Office of the Secretary of Defense.

The atmosphere was tense.

Although Wilson knows that the people of the motherland may not play their cards according to the routine, and may even take action against him.

So he transferred Ryan over, but he still didn't expect that Azu didn't say a single unnecessary word.

You have to settle the video issue yourself as soon as possible, otherwise you will have to ask the federal minister of defense to be replaced by someone else.

So domineering!

At this time, Wilson sat motionless.

He had his hands on his knees, and just above his right hand there was a hidden button under his desk.

As long as you touch it, the security department of the Ministry of National Defense Building will sound an alarm, and within 1 minute, a rigorously trained armed team will arrive.

But Wilson didn't move.

Because one minute is enough for the people of the motherland to kill themselves several times.

"People of the motherland, do you know what you are talking about?"

After a minute of silence, Wilson spoke.

"You are threatening a federal officer."

"You actually want the Federation to wipe your ass for you!"

"Don't you think your request is too much?"

Azu picked up the photo of Wilson and other officials, looked at it and put it back.

"I admire your courage."

"Mr. Wilson."

"But if you think that little one in the house can protect you, you're wrong."

Azu was not a fool. When he arrived at the Ministry of Defense building, he had already scanned the situation in Wilson's office.

It was discovered that two people were hiding in Wilson's private room, one of whom turned out to be Ryan, the son of the original owner.

When Azu found him, he had already greeted Edgar a hundred times in his heart.

That old nigger told a big lie.

He was not the only one who originally knew where Becca and her son were, but now Wilson brought Ryan to the office, either wanting to use the power of this little native of the country against him, or wanting to use Ryan's identity to threaten himself.


Wilson did not know that in the bodies of the people of his motherland was the soul of a man from another universe.

No matter what Wilson's plan was, it was destined to be impossible to succeed from the beginning.

After being told by Azu, Wilson couldn't help but look sad.

After thinking quickly, Mr. Minister said: "Okay, I agree to your request."

"I'll fix this."

Azu put his hands behind his back, walked up to Wilson, and said with a smile: "Then we will still be good friends."

Then the figure suddenly disappeared into the office and left using 'teleportation'.

Only then did Wilson relax.

He feels that now is not the time to break up with the people of the motherland.

Moreover, although Ryan has similar abilities to his father, he has not experienced actual combat.

It is unrealistic for him to fight against his motherland right from the start.

Think twice.

Wilson still plans to give up using that video to bring down his countrymen.

The door to the room opens.

The officer came out with Ryan. The eight-year-old boy clenched his fists tightly and his eyes flashed red.

"Is he the murderer of my mother?"

Wilson nodded.

Ryan gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to kill him!"

Wilson was happy to see the boy hate his countrymen to the core. This was exactly what he wanted.

"There's a chance."

"but not now."

Wilson said seriously: "You are still young, there is a big gap between you and him."

"And he's battle-hardened."

"If you want revenge, you have to study hard."

"I will find you the best teacher."

"I will train you to be the 'Guardian' of the Federation!"




After leaving the Ministry of Defense, a message floated on Azu's retina.

[Warning: There are still 18 hours and 27 minutes until the disaster event occurs. 】

Disaster event!

Moreover, this time the warning was issued 18 hours in advance.

According to past experience, the longer the warning is in advance, the more disastrous the event will be.

This is likely to be another big event after the fall of Manhattan!

Azu raised the corner of his mouth. With his current strength, even if the planet exploded, he would not die.

He is more curious and looking forward to these disasters.

However, in the previous multiple incidents, after contact with Vera.

Azu became very interested in these so-called disaster events and the people behind those multiverse events.

What kind of existence are they?

How does the multiverse work?

In their eyes, everything they and all the creatures in this universe have experienced is just a story?

Or a TV series?

Moreover, Vera mentioned ‘correction’.

In other words, those 'administrators' are able to interfere with the multiverse.

if it is possible.

Azu wants to be an ‘administrator’.

That is obviously a far more advanced life form than any creature in the multiverse!

Have this idea.

In addition to the longing for advanced life forms, there is also fear!

Azu was worried that he would be 'corrected' accidentally.

But if you can become an 'administrator', you don't have to worry about this problem.

However, Azu has no idea how to become an 'administrator' or whether he can become an 'administrator'.

"We still know too little."

Azu muttered.

At this time, he had returned to the Tower of Seven and saw a large group of citizens gathered in the dark place below.

They surrounded the Tower of Seven, holding various slogans and protesting.

"Let the people of the motherland come out!"

"Hand over the murderer!"

"He owes us an explanation!"

Below, the protesting crowd spotted Azu and pointed to the sky.

"He is coming, the people of the motherland are coming."

Azu thought for a while, flew down, and landed on the stage.

On the stage, Ashley, who was holding a microphone, was shocked.

She was trying to appease the citizens. At this time, it was not a good thing for the people from the motherland to suddenly appear.

Ashley was about to persuade Azu to return to the Seven-person Tower, but Azu had already taken the microphone from her hand, then walked to the stage and smiled.

"do you know?"

"I kept trying to convince myself."

"Convince yourselves that you are good people and therefore easily encouraged."

"But I found out I was wrong, terribly wrong."

"You are not kind people at all, you are just a bunch of pigs!"

"Your brains are probably about the size of walnut kernels."

"So this makes you unable to distinguish right from wrong, and makes you jump out at the slightest provocation."

"Let you be dissatisfied with your life, your boss, your wife or your husband, your parents or your children."

"Take it all out on me."

"Are you trying to get justice?"

"No, you just want to find someone to vent your resentment on."

"You idiots, go home right away."


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