Monday morning at the White House.

The president looked a little unhappy and looked at the officials in front of him.

"Has Wilson's murderer not been found yet?"

Several officials looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on the newly appointed Minister of Defense.

Mr. Minister said with an embarrassed look on his face: "The Security Bureau is already investigating Sir, but for the time being, nothing has been discovered yet."

The president rubbed his face and said, "This is not good news, gentlemen."

"It's one thing if Wilson is dead, but someone has started assassinating the former secretary of defense. That's the most dangerous thing."

An official whispered: "Could it be done by people from the motherland?"

The president immediately glared at him sharply: "I don't want to hear such words outside this office. If I know who can't control his mouth outside, I will charge him with treason to the federal government. "

Everyone immediately straightened their backs and responded loudly: "Yes, sir."

The president then continued: "Except Wilson, is there anything going on in the Pacific?"

The Minister of Defense said quickly: "I called the military satellite. There has been nothing unusual in the Pacific Ocean in the past few days, sir."

"That would be troublesome."

The president said gloomily: "This shows that the 'Sword Plan' has failed."

"Although I have tried my best to distance myself from the relationship, we must be prepared for retaliation."

As for whose revenge, even if the president doesn't say it out loud, people here know it quite well.

At this moment, the president's secretary knocked on the door and walked in. His face was solemn and his expression was tense. He quickly came to the president's side, leaned over and spoke softly.

"Sir, the people of the motherland ask to see you."

The president stood up suddenly, his whole body tensed upright. After a few seconds, he said: "Tell him to wait a moment and I will see him after the meeting."

"Okay, sir."

After the secretary went down, the president said: "The people from the motherland are here and they want to see me."


There was a sound of air-conditioning sucking in the office.

"Why is he here? What is he here for?"

"Mr. President, please leave immediately. I will take you to the airport now. Air Force One can take off at any time!"

"I'll send the troops over right away."

"Calm down, gentlemen!" the president said, standing up. "If I leave now, if we send in troops, it will make things worse."

"Moreover, if the people of the motherland want to do anything, they will not ask to see me, but will directly break down the door and enter."

"So I think there's still room for improvement."

"You guys go out first and I'll meet with him alone."

The defense minister exclaimed: "Sir, this is too dangerous."

"How about letting your substitute meet the people of your motherland on your behalf?"

The president shook his head: "It's too late."

"Besides, I don't think a substitute can hide it from the people of the motherland."

"Looking at his performance this year, gentlemen, if you still regard him as a native of the motherland before, then we have completely lost."

"He's completely different than he was before."

"He used to be a giant baby."


"He is calm, cautious, crazy, bold, and more powerful than ever."

"We must clearly understand our opponents so that we can make the most correct response."

Everyone was speechless.

"That's it, you go down first."

"If something happens to me, our country has an emergency plan. Even if I die, the Federation will not collapse."

The president has given up.

The others could only give up the idea of ​​persuasion and left the office one after another.

When they came to the small living room, they saw the motherland people with their backs turned to them, hands behind their backs, looking out the window.

Hearing the footsteps, the man turned around, with a faint smile on his handsome face.

After a while.

Azu met the president in the office.

He smiled and said: "I'm very happy that you didn't avoid me. This shows that there is still room for discussion between us."

Azu pulled up a chair himself and sat across from the president.

The president smiled and said: "People of the motherland, what do you want to discuss with me?"

Azu smiled and said: "First, I hope no gentleman will invite me to attend hearings in the future."

"Second, I feel that I have made significant and outstanding contributions to the Federation since I took office, and it is time for me to become a general."

"Third, I would like to recommend a congressman to enter the Ministry of Defense. I think her ability is qualified for the position of Secretary to the Secretary of Defense. Her name is Victoria Newman."


Azu patted his thigh, stood up, and nodded slightly: "I wish you a happy day, sir."

From beginning to end, Azu didn't give the president a chance to respond and just left.

The president was silent for a moment.

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of discussion is this?"

"This is a notice!"

"Not only do you want to become a general, but you also want to place a pawn in the Ministry of National Defense!"

"This arrogant bastard!"

He growled lowly.

As the most powerful man in the world, however, in the past few minutes, he acted like a helpless ordinary person who did not dare to say 'no' to the people of his motherland.

This sense of shame made him angry.


The president pulled off his tie, unbuttoned it, and gasped to catch his breath.

After a while, he calmed down and after his emotions settled down, he picked up the phone on the desk.

"Call them in."

"I have something to announce."




Night time.

Victoria returned home in a happy mood. In the afternoon, she suddenly received a notice.

Starting next month, she will be secretary to the secretary of defense.

This made her ecstatic.

It feels more like a dream.

Victoria walked into the home and saw her daughter Zoe painting, with a figure standing behind her daughter.

The man turned around, with a bright smile under the light.

Azu looked at Victoria: "Zoe has a talent for painting. Maybe you should consider hiring a family tutor for her in this field."

Then he walked towards Victoria: "You look particularly beautiful today. It seems like something good is going to happen."

Victoria suppressed her excitement and whispered: "Sir, next month I will become the secretary to the Minister of Defense."

Azu chuckled and said: "The president's actions were very fast, and he announced it internally so quickly."

Victoria's eyes lit up and she whispered, "Is it you?"

Azu raised her chin: "Otherwise."

Victoria breathed heavily and said, "How can I thank you, sir."

"Completing every order of mine is the best thank you."

Azu retracted his hand and said, "And this time, you did a good job. This is your reward."

Victoria came over, put her hand on Azu's chest and said, "Then if I say that I want some other reward, will you give it to me?"

After a moment, Zoe raised her head, looked at the ceiling, and then said to the nanny: "Is mommy sick? She screamed so hard."

The nanny suppressed a smile and said, "She's fine, don't worry."

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