I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 288 Wilson’s bargaining chip

"These lunatics actually want someone from our motherland to be the Minister of Defense."

In a spacious room, former Secretary of Defense Wilson was holding a glass of whiskey, watching the news on TV, and shook his head.

Next to him, a Ministry of National Defense official said: "Sir, I have wronged you during this time."

At the previous hearing, the Motherland played a video that dealt an unprecedented blow to Wilson's career.

In order to give an explanation to the people, the Federation could only remove Wilson from the position of Minister of Defense. In order to let the storm pass as quickly as possible, the Federation gave Wilson a long vacation and asked him to stay out of the public eye for a while.

Wilson had no objection to this.

In addition, although he is no longer the Minister of Defense, he has served in this position for many years and is familiar with the Ministry of Defense better than anyone else.

Therefore, the Federation gave him the title of consultant.

All major resolutions regarding the Ministry of National Defense will be submitted to him for review. Only if he nods will the new Minister of Defense sign.

So Wilson's power was not greatly affected, the difference was only in form.

"It doesn't matter what happens to me."

Wilson put down his glass and said: "It's a pity. I originally planned to use this hearing to kick the people of the motherland out of the Ministry of Defense, but I didn't expect that he still had a hand."

"Now his reputation has risen instead of falling. The guy even openly stated that he would no longer provide free hero activities. Instead of affecting him, people think that he did it because he was forced to do so."

"I have to say, our citizens are really stupid pigs!"

The official of the Ministry of National Defense smiled, looked at his watch, stood up and said, "It's getting late, sir, you should go to bed early."

Wilson nodded.

Asking the servant at home to send the person away, Wilson chuckled: "As long as the 'Guardian' is still in my hands, I have a chance to return to my original position."

"That night, I believe many people have seen the value of the 'Guardian'. Otherwise, I would have been sent to Hawaii for vacation."

Wilson is very clear that he can still retain power now. In addition to his familiarity with the business, another important reason is that he is the son of his motherland.

Ryan only trusts him now, and this trust is his biggest bargaining chip.

Wilson put down the wine glass and planned to go back to the room to rest. Suddenly, he saw the wine glass vibrate slightly, and then in the back garden outside the floor-to-ceiling window, electric light flashed, and a figure fell on the grass.

Wilson's expression changed, he reached out and touched a button under the table, and pressed it.

At this time, the figure in the garden came over and appeared in the light outside the window.

It's a woman.

He looks young, petite, and wears a black and green battle suit.


She knocked on the window and smiled into the room: "Is anyone home?"

Wilson looked gloomy and said, "What are you doing here?"

Storm had opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and walked in, with his hands behind his back, looking here and there.

"Mr. Minister, I have no hostility."

"You don't have to look at me like that."

"I came today not to represent the Seven, nor to be ordered by that man."

"I just want to talk to you."

Ryan walked in at this time, glanced at Storm, and then walked next to Wilson.

Seeing Ryan coming, Wilson felt confident and said in a deep voice: "I don't think we have anything to talk about."

Storm looked at Ryan and his eyes lit up: "This is him, right?"

"The little boy in the Boiling Midnight Incident, he has the same abilities as the people of the motherland."

On that crazy night, Storm was also involved in the incident, so he naturally knew about Ryan's existence.

Ryan's eyes lit up red and he looked at the storm warily.

Storm waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, child, I am not your enemy."

"People from the motherland are the ones."

Ryan was stunned for a moment, and the red light in his eyes extinguished little by little: "A citizen of the motherland."

Wilson coughed dryly: "This is the 'Guardian'. He will protect this country on behalf of the people of the motherland."


Storm cheered: "I knew you were right to come to Secretary Wilson."

"So, let's talk."

"Mr. Wilson."

"You also want to kill people from your motherland, right?"





In a Chinatown apartment.

Azu woke up and glanced at Kimiko, who was wrapped around him like an octopus.

He smiled, regardless of Kimiko still sleeping.

He held her against him.

Soon, the temperature in the room rose rapidly.

After sweating, Azu walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

Kimiko also walked in and gestured: "Kenji is back."

Azu nodded: "He has been missing for a few days. He must have been in contact with the 'Flash Army'."

Kimiko pressed Azu's chest with her hand, and then gestured: "Help him, let him leave the 'Flash Army'."

"I will."

Azu raised her chin: "But it depends on what you do."

Kimiko nodded and turned away.

After taking a shower, Azu called Levin.

"Kenji is back?"

"Yes, sir, he came back last night."

"Very well, call him out and I'll treat him to breakfast."

In a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown.

Azu ordered a table of breakfast, and while he was eating steamed buns, former soldier Levin came with Kimiko's younger brother.

"Good morning, Mr. John."

Kenji whispered: "Is my sister okay?"

Thinking of Kimiko's performance in the morning, Azu said with satisfaction: "She is very good, very good."

"What about you, where have you been these past few days? I thought you were gone."

Azu winked and motioned for them to sit down.

"I ordered your portions, let's eat together."

Kenji nodded, picked up a bowl of millet porridge and drank it politely.

He took another bite of the buns, and then said, "I had an action a few days ago, so I left."

"Flash Army?" Azu asked.


"By the way, Mr. John, I mentioned your matter, and Mr. Coven wants to see you."

"He's our director of operations in New York."

"He'd love for you to join."

Kenji raised his head and said.

Azu nodded: "After breakfast, let's go see Mr. Kewen."

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

Franklin District, a black house, in the basement.

After the two men checked Azu and Levin, they let them enter the basement.

Walking into the basement, Azu looked around. There were several weapon racks with various weapons hanging on them.

There are cold weapons, but more often than not, there are pistols and rifles, and even a Barrett.

"Good morning, Mr. John."

came a voice.

Azu turned around and saw Kenji walking towards him with a Caucasian man in his early thirties.

Kenji introduced: "Mr. John, this is Director Kewen."

Azu smiled and said: "Mr. Kewen, good morning."

"I believe Kenji has already introduced me to you."

"Yes, I want to join the 'Flash Army'."

"I am confident that under my leadership, the 'Flash Army' will do better than it does now!"

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