I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 297 A network called Ryan

Tower of Seven.

"It's my birthday in a few days. I want to go somewhere. Can you go with me?"

Ryan raised his head and looked at Azu.

Azu glanced at him curiously: "Where do you want to go?"

"Here, Love Island, is an island in the Pacific. It is named because it is shaped like a heart."

Ryan took out a poster with a slogan that read: Come to meet a romantic love? Come to Love Island, air tickets to and from Love Island are as low as 30% off now!

Azu glanced at Ryan in surprise: "You are still a child, do you know what love is?"

Ryan shook his head: "I don't know, but my mother often said when she was here that she wanted to visit Love Island."

"She is gone now, and I want to take a look on her behalf."

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "Okay, when is your birthday?"

"the day after tomorrow."

"Then let's set off the day after tomorrow."

At this moment, in the Pacific Ocean, a hundred nautical miles away from Love Island, a cargo ship was parked on the sea.

At this time, there was a loud wind and thunder over the freighter, and then a figure fell on the deck.

As the lightning flashed, Feng Feng straightened up and looked at the captain and crew members who had received the news and were waiting on the deck in advance to greet them.

These people wore different clothes and looked like civilian sailors, but in fact, they were soldiers of the federal navy, and the captain was a colonel.

"Good morning, Colonel Rodris." Storm said with a smile, "I think you should have been notified."

The colonel nodded and said: "Down here, there is a nuclear bomb without national markings that can be launched at any time."

“It only takes 1 minute to reach ‘Haiqing Island’.”

Storm nodded: "Where is Mr. Wilson?"

"Mr. Wilson said that this battle is entirely under your command, madam."

Storm snorted and whispered, "Old fox, do you want to end the relationship?"

"Forget it, I don't care."

She put her hands behind her back and said, "So, how are you preparing other things?"

"It's ready." The captain nodded.

"However, judging from the past performance of the motherland, his speed may still be higher than that of a nuclear bomb, so I suspect that he can stay away from the explosion site before the nuclear bomb explodes. In this way, even if he is hit, the damage will not be maximized."

Storm nodded: "You are right, Colonel Rodrith."

"Killing people of our country is not an easy task."

"Even a nuclear bomb would probably only injure him."

"Even so, no matter how small the advantage is, we cannot miss it."

"In order to ensure that the nuclear bomb can hit him, we need a net. This net must tightly tie the people of the motherland to Love Island."

Colonel Rodres frowned: "Then do we have this net?"

Storm smiled: "Yes, the name of this net is 'Lian'."

Two days later.

The weather was clear, the sun was shining brightly over the Pacific Ocean, and a whale surfaced in the sea, breathing and spraying water.

Ryan looked at the whale curiously and said to Azu next to him: "This is the first time I have seen a living whale. I could only see it in pictures or videos before."

"If you are willing, I can take you to the bottom of the sea. There are more weird things down there." Azu said with a smile.

Ryan shook his head and said: "Let's go to Love Island."

Azu shrugged his shoulders, flew next to Ryan and said, "I have something for you to see, about your mother."

Ryan looked at Azu in confusion: "What?"

"A video."

"I guess you'll be surprised."

Azu smiled and said: "I'll let you watch it after I get to Love Island. I originally wanted to show it to you a few days ago. Since it's your birthday today, I think it will be more meaningful."

Ryan didn't know what kind of medicine Azu's gourd was selling, and because of the child's nature, he nodded without asking.

The two of them flew across the sea quickly, and soon they saw an island that was slightly heart-shaped.

Love Island!

There were already many entertainment facilities there, but there was no one on the island now. The two landed on the island.

"Just walk around by yourself. Come back when you're tired and I'll show you something."

Azu found an awning and sat down by himself, with a relaxed attitude, as if he was on vacation.

Above his head, in outer space, a military satellite was keeping a close eye on the island.

In a cargo ship more than a hundred nautical miles away, Feng Feng put his hands behind his hands and looked at the screen, which displayed the footage captured by the satellite.

"The people of the motherland are coming."

Storm said: "Get the nuclear bomb ready, it will be launched at any time."

Colonel Rodres nodded, picked up the radio and said: "Enter the launch code, 'Apocalypse' is ready to launch at any time."

Apocalypse is the code name for that nuclear bomb.

at this time.

Storm also picked up the phone and sent a message.

On Love Island, a mobile phone rang in Ryan's pocket.

He took out his phone and saw the message from Storm: Start taking action.

Ryan turned back and looked at Azu who was resting in the awning.

Pictures of getting along with Azu this month flashed through his mind.

They went to eat burgers together.

They went on a pirate ship together.

Together they venture into a haunted house.

Those pictures kept flashing back, making Ryan's eyes a little confused.

"He didn't seem to know that we were being attacked."

"Did Mr. Wilson lie to me?"

Suddenly, Ryan shook his head violently.


"He did it on purpose!"

"He is my mother's murderer. I can't be fooled by him."

"Ms. Storm also warned me about this."

"I can't be fooled."

"Today, I want revenge!"

Azu was holding a mobile phone and making a call.

"Yes, I'm on Love Island now."

"It's a small island in the Pacific."

"You want to come over?"

"Okay, whatever you want."

After hanging up the phone, Azu put down his phone, and then saw Ryan flying back.

He opened the photo album on his phone and found a video. He smiled at Ryan and said, "Here, let me show you something."

But at this moment, Ryan's eyes lit up, and then two laser beams penetrated Azu's mobile phone.

Azu looked at the broken mobile phone: "I just bought this."

He raised his head, looked at Ryan and smiled: "Can you explain it? Ryan."

Ryan clenched his little hands and said loudly: "Stop smiling at me, you devil!"

"You had this hateful smile when you killed my mother!"

"People of the motherland, today, I want to avenge my mother!"

He yelled, rushed over, and punched Azu in the face.

Azu's face immediately darkened.

In the freighter, standing in front of a row of screens, Feng Qian saw on the screen that the awning suddenly exploded, two figures soared into the sky, and one of them, a small figure, suddenly accelerated.


He stopped the native in mid-air and punched the latter back to Love Island.

Storm looked at Colonel Rodris with a smile: "How about this 'net', isn't it?"

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