I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 276: Being a teacher (2)

"Cover yourself?"

Azu knew that Ruiwen had always cared about her true appearance.

In the movie, Eric persuades her to face herself calmly, face herself, and be proud of herself as a mutant, which makes her ignorant of the world move her heart secretly, fall in love with Eric, and finally leave Magneto.

Azu smiled and said, "It depends on the situation."

"There is no need to feel inferior to oneself for being special, nor is there any need to publicize oneself everywhere."

"Take me as an example."

"When someone pisses me off, I don't mind sending them to God."

"But I don't want to scare my friend Xiaolin, so I hide my power when I'm around her."

This was the first time Rui Wen heard such an answer, and she was a little surprised.

Azu leaned back: "You don't think there is a standard answer to life, do you?"

"No, dear."

“A lot of the time, it’s about adapting to circumstances. But the most important thing is to listen to your inner voice.”

"Be true to yourself."

"Each of us should live for ourselves."

"As for what other people think? To hell with them, if they insist on jumping out and pointing fingers, then let them lie down."

Raven's eyes lit up little by little. Charles had never given her such a point of view, and no one had ever said this to her.

But now, these words came from a powerful mutant, and Raven had a vague feeling of finding her direction in life.

"I understand."

"Neither disguise nor show off."

"Live as you please and live spontaneously!"

Raven stood up, bent down and bowed: "Thank you, Mr. John."

"Thank you so much for listening to me and answering some of my questions."

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "Nothing, by the way, you happen to be here, so I will give you some suggestions."

"You should make good use of your advantage. Your advantage is that you can transform into anyone."

"Then, what you are good at should be infiltration, spying on intelligence, assassination, etc."

“If you’re training, you might consider looking at these areas.”

"I believe you can become the most powerful agent in the world. You have unique abilities."

Raven was a little excited, nodded, and then said with a bit of shyness: "This is not my real appearance now, Mr. John, do you want to see the real me?"

Trust me, I've seen it many times.

Azu smiled: "Why not."

Raven took a deep breath and suddenly transformed into the true form of the Blue Devil.

Red hair, blue skin, black lines, golden eyes.

Just like Mystique in the movie, weird and strange.

I originally thought that Azu would change color or scream in surprise when he saw his true appearance.

This kind of experience is not uncommon for Ruiwen.

The only person who appreciates her is her adopted brother Charles.

Only when she was around Charles was Raven willing to show her true self.

The Mr. John in front of me now is the second one.

She looked at Azu nervously, but there was no surprise in Azu's eyes. It was as if the man knew that he would be like this.

He even stood up and circled around himself.

Raven could feel the other person's eyes scanning her whole body, which made her feel like she was being seen through by Azu.

"it's beautiful."

Azu took a step back and said sincerely.

Although I have seen it in movies many times, this is the first time I have seen it in person.

The way Rui Wen looks now is not in line with the aesthetics of the general public.

But as a well-informed Azu, he naturally wouldn't make a fuss about Riven's blue skin.

He even felt that this kind of Ruiwen was more special than her ordinary appearance.

After all, this is one of a kind.

The only thing that represents ultimate beauty in itself.

Ruiwen's breathing was slightly heavy, and she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

The feeling of being appreciated, praised, recognized, and affirmed made her heart pound.

Although Charles also knows how to appreciate himself, there is something else in the way this man looks at him now.

That's something that Charles doesn't have, and it's something that he can only feel in the eyes of other men when he looks like an ordinary person.

But when he shows up in his true self, Mr. John is the only one who sees himself this way!

Just when the atmosphere in the room was a little ambiguous, there was a knock on the door. Raven was startled and quickly changed back to her human form.

She quickly said: "Then, Mr. John, I won't disturb you anymore."

Raven opened the door, and there was Charles outside. The latter was stunned for a moment, but before he could ask any questions, Raven hurried away with a red face.

"Mr. John, is she Raven?"

Azu sat down and said with a smile: "She has some philosophical issues in life that she discussed with you."

"Mr. Charles, don't you happen to have some questions that you want to ask me?"

Charles laughed and said, "You guessed it right."

"You are also a powerful psychic."

"I would like to ask Mr. John, how should I improve myself?"

Azu shook his head: "You don't need to improve yourself, you are already strong, Charles, you just didn't realize it."

"Instead of improving yourself, I think you should use your professorial qualities."

"There are many mutants in this world, but they may not be able to understand and accept themselves."

"And there is no school in the world just for them."

"Charles, you have money and a wealth of knowledge. You should guide them and make them do the right thing."

Charles was startled. He had never considered this aspect, but now that he heard what Azu said, he was a little moved.

Azu stopped until he clicked.

It is enough to sow a seed. As for what kind of tree it will grow into, of course it depends on the seed itself.

the next day.

In the bunker that can withstand nuclear explosions, Azu looked at Alex and said: "Your problem is that your concentration is too poor. If you can concentrate and concentrate your power, not only will the power become more powerful, but also Helps improve strike accuracy.”

"like this."

Azu's eyes burst into golden flames, and with a flash of light in the bunker, a mannequin in the distance exploded into ashes.

Alex shook his head and said: "It's too difficult. I have tried, but I can't succeed every time."

Hank raised his hand and said, "Maybe I can design a piece of equipment for him."

Azu shook his head: "Power that can only be mastered by relying on equipment is not real power at all."

"Relying too much on equipment. Once he is without equipment, he is finished."

"So no matter what, it's up to him to figure it out and take control of his own power."

"You just start by practicing concentration."

Next, Azu asked Alex to perform a handstand, starting with two hands, then using one palm, and finally using one or two fingers.

This will help him improve his concentration.

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