I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 244 She-Hulk Gene Enhancement

Steppenwolf was furious, but he was very angry. To what extent was true and what was false, only he probably knew.

On the contrary, the white-haired woman who came to support her had a calm look and a cold face, and she did not become happy or angry because of Vera's few words.

Steppenwolf didn't roar like before. The frontline commander of Apokolips just adjusted his power, letting all the energy in his body roar and keep rising.

As the power is mobilized, the blue light emitting from Steppenwolf's eyes becomes more and more dazzling.

Every muscle on his majestic body was constantly trembling, exuding amazing power.

The rows of needle armor on his body undulated like waves, and a faint light emitted from the gaps.

Glancing at his companion, Steppenwolf saw that she seemed to have no intention of attacking, and recalled the first words this woman said after stepping out of the portal.

"Leave the Mother Box to me for protection."

Her meaning is quite obvious. She will only take action when the enemy wants to get their hands on the Mother Box.

Steppenwolf snorted heavily in his heart, but did not show it on his face. He looked at Vera, and the light shining through the gap in the needle armor became more and more obvious.

When the power reached a certain peak, Steppenwolf took a deep breath and started suddenly.

The surging power pushed him to shoot out violently, and in just a short moment, his body reached extreme speed.

The distance between him and Vera was more than a hundred meters, and driven by the terrifying power, he rushed to his opponent in almost the blink of an eye.

At this time, Vera seemed to react and slowly opened her mouth.

Then a word came out of his mouth: "I lied to you."

Steppenwolf punched Vera hard on the chest, but the woman had already soared into the sky, causing Steppenwolf's fist to hit the air and create a white wave of air.

In mid-air, Vera made an imperceptible sound all over her body.


All the joints in this woman's body trembled. In just a moment, Vera's body immediately swelled.

The arms and legs have become extremely thick, and the muscle lines are outlined on the suit.

Although her body shape could be called toned before, it is basically balanced and slender.

However, now, Vera seems to have turned into a giantess, her body has grown a little taller, and her skin color has turned grass green.

She-Hulk is genetically enhanced!


Just by leaking her power, Vera caused a storm in the nuclear power plant.

In the whistling air, her figure became blurred, with only two golden spots on her face shining brightly.

The expression on the white-haired woman near the metal monument finally changed, from the original indifference to a serious look.

She could feel that Vera's current power was earth-shattering and as terrifying as a god or demon.

This is the ‘She-Hulk gene enhancement’ coupled with the qualitative change in the strength of the ‘Motherlander’ itself!

Even if the relationship between them is not a multiplier, but a superposition, it is still very scary, very scary!

"Honestly, I don't want to be like this."

"Although the power has reached unprecedented heights."

"But this is so ugly."

"So for people who see me like this, I have no choice but to send them to death!"

While Vera's voice was still echoing in the storm, the storm exploded, and a blurry shadow hit the metal monument.

Vera approached with incredible speed, but between her and the white-haired lady, Steppenwolf suddenly inserted himself.

Steppenwolf, who had not retrieved the electric ax, roared and reached out to catch Vera.

Vera didn't dodge at all, she put her fingers together and stabbed the center of Steppenwolf's breastplate with a terrifying whistling sound!

The next second.

Steppenwolf grabbed Vera's neck and wanted to crush the woman's neck bones, but found that the muscles on Vera's neck were very tough. Not to mention crushing her neck bones, he even squeezed her trachea. Difficult to do.

Such tyrannical muscle power!

on the other hand.

Vera's arm inserted into Steppenwolf's chest without any hindrance. Steppenwolf's sting armor originally had strong defensive power.

When attacked by flying props or sharp objects, it will also bite foreign objects and 'bite them off'!

However, when these needles tried to bite off Vera's arm, they broke themselves, and the needles fell all over the ground.

Vera's palms were buried deep into Steppenwolf's chest, and still going deeper.

A warm and sticky touch came from the palm of her hand, which made Vera look ferocious. She kept pushing her arms deep into her opponent's body, trying to rip out Steppenwolf's heart!

Steppenwolf let out an earth-shattering roar, no longer trying to crush Vera's neck bones, but instead slapped the woman's shoulders with both hands.


When the white air burst out, Vera flew upside down and crashed out of the nuclear power plant.

Steppenwolf staggered backwards, blood gushing out from the wound on his chest. He quickly covered his chest, tightened his muscles, and activated the repair ability granted by the Mother Box, and in the blink of an eye he was back to normal.

But he was already breaking out in a cold sweat.

Speaking of which, Steppenwolf and Vera fought twice.

But this time, Vera's power was too terrifying.

This was the first time that Steppenwolf felt that he was so close to death.

At this time, Vera had flown back from the gap in the nuclear power plant and landed on the ground, creating a dense crack.

Steppenwolf's eyes bloomed with bright light, and between the two large horns, energy quickly gathered and stacked. In the blink of an eye, a stream of light composed of frantic energy spurted out.

The torrent of energy roared towards Vera.

Vera did not give in. Her eyes lit up, and the scorching golden beams rushed out of her pupils, colliding with Steppenwolf's blue torrent.

After a second of stalemate, Vera began to smile and move forward. With every step she took, the size and temperature of the 'heat ray' increased.

Blood flushed on Steppenwolf's face. He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and a 'well'-shaped bulge on his forehead trembled faintly.

Compared to the smiling Vera, Steppenwolf was obviously struggling more.

This is also true.

The blue stream of light quickly retreated under the impact of the 'heat ray', and in the blink of an eye it had retreated to a distance of less than ten meters in front of Steppenwolf.

"Go to hell!"

Vera laughed, and the 'heat ray' became dazzling and brilliant, making Steppenwolf look directly into the scorching noon sun.

The blue light stream was forced to flow backwards, and when it was about to hit Steppenwolf, a hand was placed on Steppenwolf's shoulder.

Pulling back, Steppenwolf spun back and retreated.

The white-haired lady stepped forward and twirled the metal war stick in her hand, deflecting Vera's cannon-like 'heat ray' and flying diagonally from the left side of the white-haired lady, shattering the nuclear power plant's core. The dome turned into a shooting star that shot straight into the sky.

The dome of the nuclear power plant shattered and fell, and large and small gravels fell like raindrops.

When they fell on Vera, Vera remained motionless while the rocks shattered on their own.

The lady was also standing, and no movement was seen from her, but the rocks that fell on her kept jumping in other directions as if they were bounced off by something.

Leaving her equally unscathed.

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