I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 286 Respect to Charles

Charles Castle.

Lin Ada stretched her body, stretched out her hand and groped around, trying to hold something on to get up, when she heard Azu's voice.

"you're awake."

"Mr. John."

Azu, who had already returned to the castle and guarded Lin Aida for a while, helped her up with a smile, then reached out to touch the girl's forehead and found that the temperature was moderate and the girl seemed to have recovered from her illness.

"How are you feeling? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?" Azu asked.

Ada Lin shook her head: "It's much better. I feel like I'm full of strength now and can play a baseball game."

Azu exposed her unceremoniously: "That's an illusion. You still need to take care of it for a few more days."

"But now, we have to leave."

"Leave?" Lin Ada was a little surprised.

Azu smiled and said, "Yes, leave."

"Alex and I have different ideas on some things, and I guess they won't be happy to see me stay here."

Ada Lin got up immediately: "Then let's go."

Azu nodded, packed his things, and then the two opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, brilliant lights appeared behind the door.

Azu whistled: "We can go home directly."

The two of them just walked into the light and disappeared into the light.


Eric, Raven and others returned to the castle.

After Raven placed Charles' body, she heard Hank say: "Mr. John is gone."

Suddenly, Rui Wen felt a little disappointed.


"I knew it."

Charles is dead, and the man she once considered her mentor is gone.

Raven's world suddenly turned dark.

"Riven, if you want, we can talk." Hank saw that the girl was worried and said softly.

Raven shook her head, smiled and said, "Thank you, Hank."

"But now, leave me alone with Charles for a moment. I have much to say to him."

Hank nodded: "If you need anything, you can always come to me."

He closed the door.

Raven sat down next to Charles' coffin, curled up, hugged her legs, and buried her face in her knees: "Charles, didn't you say that you would take care of me for the rest of your life?"

"Then don't sleep anymore."

A few days later.

It's raining.

It's in the cemetery behind the castle.

Eric, Hank, Alex, and Darwin were dressed in black suits and came over carrying a coffin. They carefully placed the coffin in the tomb.

The four of them then stepped back and came to CIA agents Maura and Raven.

Raven held a black umbrella and walked to the tomb and said, "He is the best person I have ever met. He is a good brother."

"Charles, I will always miss you."

Ruiwen gently placed a bouquet of flowers on the coffin.

Then she stepped aside.

Then Maura came up and looked at Charles's photo on the tombstone.

"I'm sorry, Charles."

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be involved in this matter."

"No way."

"I'm sorry, Charles."

"What I can do now is take good care of Ruiwen for you."

She put down a bouquet of flowers.

Eric exhaled a long breath, walked forward, and looked at Charles in the photo.

"You're a good man, friend."

"You make me want to believe that there are still good things in the world."

"But my friend, there are too few like you."

"There are too many people in this world who hate us and want to take advantage of us."

"Xiao will not be the first, nor will he be the last."

"So all I can do is fight them."

"I don't know if this is the right path or the wrong path, but I do know that I have to fight for it to prevent good people like you from dying."

"I must fight."

Eric knelt down and placed a bouquet of flowers on the coffin.

Next, Alex and others presented flowers one after another, and finally, they let the coffin sink into the ground.

After the funeral, Ruiwen and others ate in the restaurant of the castle.

"Ruiwen, what are your plans next?"

Eric asked.

Raven glanced at him and said, "I will continue to stay here. Charles told me that he plans to transform this castle into a school."

"Give mutants sanctuary, give them a place to go."

"Now that Charles is gone, I want to do what he didn't do."

Hank put down the cup and said, "If you need help, I can stay."

Raven smiled: "That's great, Hank, I was worried that I couldn't do this alone."

Eric nodded and looked at the others: "What about you?"

Darwin shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know. Maybe, I will go back and continue driving my taxi. I'm good at this."

Others were silent.

Eric spread his hands and said, "If you don't find the target, do you want to come with me?"

"I hope that people can accept mutants, and there will be no more persecution, no more betrayal and exploitation."

"But it won't be a simple thing. There will be a series of brutal battles before reaching the ideal other shore."

"I need help."

Raven frowned and said, "You will put them in danger."

Eric nodded: "Yes, so you can think about it carefully and don't force it."

Alex thought for a while, stood up and said: "I'm going with you, Eric. I hope to do something for this world."

Darwin smiled and stood up: "Then I will definitely be involved."

So, except for Raven and Hank, everyone else decided to go with Eric.

Raven and Maura looked at each other, but neither of them stopped, they knew they couldn't.

Finally, Eric picked up a wine glass.

"To Charles."

"To Charles!"

New York.

In a bar.

A bearded man was drinking wine with a lit cigar beside him.

At this time, the black and white TV was playing footage of the presidential military parade.

"Hey, there's going to be a war again. I didn't expect another war to break out so soon."

"That was instigated by people from the Soviet side. If you ask me, we should fight back hard."

The bearded man put down his wine glass and said in a low voice: "A bunch of idiots, no matter how they paint it over, war will still be ugly."

"What did you say, man?"

A fat man with big ears turned back: "I heard it, are you laughing at us?"

The bearded man picked up the cigar and bit it between his mouth: "No offense, I'm just telling a fact."

The fat man came over and said, "It seems you need a lesson."

The bearded man smiled: "For your own good, please don't do this."


"Go to hell!"

The fat man punched it.

But it was easily caught by the bearded man.

When the bearded man was about to say something, he suddenly saw the bar trembling, and the liquid in the wine glass was rippled.

He suddenly looked out the window and saw a black dot approaching quickly in the distance. Then, it was intercepted by another black dot coming horizontally.

When the two black spots collided, a dazzling light burst out, as if a second sun had risen in the sky.

"No way."


"I've had enough."

"Once is enough for an experience like this."

The bearded man threw the fat man away and shouted: "Is there a basement here?"

As soon as the bar owner pointed in the direction of the kitchen, Beard rushed over. When he entered the kitchen, he saw a staircase leading to the underground, and there was a door there.

He knocked on the door and entered, and at that moment, he heard a loud rumbling sound from above.

Looking towards the ground, I saw rich golden flames washing away everything on the ground like a flood.

That day, a nuclear bomb exploded in New York!

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