I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 223 Transforming Machines


Mera opened up a space where she and Arthur could talk.

"I knew you would come back, Atlanna's son."

Mera looked at Neptune and said expectantly: "Atlantis needs you."

"No, no, no." Arthur shook his head, "I have nothing to do with Atlantis."

Mera frowned and said, "You have the blood of Atlanna and the Atlantis family in your body. How can you say that Atlantis has nothing to do with you?"

Arthur shrugged his shoulders: "That's probably because I have always lived on land."

"It's probably because your so-called Queen Atlanna abandoned her family and left when I was young."

Mera said solemnly: "Arthur, you have no idea what Queen Atlanna has paid. If she didn't do this, you and your father would not be able to live safely until now."

"You must come back, your brother. King Orm is arrogant and reckless. He is preparing for war with the humans on the ground."

"Only you can stop him."

Looking at the shattered altar, Arthur said: "Maybe it's not the time for us to discuss this issue. You should go back and tell your king that the mother box was robbed."

"If he doesn't plan to do something, the end will come to him early without him going to war with the land."

Mera nodded: "I will truthfully report to the king what happened here."

Arthur looked towards the direction where Steppenwolf left just now: "That guy may be deceiving us."

Mera's chest rose and fell, which was really beautiful: "You mean, Steppenwolf is trying to sow discord between us and the Amazons?"

"It's possible." Arthur nodded.

Mera lowered her eyes and said: "But there is no reason for him to do this. He is the most powerful creature I have ever seen. If he wants to attack the Amazons, the Amazons will not be able to resist at all."

Arthur did not insist on his opinion: "You are right, he is so powerful, there is no need to deceive us."

Mera said: "Also, he was able to find the Doomsday Tower so accurately. If the Amazons didn't betray us, then there was something wrong within us."

"But I believe that our people will not betray their compatriots."

Arthur sighed and said: "Before this, a bat came to me and hoped that I would join his alliance."

"He warned me that the enemy was coming."

"I didn't believe it at first."

"Now I don't believe it anymore."

"I'll go find him. Maybe he has a way to find Steppenwolf."

"While I don't care whether Atlantis lives or dies, Steppenwolf threatens the world above and my father wants to continue to guard his lighthouse."

"As a son, I can't do anything for him. I can only protect the world on earth for him."

Mera looked at him and said: "What you said is really sad. Although you can't listen, I still want to say it."

"Arthur, Atlantis needs you."

Arthur glanced at the woman, said nothing, jumped out suddenly, escaped from this waterless space, and then left quickly.




A silver-white beam of light fell from the sky, and Steppenwolf returned to his temporary base with the Mother Box.

He fell heavily to the ground, and then came to the metal monument. Steppenwolf pressed the mother box into the metal monument, and part of the mother box immediately merged into the metal monument.

As soon as it was embedded in the metal monument, the mother box suddenly changed and changed Steppenwolf's temporary base.

The Mother Boxes began to transform the base to Steppenwolf's liking.

At the same time, Steppenwolf said loudly: "Desas, I've got a mother box."

The metal monument immediately lit up with fire, and the upper part turned into flowing liquid, forming the shape of a hooded human figure.

"I saw."

"Steppenwolf, it seems you are not useless."

"He is pleased with what you have done, and you have taken another step forward on the road to redemption."

"Go on, get all three mother boxes, make them a trinity, purify this planet with flames, and let it join other hell worlds."

Steppenwolf knelt down on one knee and said loudly: "I will take care of this."

"But like I said before, there are powerful enemies in this world, and I need help, Disas."

Disas pointed to the mother box on the metal monument: "The most powerful transformation machine is already in front of you, what more help do you need?"

"Steppenwolf, let the Mother Box transform you, it will give you greater power."

"That's what he allowed."

"But, just this once."

Steppenwolf said excitedly: "Please tell the great overlord for me, the respected Dark Lord Darkseid, that I will complete the mission to the death and do this for him!"

Disad said solemnly: "I hope you will remember your promise."

Immediately, the metal monument returned to its original state.

Steppenwolf stood up and looked at the mother box on the monument.

He looked at his axe, then raised it with a roar, causing lightning to flash from the axe.

Then he pointed at the mother box, and the thunderbolt on the electric ax immediately sprayed onto the mother box. The mother box vibrated, the particles on the surface undulated, and the light radiated from it.

Then a dense blue electric light was sprayed out, swimming around Steppenwolf's body.

Steppenwolf screamed suddenly, and in an instant, his body, from the most primitive cells to the needle armor on his body, was changing.

"I want to become stronger!"

"More powerful!"

Steppenwolf roared loudly, his will was extremely determined, and this thought was transmitted to the Mother Box.

Then his body trembled and swelled, and his body swelled.

The silver-white armor on his body emitted firelight, and lava flowed from the gaps, dripping to the ground and splashing countless sparks.

On the shoulders, back, and arms, straight steel spikes emitting fire and fluttering sparks stretched out one after another.


Steppenwolf's eyes flashed with blue lightning, he roared, and slammed his ax on the ground.

Immediately, the current surged and rolled, sweeping around like waves.

After a while, the lightning in Steppenwolf's eyes disappeared, he gasped, and then burst into laughter.

"Too strong."

"After accepting the transformation of the Mother Box, I can actually have such power."

"This way, even if I meet that man or a Kryptonian again, I will have nothing to fear!"

At this moment.

A demonoid flew to his side.

Steppenwolf seemed to have received some message and suddenly grabbed the demonoid.


"You caught some humans contaminated with the aura of the Mother Box?"

"Humans can actually access the Mother Box?"

"Where is he? Take me there quickly!"

The next moment, a 'sound blast channel' fell, and Steppenwolf's body slowly rose, and then disappeared into the 'sound blast channel' at an extremely fast speed.

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