Facing the menacing 'meteor shower', Xiao chuckled: "That's all you have?"

"How disappointing, Eric."

"Thankfully I used to treat you as my treasure."

"Looking back now, I was really blind."

Amidst the chatter and laughter, the large and small flying steel fragments, including the relatively large hull, were melted by the high and rising nuclear energy emitted by Xiao before they even got close to him.

Those larger ones that did not melt immediately lost their magnetism due to the temperature rise in the space near Xiao, and continued to fall into the water.


Xiao Nian said.

Eric yelled, his eyes turned red, and he suddenly looked at the island where Azu was, and at the cargo ship under Azu's butt.

What Magneto is interested in is not the cargo ship, but the nuclear bomb on the ship.

But when he saw Azu, he calmed down a little, and in the end he didn't use those nuclear bombs.

But at this time, Xiao Qu said the last number: "Three!"

The fingertips immediately fired out a nuclear energy ray.

Easily, it pierced Charles' brain like a hot knife cutting through a butter boat.

Charles, who was floating on the sea, died without even humming.




"elder brother!"

Many people shouted.

Eric seemed to have been drained of all his strength, his legs weakened and he knelt down on the beach.

"That's it again."

"That's it again."

Eric buried his head in the sand in pain: "I still can't save anything."

"I can't save my mother, and I can't even save my friends."

"I'm such a loser!"

Hot tears welled up from his eyes and fell on the beach.

Next to the wreckage of the Blackbird fighter jet, Hank and Raven desperately swam to Charles' body.

"Oh God, God, please don't take him."

Raven cried sadly. She no longer cared about maintaining her human appearance. She turned into the original appearance of the blue devil, hugged Charles's body, and burst into tears.

Hank closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

Seeing Charles dead, Eric breaks down.

Xiao smiled with satisfaction, and then flew towards the two fleets on the other side of the embargo line.

He wants to release the nuclear energy in his body between the two fleets and destroy both fleets. In this era when communications are not yet developed enough, as long as all the ships are destroyed, the Federation and the Soviet Union will think that the war has begun.

Next, the world will unfold according to the script drawn up by Xiao.

The fleet is getting closer.

But at this moment, a piece of red floated in front of Xiao's eyes.

Then he saw Azu, who had put on a black battle suit and a red cape, descending from the sky.

Xiao recognized this man immediately.

"It's you?"

He recognized Azu.

Then, the scene of Azu easily killing two of his men in the CIA base emerged in his mind.

But today I am different!

I have absorbed a large amount of nuclear energy, and even this man is no match for me!

Xiao is full of confidence.

On the beach.

Eric, who was kneeling on the ground, moved at this moment. He took out a box from his battle uniform.

Open the box and inside is an injection.

It's the serum that Hank made.

Hank originally planned to use this serum to attack the X cells, but instead, it strengthened the X cells.

"Maybe I should have used it from the beginning."

"Sorry, Charles."

"I'm still not determined enough, but I won't be anymore."

Eric raised his head, his eyes had changed.

He became cold and indifferent, as if he had lost his humanity.

Lost, the last glimmer of light in my heart!

Magneto injected this serum into his body without hesitation.

On the sea.

Azu hugged his shoulders and looked at the elegant man in front of him with a smile.

"Originally, I planned to hand over the task of saving the world to those young people."

"It seems that I still overestimated their abilities and underestimated your abilities."

"After absorbing nuclear energy, you are a completely different person."

"So, your upper and lower limits are quite large."

"But that's okay."

"You will die here today."

Azu would not let Xiao destroy the two fleets. Lin Aida was still ill and they didn't know when they would be able to return.

If the Third World War breaks out, Azu doesn't care, but Lin Aida has three advantages and two disadvantages, and maybe he has to stay in this universe.

Azu doesn't want to stay here.

Xiao laughed loudly: "You are really arrogant. You don't think that by killing the Red Devil and the others, you can easily kill me, right?"

"In my current state, I can also easily kill the Red Devil and the others."

"What are you proud of?"

Azu smiled and said: "You are actually not as strong as you think."


"Then wait a minute, you'd better not ask me to let you go." Xiao suddenly raised his hand, and with a flash of light from his fingertips, a nuclear energy ray pierced the air.

Azu remained motionless.

Letting the ray fall on him, it was stopped by the 'biological force field' that came with the 'Cloak of Justice'.

The power of this ray is not enough to make the light filaments of the 'Justice Force Field' appear.

Azu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his eyes suddenly lit up with golden light.

"This is my return gift."

Two golden rays shot out suddenly, but the 'heat ray' with only a thousand degrees of heat was easily absorbed by Xiao.

Xiao Haha laughed and said: "You actually have such a method, but it's nothing more than that."

He rushed forward and attacked with his fist. The edge of his fist lit up with nuclear energy and emitted terrifying heat.


This punch hit Azu in the face.

To be precise, it hit the 'biological force field'.

Azu didn't change his expression and muttered: "This level, this impact should be similar to my basic strength without strengthening any talents."

"It's a bit boring."

He raised his hand and flicked Xiao's chest with his fingers.


Xiao showed an expression of disbelief, and then flew backwards.

After flying thousands of meters at once, Xiao stopped.

He clutched his chest and said in horror: "How is that possible?"

"I can't fully absorb your energy?"

Xiao can indeed absorb energy, but it requires a process for him to absorb energy, so this raises a question about efficiency.

Xiao's 'efficiency' in absorbing energy is actually not very high.

This can be seen from the fact that it takes a certain amount of time for him to absorb energy from two nuclear energy devices.

It is true that he can absorb energy, but he cannot absorb it at high speed.

After Azu's 'divine power' is upgraded to '+4', it will have a 'power concentration' effect.

This effect made Azu's instantaneous kinetic energy highly concentrated, and Xiao was unable to completely absorb such concentrated kinetic energy in an instant.

His absorption 'efficiency' couldn't keep up, so he could only absorb part of it, while the other part acted on him, causing him to be knocked away.

In other words, even if he does not use certain methods, as long as Azu uses the output equivalent of "80% of divine power" and the "power concentration" effect, he can defeat Xiao in his current state.

As a villain at this stage, Xiao is undoubtedly powerful.

However, Azu, who came from another universe, stood at the highest position in Bixiao.

Precisely because he discovered this, Azu felt a little unmotivated.

"No more playing."

he said.

Hear this.


The hair on Xiao’s body stood up.

His intuition told him.

Something bad will happen!

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