Azu looked out the window.

A woman in a white trench coat was shouting questions.

Behind her is the young Professor X, Charles, well, it's time for him, and he has flowing hair.

Of course, next to Charles is the young Eric, the future 'Magneto'.

As for the woman who is questioning everyone, she is senior CIA agent Maura.

Azu remembered that this young lady was awesome, so he broke into the Hellfire Club and discovered Xiao's conspiracy.

It was she who found Charles, who learned all about it by looking through her memories and got involved.

The two later became a couple, but of course, they are not yet.

"Who broke the statue?" Maura yelled crazily. She originally thought she had recruited a group of elites, but she didn't expect to recruit a few naughty kids.

This was different from what she thought.


"We call him the King of Destruction."

Raven stepped forward stupidly and pointed at Charles: "I think you should be called 'Professor X'."

She looked at Eric again: "You are Magneto."

Eric said helplessly: "Great."

Then turned around and left.

Maura shook her head and left.

Charles said with a face full of hatred: "I had high hopes for you."

Then he followed without looking back.

Coming to Eric, Charles whispered: "They are so immature."

"I agree with this." Eric added, "Did you invite that couple?"

Charles was a little confused: "I thought he was your friend."

The two looked at each other.

Then he looked at Maura at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them were gone, leaving only these young people looking at a loss.

There was a smile on Azu's lips. These mutants were still too young now, and they were at the age of being guilty.

They didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all and thought it was cool to be recruited into the CIA and participate in saving the world.

However, they were soon able to correct their attitudes.

After paying the price of human life.

Considering that there was Ada Lin beside him, Azu thought that he would not take action until later. Xiao and the others came here just to recruit a few like-minded mutants.

They did not kill those who held objections.

This episode can be passed by just lying down.

After this episode was over and Lin Aida was settled, the world was vast and there was no place that Azu couldn't go.

It’s just that the multiverse of “X-Men” does not have anything similar to the ‘original stone’. As for the Phoenix Force or the Apocalypse event, it is still very early according to the current timeline.

The enthusiasm of these young mutants subsided only after being interrupted by the three Charles men.

I didn’t continue to let myself go.

Then someone came to clean it up, replaced the floor-to-ceiling glass with new ones, and moved the statue away.

Raven and others were in a low mood, and the disappointed look in Charles' eyes made them less interested in messing around.

Azu poured a drink for Aida Lin, and heard several CIA personnel outside the window laughing at Ruiwen and the others.

"I didn't know the circus was coming. If I had known, I would have come out to watch the circus show."

"Hey, don't do that."

"Honey, show us your wings, and your big feet."

Hank walked up and opened the electric curtains to block the floor-to-ceiling windows.

It didn't take long.

There was a faint strange noise outside.


"what happened?"

Black Darwin noticed and looked out the window.

Azu poured himself a glass of whiskey and was sipping it when he heard the sound and smiled.


This is the sound of the Red Devil teleporting.

Now he is catching all the CIA guards into the sky and then throwing them down. Soon the place will be filled with dead bodies.

There was still a slight sound outside.

"Something's wrong."

The young mutants walked to the window and drew the curtains, but saw no one outside.

The next second, a figure fell from the sky and fell to death outside the window.

"Oh My God!"

"what happened?"

Ruiwen and others were startled and stepped back, away from the window.

At this time, the lights in this CIA secret base were constantly turned on.

Light up all around.

So Ruiwen and others could see more clearly, and saw human bodies falling from the air and smashing into meat patties on the ground.


"No no no."

Rui Wen and others screamed in fear, some covered their mouths, and some covered their foreheads.

They had never participated in any battles and had no experience in dealing with such a scene.

"Mr. John, what's going on outside?" Lin Ada asked worriedly.

Azu patted her palm gently and said, "Don't worry, it's okay, I'm here."

At this time, a team ran out of the window, with CIA personnel in suits carrying rifles.

At this moment, the Red Devil suddenly appeared, and the CIA agents quickly opened fire on him.

The sound of rifle fire rang out, and at the same time, Ruiwen and others squatted down with their heads in their hands.

Azu covered Lin Aida's body with a layer of biological force field, and then drank wine leisurely, as if enjoying a big show.

Unfortunately, Ruiwen and others' attention was now focused outside, and no one noticed Azu's abnormality.

Outside the window, the Red Devil kept teleporting, causing the agents' attacks to fail.

He even grabbed an agent's hand and asked him to point the muzzle of his machine gun at his companions.

Bang bang bang!

A string of bullets swept across, and the poor window glass that had just been replaced was shattered again in the blink of an eye.

"Get behind me."

Darwin was quite responsible in protecting everyone.

Outside, the Red Devil's killing continues.

He used teleportation and two short blades to stab each agent to death with ease.

See this.

Darwin looked towards the door: "Let's get out of here quickly."

Raven nodded and stood up. At this time, she finally saw that Mr. John was still drinking wine, with a relaxed expression and turned a deaf ear to what was happening in front of him.

Raven quickly shouted: "Mr. John, please come with us quickly."

Azu smiled and shook his head.

Hank called from the door: "Riven, let's go quickly."

Mystique had no choice but to leave Azu and the two of them behind and rush out the door with the other mutants.

In the passage outside the door, several soldiers shouted: "Stand back, don't come over, it's dangerous here."

Alex yelled, "We can help."

At this moment, the base shook violently, followed by explosions and fire, which scared Raven and the others and ran back with screams.

Azu shook his head and said: "It's so noisy. They can't be quiet. They can only scream."

At this time, at the back of the room, a tornado had destroyed the spherical brainwave intensifier made by Hank and began to come towards the room.

On the other hand, the Red Devil was still killing the CIA agents, causing the screams in the open space to never stop.

Ruiwen and the others had never experienced such a scene. Seeing the red devil killing people in front and the tornado doing violence behind them, they all turned pale and were at a loss.


it's all over.

Several young people watched the red devil stride forward, and the tornado behind him also disappeared. Then a long-haired man in a suit also walked towards the room.

Just when there was a wolf in front and a tiger behind, the voice of soldiers sounded at the gate.


"The mutant you're looking for is in the room."

"We're no threat, let's go."

"We still have family."

But suddenly, all the sounds disappeared.

Then the door opened, and a man wearing a strange helmet and a black suit walked in.

This person is the villain at this stage, Xiao!

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