Habit Burger.

As a well-known burger brand in the Federation, Habit Burger chain stores are overcrowded every day.

When Azu changed into plain clothes and brought Ryan here, he was startled by the long queue.

"How about we change places." Azu suggested.

Ryan shook his head: "I want this place. The food here is said on TV to be delicious, and their children's meal package will give out out-of-print Jedi toys."

"Okay, okay."

Azu held Ryan's hand and lined up. Looking at the seemingly endless queue, Azu muttered: "I really want to sweep through it with a laser."

"What did you say?"

Ryan raised his head and looked at Azu.

Azu waved his hand: "I didn't say anything."

"You're lying again." Ryan looked away. "Adults always say you can't deceive others, but you are always lying."

Azu shook his head, wondering why the original owner liked being a father so much.

This is no fun at all.

At this time, Ryan suddenly said: "I don't know where I come from. I have asked many people, and they don't know the name of the place where I live."

Azu lowered his head unexpectedly and looked at the little boy.

"I promised, if you treat me to a burger, I'll answer your questions."

"I keep my word."

"I don't like to lie to children like you adults."

Ryan said seriously.

Seeing that he was willing to answer questions, Azu didn't care if the child made a little fuss.

"Where is your family?" Azu asked.

Ryan shook his head: "There was a disaster where I lived before."

"My mother died. It was during that disaster that I learned to fly and shoot laser light."

Becca is dead?

Azu was a little surprised: "Your mother is dead?"

"What kind of disaster happened?"

A flash of anger flashed in Ryan's eyes, and he said, "Don't you know what happened?"

Azu felt the child's anger and was a little curious. He said: "I am not God. I cannot know what is happening in every corner of the earth."

"So yeah, I don't know what the hell you've been through."

"If you don't want to mention it, then there's no need to answer."

Ryan frowned and asked, "You really don't know?"

At this time, someone jumped in the queue, but Azu took him out and said, "Why do you think I will know?"

Ryan shook his head: "Nothing."

"Someone attacked the place where we lived, and many people died. They also tried to capture me, but I killed them."

"Then I escaped."

Azu took his hand and took a few steps forward to block a fat black man who wanted to cut in line.

"When did this happen?"

"A month, or two months ago?"

Ryan looked confused: "I can't remember clearly."

Azu said in surprise: "It's been so long, how did you get to New York?"

Ryan looked at his toes and said: "After I left, I hid under the overpass for several days. Suddenly one day, the army surrounded the place."

"Then a gentleman took me away."

"He looks like this."

Ryan gestured, and based on his description, Azu immediately thought of Wilson.

"I was taken to a base and the people there taught me how to fight."

"But I didn't want to fight. Then some time ago, there were many monsters in New York. The gentleman asked me to kill the monsters. I left and never went back."

Azu raised his eyebrows slightly. From Ryan's story, he roughly pieced together what happened to this kid.

After a bad attack by him and Becca, mother and son, Becca died and Ryan awakened his powers and escaped.

Next, let Wilson find it. Wilson found that this kid had abilities similar to his own, so it was normal to take him away.

Training him in private is in line with the federation's usual style, which can also explain why he saw Ryan in Wilson's office last time.

Next came the 'Boiling Midnight' incident. Lane was ordered to go out, but did not go back. Because of this, he was quarantined by the federation as a local resident, and was only exposed recently.

Through Ryan's narration, Azu grasped the outline of the matter, thanks to Ryan's very organized narration.


Does an eight-year-old boy have such clear logical thinking?

Or is this a script written by someone?

Azu narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the need to investigate the so-called attack and the cause of Beka's death.

That night.

In Wilson's bedroom.

The old man took a long breath, lay on the bed and said, "I can't do it anymore."

Storm lay on top of him and said, "The first step of the plan has been successful."

"Ryan has successfully hooked up with the people of the motherland. As long as he does what I say, I am confident that the people of the motherland will be fooled."

The old man gasped and said intermittently: "I'm worried that Ryan will be found out. After all, he is still a child."

Feng Feng smiled and said: "It's normal to have flaws. If there are flaws, the people of the motherland will not see through them."

"Okay, don't talk now."

"Concentrate on me."

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past month, Ryan was kept by Azu, but Azu did not identify himself.

He didn't reveal to Ryan that he was his father.

After all, he was not the original owner, and Azu had no interest in raising a child.

Keeping Ryan around is more about figuring out what Wilson wants to do.

this day.

Azu finally got the location of the town where Ryan and Becca lived. It was not difficult. With his current ability, it would only take a little time to dig out these secrets.

At noon, Azu appeared over this small town.

The town was abandoned, and in mid-air, Azu could clearly see a bombed-out house.

Everything looked just as Ryan said it would.

Azu landed in the town and appeared in front of the house, frowning and looking at it.

He looked around and saw surveillance cameras installed in some corners. This was normal. In order to monitor Beka's mother and son, Watt Company installed surveillance cameras throughout the town.

This surveillance network with almost no blind spots may be able to find something.

While thinking this way, Azu had already released a stream of information from his fingertips and connected it to the ground network cable.

The network had no secrets for Azu. He went straight in and found the monitoring control terminal, only to find that the data had been deleted.

Azu smiled, this might be a troublesome thing for others.

But for him who can incarnate information life, there is no such thing as deletion of things on the Internet.

He began to repair the deleted data.

Same day.

In his villa, Wilson picked up his cell phone and dialed a number: "The time has come. Let's start the 'Sword Holding Plan' now."

"Start codename."

"People of the motherland."

Putting down his phone, Wilson smiled and poured himself a glass of red wine.

Then he put the vinyl record into the gramophone. In the beautiful music, Wilson imagined the world without his motherland.

The next second, his head suddenly exploded into pieces with a 'wave', and a piece of bloody scalp fell into the red wine, floating on it like that.

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