I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 281 The drama begins

The sun is shining and the sea breeze is warm.

Such a sunny scene is perfect for vacation.


At this time, on the sea, two superpower fleets faced each other.

Under the watchful eyes of the navies on both sides, the cargo ship carrying the nuclear bomb had approached the embargo line.

No matter which country it is, people on the ship are extremely nervous now.


The war is about to break out.

On the federal fleet, the commander said solemnly: "Gentlemen, it is my honor to fight alongside you."

"May God bless the Union."

He made the sign of the cross, and then said in a deep voice: "Get ready for bombardment!"

The same goes for the Soviet fleet.

The fleets on both sides have aimed their guns at each other.

The atmosphere at sea became solemn.

It seemed like a storm was coming.

At this moment, there was a dull sound in the sky, and then the Blackbird fighter plane appeared on the sea, attracting the attention of the two fleets.

In the fighter plane, Charles glanced out the window: "It's too late, the cargo ship is about to pass the coastline."

"Charles, the people who control the Soviet fleet, let them sink the cargo ship themselves. In this way, there will be no reason for war."

Eric said quickly.

This is a good idea.

Charles inspected the cargo ship, but hesitated: "There are many people on it. If the cargo ship is sunk, they will die."

Eric couldn't help but get angry: "Compared to the billions of people in the world, the people on a cargo ship are nothing."

Charles shook his head and said: "The value of life is not calculated by quantity."

Raven stood up and said, "Then control the captain of the cargo ship and ask him to turn the cargo ship around."

It was a good idea to have both Charles and Eric light up at the same time.

But at this time, Alex said: "No need."


Has the cargo ship crossed the embargo line?

Suddenly, Charles and Magneto felt a chill in their backs. They looked out the window and saw the cargo ship stopped.

The strange thing is that its engine is still running, but it seems to have left the sea and is no longer moving.

Then it really left the sea.

On the sea, both the federal and Soviet fleets were surprised to see the cargo ship slowly rising from the sea.

The spiral behind the cargo ship is still turning, but because it cannot contact the sea water, it cannot generate propulsion.

Just below the cargo ship, there was a red cloak flying.

"what is that?"

"It seems like a man?"

"It's a human? How is this possible?"

"No, that is indeed a human being."

Soldiers on the fleets on both sides exclaimed.

Because it was a Soviet cargo ship, the soldiers on the Soviet fleet could see it more clearly.

They saw a red cloak flying under the cargo ship. A blond man wearing a black metal suit easily lifted the 10,000-ton cargo ship, then flew to an island in the distance, and finally placed the cargo ship in a forest.

"It's Mr. John!"

Raven shouted excitedly: "Did you see it? It's Mr. John. When did he run out?"

Darwin pointed at Charles: "While you were discussing how to deal with the cargo ship, Mr. John passed through the fuselage and flew out."

Charles and others were stunned.

"Mr. John is really unfathomable. Every time I think I know him well enough, I soon discover that the abilities he shows are just the tip of the iceberg."

Charles shook his head and said: "Maybe Mr. John can handle everything without us having to intervene at all."

At this time, Azu's voice sounded in his mind: "I have solved the most troublesome part, and the rest is up to you."

This voice sounded in everyone's mind.

Except Eric.

Charles exhaled, stood up and said with a smile: "We can't let Mr. John steal the show. Come on, it's our turn next."

"Eric, can you get Shaw's submarine out of the water?"

"Of course." Eric stood up and said coldly: "This time he has trouble flying."

"very good."

"Hank, lower the landing gear."

Charles said to Hank.

The Blackbird fighter jet came to the water and lowered its landing gear. Magneto stood on the landing gear and put his hand on the sea surface, feeling the presence of the submarine.

He recalled the previous experience of being angered by Azu, so he replayed the scene of his mother being shot over and over in his mind.

Trying to use these scenes to awaken his hatred for Xiao, and use his hatred to drive himself to release greater power.

Before meeting Azu, Eric actually made a similar attempt, but the effect was not very good. After all, it had been too long and some details had become blurry.

But under the influence of Azu's "distorted reality", not long ago, Eric had just "been there" and experienced the pain again.

So now it was easy for him to remember the heart-wrenching experience.

Anger flared up again.

Eric soon felt the submarine's presence.

"Got you."

"Xiao, you can't run away!"

Eric tried his best to catch it.

Suddenly, the sea began to boil, and bubbles continued to appear on the surface.

Not long after, a submarine rose from the sea and was forcibly 'lifted' out of the water by Magneto. The propeller of the thing was still spinning.

On the sea.

The federal and Soviet fleets looked at this scene in surprise.

But there is already Azu who has lifted the cargo ship with his bare hands. Now they will not be too surprised if they see any incredible scene.

In this way, Xiao's submarine was captured by Eric, and Hank took the opportunity to fly a Blackbird fighter plane to a desert island in the distance.

But at this time, Magneto, who hated Xiao, had already grasped his fingers.

Driven by hatred, his abilities have been greatly enhanced, and he can easily rub the submarine like a cigar.

Suddenly, the submarine twisted and deformed, as if being squeezed by an invisible giant hand, making a heart-wrenching sound.

Following Magneto's swing, the submarine immediately flew to the deserted island in the distance and fell heavily on the island, creating a thick cloud of dust and smoke.

Sitting on the cargo ship, Azu whistled like a crowd: "It's coming, it's coming, the show is on."

"Put your hands up!"

At this moment, behind Azu, the crew member on the cargo ship pointed a rifle at Azu's head.

"I order you to put your hands up or I'm going to shoot!" the captain shouted.

Azu looked back at them. At this moment, all the crew members, including the captain, had strange expressions.

They opened their eyes wide and looked at themselves and their companions. They turned around involuntarily and pointed their black muzzles at each other.

"No no no."

"Akshay, what are you doing!"

"Joelkin, put the gun down."

"Not me, Captain, not me."

"I can't help myself."

Suddenly, there was a commotion on the deck.

Azu smiled and whispered a syllable: "Bang!"

Bang bang bang bang!

On the deck, gunshots rang out.

The crew shot each other, and suddenly, pieces of blood fell on the deck.

By constantly using ‘Psychic Invasion’, Azu, who is now quite familiar with it, can control multiple people at the same time.

The current limit is nearly a hundred people.

Of course, ordinary people.

"Finally quiet."

Azu turned around and looked at the small island not far away.

He lamented: "It would be better if there were fries and Coke at this time."

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