Om's face looked ugly.

He really didn't expect that he had already secured victory and was about to capture Paradise Island.

As a result, at this critical moment, a stranger was killed.

A powerful stranger.

Easily destroy a battleship in Atlantis!

It doesn't matter if we lose this war.

But if a warship is destroyed by the other party, his prestige as a king will inevitably plummet.

When he decided to declare war on the ground, there were many voices of opposition in the country, but they were all suppressed by him.

He has even set up a scheme to 'persuade' other kingdoms to support Atlantis.

If today this matter spreads to the sea, to those kingdoms, to the ears of those kings.

Maybe they will back down, regret, or deny their decision.

Thinking of this, it was naturally impossible for Om to have a good view of Azu.

But he was able to become the king of a country not by being reckless. He was long past the age where he didn't know how to advance or retreat.

Seeing Azu destroying a battleship easily, Orm knew that he could not be Azu's opponent.

I felt like retreating.

The only problem now is how to retreat with dignity, and how to save one's face after returning to the country.

At this time, he heard the man say: "Atlanteans, aren't you going to give me an explanation?"

Azu crossed his arms and looked at the young king of Atlantis with a smile.

Of course he knew Orm's identity, and he also knew that the king was ambitious.

Just curious.

Why did Atlantis attack Paradise Island? This plot is not in the movie.

Orm coughed dryly and said, "Our mother box was taken away."

Regarding this, Azu was not surprised: "Oh, what does that have to do with your attack on Paradise Island?"

Orm struck the trident and said loudly: "Of course it does matter!"

"The creature that stole the Mother Box pointed out when leaving that it was the Amazons who betrayed us and gave him the coordinates."

"So I think it is necessary for the Amazons to give us an explanation!"

Azu chuckled: "Will Steppenwolf also try to frame blame? I thought he was a one-sided guy."

"Then you should know by now that it is impossible for Paradise Island to do this."

"Because it's not necessary."

"If the Amazons knew your coordinates, it wouldn't be Steppenwolf who stole the Mother Boxes."

Orm's heart skipped a beat.

He naturally understood that what Azu meant was that the Amazons knew the coordinates, and it would be Azu who stole the mother box, not Steppenwolf.

Although Orm has never faced Steppenwolf, he has witnessed Azu's destructive power and is convinced of it.

Not to mention that there are only a few guards in the Doomsday Watchtower. Even if the manpower is increased ten times, it will not be able to stop the man in front of him.

The King of Atlantis took the opportunity to say: "So, it seems that it may really be a misunderstanding."

"We are blinded by rage, and for this reason, I deeply regret the harm caused to the Amazons."

"However, since you have also destroyed one of our main ships."

"Then let this end here."

After hearing Aum's soft words, I wanted to brush this matter away.

The Amazons immediately shouted angrily.

"It was you who started the war in the first place. Can this be dismissed with just a 'regret'?"

"How many of our sisters have died at your hands, and the blood debt must be paid with blood!"

The crowd is raging!

Aum looked at Azu slightly nervously: "That's good, we can provide a certain degree of compensation."

Azu smiled and said, "Tell me about it."

Orm said in a deep voice: "We provide Paradise Island with an elite force of two hundred people to serve the Amazons for a hundred years."

"In addition, we provide one hundred sets each of armor and weapons."

"Plus jewelry, minerals, etc."

Azu was just calculating the value of the compensation when he suddenly heard a roar, and then saw Diana falling next to him.

Wonder Woman said with an ugly face: "The mother box was stolen by Steppenwolf."

"He took advantage of my people being attracted here and invaded the palace. I failed to guard the Mother Box."

Orm was startled, this was unexpected.

The smile on Azu's lips gradually disappeared.

Originally, he was still thinking about making a deal with Atlantis, but now, after hearing that the Mother Box was snatched away by Steppenwolf, he was suddenly in no mood.

He looked at Orm with dark eyes.

"It seems that you have colluded with the enemy."


Orm yelled, "I would never do that!"

"Please listen to my explanation, this is a misunderstanding!"


The wind blew.

Orm's eyes dazzled.

Then he saw Azu almost hitting his face.

Then, the tall Om was lifted up by Azu.

Azu said with cold eyes: "Now, you have three seconds to pray."



Om instantly knew what Azu wanted to do.

This man is going to kill himself!

Orm roared, and the trident suddenly lit up with a shining silver light, forming an impact like a tsunami, trying to blast Azu away.

A circle of silver illusory waves spread around, forming extremely impactful fluctuations.

Diana took off the round shield behind her, stood in front of her mother, and raised the shield to block the impact.

Under Diana's protection, Hippolyta was unharmed.

The other Amazon warriors were not treated so well, and they all screamed and were thrown away by the impact.

After flying several hundred meters, they fell down from mid-air one after another, unable to get up for a while.


Azu, who was closest to Aum, took the impact head-on without even blinking.

Then he put his hand on his head and straightened his messed up hair.

"How can it be."

Orm was horrified. His most powerful attack only messed up the opponent's hair?

A wave of despair came over me.

Orm shouted: "Don't kill me, I can."

As soon as he finished speaking, Azu saw two golden dots light up in his eyes, and then those two golden dots expanded rapidly in his field of vision.

In the end, there was only a golden light left in his field of vision.

Then lost consciousness.

Two golden streams of light entered Orm's eyes and broke out from the back of the Atlantis King's head.

After the stream of light disappeared, two black holes appeared on Orm's head.

Azu casually threw the body to the ground, his face gloomy, boom, and golden flames erupted from his eyes.

These two golden streams of light swept among the deep-sea warriors of Atlantis. Wherever they passed, soldiers wearing white armor were cut into two pieces, and waves of blood surged into the sky!

The stream of light swept back and forth, and Atlantis warriors died in pieces. Azu, who was in a bad mood, was no longer interested in negotiating with them, and just wanted to kill these idiots!

Suddenly, there were screams on the beach, and the atmosphere of fear and chaos spread.

At sea, Vico grabbed Mera's hand and shouted, "Hurry, princess!"

"Let's go!"

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