azu's light flow back a little, and stopped emitting 'heat rays'.

Then the combat boots on his feet tore through the airflow, bringing up a gust of wind like a storm, and the whole person disappeared into the air in an instant.


Azu's 'absolute hit' was not a show-off. Although Vera disappeared into the air, the 'heat ray' turned a corner and blasted towards the space to the left of Azu.


Vera's figure appeared there, and she seemed not to have expected that Azu's 'heat ray' would still follow her.

So he decisively gave up the plan of going around behind Azu to attack, and the figure suddenly rushed upward, letting the 'heat ray' also shoot up into the air.

Azu did not pursue it, but continued to emit light streams and increase the solar radiation equivalent. The temperature of the 'heat ray' had exceeded 20,000 degrees, and the surface was so dazzling that it was difficult to look directly at it.

on the sky.

Vera quickly rose to height, and then raised the 'Thor's Hammer'.

The weather at high altitude suddenly became cloudy, and lightning struck down densely and converged on the 'Thor's Hammer'.

Vera raised the warhammer filled with lightning and slammed it down, hitting the chasing 'heat ray'.


A muffled sound sounded in the air.

A circle of ripples spread out, blowing away the clouds in the sky, leaving the sky above Bruce's secret base cloudless.

On the lake below, Azu's reflection shot up into the sky. The golden stream of light expanded like a beam of light first, and then the sky was filled with flames!

The terrifying explosion filled the entire sky with flames.

The dazzling fire swept everything.

The sky suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire. In that sea of ​​fire, there were countless explosions taking place, and the thick and brilliant electric light spread its teeth and claws.

Terrifying energy washed up and down, the clouds in the sky were swept away, and white smoke billowed from the lake below.

In the secret base, flames constantly squeezed in from various gaps, sweeping every corner of the base in the form of jets.

In the jet, Bruce held on to the armrest next to him to prevent himself from falling.

There were constant sounds of heavy objects hitting outside the fuselage, and there was a constant tinkling sound. It seemed that the rock formations on the dome had fallen off, which made Bruce worried about whether he would be buried alive.

He could only run to the cab and start the jet, even though it had not been tuned.

However, Azu just helped him set up the jet program.

In theory, the jets should be available now.

Bruce quickly started the jet, closed the cabin door, and opened the flight exit.

Then under the flashing signal lights, he pushed the control stick suddenly, and the jet ignited immediately, slid across the runway with a roar, and flew out.

Just as the jet flew out of the exit, Bruce saw that his base had completely collapsed and the lake was pouring in. It seemed that it would be difficult to repair without spending a lot of effort.

He was flying the plane and looked above his head. He saw blazing flames in the sky, but in the sea of ​​fire, violent collisions appeared from time to time, creating circles of ripples.

Every collision will give people the feeling of earth shattering.

The aftermath of the collision alone caused the jet to stagger and threaten to fall at any time.

In that sea of ​​fire, the figures of Azu and Vera kept flickering and colliding.

Azu's fist and Vera's war hammer collided with each other from time to time.

In the constant collision, Azu's 'Multiple Attacks' appeared from time to time. Every time they appeared, Vera's figure would sway in the sky as if she was drunk.

Azu's 'Multiple Attacks' have three different effects: 'Concussion', 'Impact' and 'Explosion'.

When 'Multiple Attack' occurs, three effects will appear randomly and combined randomly.

This left Vera confused about the details.

This time it might be 'shock, shock, shock, blast, shock', and next time it might be 'shock, shock, blast, shock'.

Every time 'Multiple Attack' appears, a random combination of three different effects will form complex kinetic energy, tearing apart Vera's biological force field.


Vera's 'Thor's Hammer' would blast out a strong electric current, and then break into hundreds of electrically charged fragments to attack.

Obviously, her 'Thor's Hammer' is not the one held by Thor, but the one held by the female Thor Jane Foster in "Thor 4".

In mid-air, Vera rushed towards her again.

Azu suddenly used 'teleportation' and teleported to her side, then raised his arms high and struck each other with the 'Hercules Bracers'.


A white shock wave suddenly shot out, and the ripples spread. Wherever it went, the scene was blurred, and the space seemed to be slightly folded.

Vera opened her mouth in surprise, and suddenly shrank into a ball, making a defensive posture.

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