I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 227 Times have changed

Atlantis main ship, in the command hall.

Mera, who was wearing lapis lazuli scales, said in disbelief: "Is he crazy?"

"I can't see the slightest sincerity in seeking verification from his attitude."

Next to this sexy red-haired woman is an old man with gray hair, but his identity is by no means simple.

He is Vico, Arthur's teacher and Atlanna's loyal subordinate.

The old man lowered his eyes and said, "Maybe our King Aum doesn't want to ask for confirmation at all."

Mera suddenly looked towards the old man.

"If he doesn't intend to seek confirmation, then why are he coming to Paradise Island?"

Then, without waiting for Vico to answer.

Mera already gasped: "Excuse."

"Is he looking for an excuse to start a war with Paradise Island?"

Vico sighed: "King Orm is very young and at the same time, very ambitious."

"The situation you reported is a perfect excuse for him."

"He doesn't care whether Paradise Island really surrenders to Steppenwolf. If Paradise Island has indeed joined forces with Steppenwolf, then this is a just war."

"If not, he can call it a misunderstanding afterwards, but capture Paradise Island, get the Amazons' treasure, or integrate a land army."

"For him, they all have great temptation."

"Don't forget, he is trying to persuade other kingdoms to send troops to land with Atlantis."

Mera immediately said: "I have to stop him."

"Too late."

Vico shook his head: "Besides, he is the king."

"You have no right to stop him, only he can stop Orm."

"Only his brother, Arthur!"

On the beach.

The Amazons roared with anger.

"Nonsense, when did we defect to the enemy?"

"We did not betray our allies!"

"We don't even know where Atlantis is!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Queen Hippolyta raised her hand to silence the warriors, and then she spoke calmly.

"King Orm, such an accusation is too much."

"Amazon was a former ally of Atlantis. Even if we no longer have contact with each other, Amazon will still not betray its allies."

"You are slandering, you are slandering!"

"You must apologize, apologize to all the daughters of Paradise Island!"

Orm spread his hands and said: "If the Amazons don't admit it, then let us search your palace and treasure house. If we don't find our Atlantis mother box."

"I, Om of Atlantis, wish to apologize to the sisters of Paradise Island!"

The Amazons' anger was reignited.

"Search the palace and treasure house, how dare you say such a thing!"

"What's the difference between doing this and us Amazon surrendering!"

"Arrogant Atlantis, go back to your sea!"

"Go back to the sea!"

The sound shocks the world!

Hippolyta raised her hand, suppressed her voice, and spoke loudly.

"King Orm, we Amazons respect our friends, but that doesn't mean our dignity can be trampled on at will."

"I stress again, the Amazons have not surrendered to the enemy, nor have they betrayed you."

"It is impossible for your Atlantean mother box to exist on Paradise Island."

"Now, please go back."

"Otherwise, I will regard it as provocation and war!"

Orm lowered his voice and said, "This is a war, my dear queen."

He then walked back, and a loud voice sounded on the sea.

"Warriors of Atlantis, you have also heard that the proud Amazons refuse to admit what they have done."

"In this case, there is nothing we can do."

"The Mother Box we have guarded for generations has now been taken away."

"Since the enemy said that the coordinates were provided by the Amazons, then the Amazons have to give us an explanation."

"The guards of Doomsday Tower cannot die in vain, and their blood cannot be shed in vain."

"The dignity of the Atlantis warriors cannot be trampled on either!"

"I declare!"

Orm turned around and pointed his silver trident at the beach: "Attack!"

The sea is boiling!

In the main ship of Atlantis, Mera's beautiful face was filled with shock and anger.

"This bastard, there are soldiers missing from the guard tower one after another. I sent someone to ask for support, but he ignored me."

"Now, let's use the death of the guard tower soldier as an excuse!"

"He doesn't deserve to be King of Atlantis!"

The gray-haired Vico made no comment. The old man just frowned and held his trident tightly.

In the command hall, the main ship commander shouted: "Activate all weapon platforms, activate the main guns, full fire coverage, open the water shield, and the main ship will enter a state of all-out war!"

There was a loud buzzing sound.

Atlantis's technologically advanced battleship has turrets rising up one by one on the hull, pointing at the beach to fill up with energy.

On the beach, Hippolyta drew her long sword and said loudly: "Daughters of Paradise Island, are you afraid?"

"We have nothing to fear!" the Amazon warriors shouted back.

"Then let us drive away the enemy and protect our homeland."


With a stroke of Hippolyta's sword, the Amazons' assembled battle line surged into the beach like one wave after another, facing the Atlantean army that began to land.

At this moment, Atlantis's main ship and numerous weapon platforms opened fire, and the roaring stream of light crossed the sky and fell into the Amazons' battle line first.

Suddenly, the Amazons were blown away.

But these female warriors were extremely brave. Even if the sisters in front of them were blown to pieces along with their horses and men, the people behind them still rushed forward desperately.

Then, one by one, the archers drew their big bows and shot powerful arrows into the sky.

After pulling the bow several times, a rain of arrows appeared in the sky, falling densely toward the Atlanteans.

Those Atlantean warriors riding sharks wore white armor. The seawater in the armor ensured that these non-noble warriors could move on land.

Facing the rain of arrows, they all raised their left hands and released water shields.

When the arrow hits the water shield, it is deflected by the endlessly flowing water, making it difficult for the arrow to hit, thus greatly reducing its power.

As for the ones that landed on the main ship, they were bounced away by a huge flowing water shield and were unable to penetrate the defense at all.

Orm held the trident tightly and said with a smile: "Amazonians, in ancient times, you may have been very powerful and a brave army."

"But times have changed, and you who are still clinging to the past are the root of today's defeat!"


Even from far away in the palace, Diana could hear the sound of cannons and explosions coming from afar.

She came to the window and saw a fierce battle on the beach in the distance.

Seeing that his compatriots almost fell to the ground and disappeared in the fierce artillery fire of the Atlanteans.

Diana gritted her silver teeth and glanced at the mother box at the back.

She wanted to go to the battlefield immediately, but she was worried that as soon as she left, the Mother Box would be taken away.

at this time.

There was a buzz.

The air vibrated, creating a circle of fluctuations.

Diana quickly raised her hand to block it, so as not to be blown away.

Then I saw a silver-white channel falling from the sky and landing near the mother box.

Boom channel!

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