Time passed bit by bit.

Night falls quietly.

Willis Pharmaceuticals still maintains a cordon, and the area has basically been cordoned off by the military.

Even though there were so many reporters outside, they had no way of knowing what was going on in the pharmaceutical company.

But judging from the fact that the army and police have not been withdrawn until now, things in pharmaceutical companies are definitely not simple.

Just when the reporters were looking forward to it, a motorcade arrived.

The door of one of the cars opened and Wilson got out.

As soon as he appeared, he was immediately escorted into the company by bodyguards.

But it was still visible to eagle-eyed reporters.

"That was the Minister of Defense just now, right?"

"Is it Mr. Wilson? You actually alerted this gentleman. It seems that Willis Pharmaceuticals is indeed a research base under the Ministry of National Defense."

"I heard that there was a serious gas leak in the pharmaceutical company, but I didn't know what the gas was."

"Isn't it poison gas?"

The reporters talked a lot, but they had no clue.

In Willis Pharmaceutical Company, Wilson came to a room where Dr. Kyle was holding a microphone and shouting.

"You have to find a way to close the valve. Only in this way can you stop them from spreading."

Putting down the microphone, Dr. Kyle realized that Wilson was also here.

"Mr. Minister."

Wilson nodded and said, "What's the situation now?"

"Why hasn't it been solved until now?"

Dr. Kyle wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "The fire was under control two hours after the accident."

"But the gas leaks in the laboratory became more and more serious. After I arrived, I authorized the activation of emergency protocols."

"We tried to seal the gas in the laboratory, but there were many researchers in the laboratory at the time, and all of them had their genes altered by Chemical No. 6."

"They turned into super beings and destroyed many facilities, causing our defense line to retreat little by little."

"Now, the entire research building is filled with Chemical No. 6, and I'm trying to prevent the gas from leaking out of the building."

"But if the valves in the laboratory are not closed, the gas will be released continuously, and eventually..."

Dr. Kyle made an explosive gesture.

Wilson covered his mouth with his hand, and then said: "Then, what are you waiting for? Close the valve immediately."

"Me too, sir."

Dr. Kyle said with a wry smile: "But because of the previous explosion, the building's system failed. Now we can only shut it down manually."

"There is already a team ready."

"They are all equipped with smart armor produced by Olga Company."

"But, sir, we had better ask for help from the Tower of Seven."

Wilson said with a gloomy face: "In that case, Watt Company will know what we are doing."

"Only this is absolutely not possible."

Dr. Kyle nodded and picked up the microphone: "Well, Colonel Yuri, let's get started."

On a row of screens, a mecha team headed by Colonel Yuri appeared.

Colonel Yuri is still equipped with the original out-of-control armor 'Titan'. After being debugged by Olga Company, it has long since returned to normal.

Moreover, after it was sent to the Ministry of Security, the system was overwritten by engineers from the Ministry of Defense to ensure that no one could hack into the system and another farce like the Fall of Manhattan would occur.

Colonel Yuri's square face disappeared behind the lowered armor visor, and the mecha team began to enter the building.

Wilson turned around and whispered to an officer behind him: "Bring the Guardian over."

The officer nodded, turned and left.

At this time, Colonel Yuri's mecha team began to penetrate deep into the building.

The building was filled with smoke, but the armor was tightly sealed, so there was no need to worry about it getting into the armor and affecting the wearer.

Watching the mecha team moving on the screen, Dr. Kyle turned back to Wilson and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Minister."

"Colonel Yuri's mecha squad can handle any situation."

Wilson said solemnly: "It's best this way."

He asked again: "If the gas leaks, what is the worst result?"

Dr. Kyle was stunned for a moment, then typed on the keyboard, and a digital model appeared on the screen.

"According to computer calculations, it only takes 5 minutes for this neighborhood to be enveloped in gas."

"If it takes more than half an hour, most of New York will be covered in gas."

"This is the worst-case scenario. The gas in our laboratory is limited, and coupled with the airflow in the open field, it is unlikely that Chemical No. 6 will cover the entire city."

Wilson shook his head: "It's bad enough."

"Now, we have to prepare for the worst."

"The White House and Department of Defense buildings need to be evacuated immediately."

"Also, I hope the Chemical Neutralizer No. 6 you mentioned has been completed."

Dr. Kyle's expression changed and he said: "My neutralizer used to target liquids, but now it targets gases. I need to modify some data."

"But even if it is completed now, it will be difficult to produce. After all, the production tools are all in the building."

Wilson looked solemnly at the screen and into the building.

There seemed to be a thick fog covering the building, and the mecha team was heading to the laboratory according to the instructions of the company director.

As they passed a corner, a dark shadow pounced on them.

It is a monster with hair all over its body, a head like a mouse, but with bat wings.

A ‘Chimera’!

Dr. Kyle shouted: "I repeat, do not use thermal weapons."

"The gas density in the air is too high now. Once a thermal weapon is used, it is likely to cause an explosion."

Colonel Yuri's voice sounded in the communicator: "Everyone uses cold weapons to fight!"

He took the lead in shaking out a chain sword from the wrist armor on both sides.

Two points of light lit up on the 'Titan's' armored faceplate, and Colonel Yuri rushed forward. The chain sword first cut off the wings of the 'Chimera', and then cut off the rat's head.

Colonel Yuri flew up and kicked the body into the thick fog.

In the thick fog, there was a sound of gnawing immediately, and even though there was a barrier, Wilson's scalp was still numb.

When Colonel Yuri and the others came closer, Wilson saw a group of 'Chimeras' surrounding the corpse, munching on it.

Blood continued to spurt out, splashing on the ground and falling on the wall.

The scene was like hell.


Wilson looked at Dr. Kyle: "Will your Chimera still be like this?"

Dr. Kyle looked confused: "This, this is the first time I have seen this."

At this time, Colonel Yuri whispered: "Don't disturb them, let's go around, quickly."

But at this moment, one of the Chimeras looked towards the mecha team.

This chimera was originally supposed to be a woman, but now, she has turned into a monster with a fly head, a bee tail, and two crab claws.


"Ready to fight!"

Colonel Yuri shouted when he saw the Chimera rushing towards him.

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