I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 309 Multiple Interference


A spaceship fell from the sky, as if out of control, constantly colliding with various rocks, and finally fell apart, parts fell all over the ground, and the hull split apart.

In the cab, Azu's figure appeared, but he existed in a state of information fluid, so he was not discovered by Iron Man and the others.

Just like the plot in the movie, Thanos' minions attacked New York, Doctor Strange was kidnapped, and Iron Man and Spider-Man went deep into the enemy ship to seek help.

Finally, Squidward had Spider-Man throw him out of the spaceship using a trick from the Alien movie.

After rescuing Doctor Strange, they originally planned to return to Earth, but Iron Man thought this might be a good opportunity to defeat Thanos, so the three of them went deep alone and came to Titan.

During the whole process, Azu remained quiet and lurking, because he knew that it was not his time to play yet.

In the cab, Doctor Strange helped Iron Man up: "Are you okay?"

"It's really suspenseful." Stark opened his helmet with a lingering fear on his face.

"Thanks to you."

At this time, the little spider hung down from above: "Let me make a statement first."

"If an alien jumps up and lays an egg in my chest, then none of us..."

Stark interrupted: "That's enough. I don't want to hear your little brat use pop culture analogies again in this journey. Got it?"

"I just wanted to say something is coming this way."

As soon as he finished speaking, something like a grenade rolled to their feet.


The three Iron Man men were blown away.

At this time, someone rushed in through the gap in the cab.

A man wearing a mask and holding an elemental gun yelled, "Where is Thanos?"

Then a red-skinned man rushed in, and he roared at Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange waved his hand, and his cloak flew out, covering the man's face.

Iron Man flew up and had a fierce air exchange with the masked man. He was then struck by him and attached to a machine using some kind of magnetic device.

The melee soon came to an end.

Iron Man stepped on the red-skinned man.

The masked man captured Spider-Man.

At this time, the masked man lifted his mask, revealing an earthly face.

Star-Lord, Quill.

He pointed the elemental gun at Iron Man and said, "Let me ask you something."

"Where is Gamora?"

Iron Man was confused: "Let me ask a more advanced question than you, who is Gamora?"

Drax, who was stepped on by Iron Man, also spoke: "Then I will also ask a senior person, why do you ask Gamora?"

Azu was on the side, watching the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers perform a cross talk, and finally solved the misunderstanding. Originally, both sides came to settle accounts with Thanos.

Azu felt relieved when he heard that Star-Lord was looking for Gamora. It seemed that Thanos had indeed been able to find Gamora and had taken her away.

Maybe you've got the original soul stone now.

Come outside the spaceship.

Iron Man said: "We have to work together if we can face him with an attitude of risking death and surviving."

Star-Lord interrupted him: "Brother, stop talking about being born after death."

"We don't understand this."

Azu is convinced that the Guardians of the Galaxy, a group of weirdos, don't know how to fight seriously.

"Yes, we are optimists, and your plan is quite good."

"The only drawback is that it's weak, so you have to leave that to me."

"Let me show you what it means to be reliable."

Star-Lord, Abba, Abba, can’t stop talking.

Next to him, Drax kept yawning, which made Stark feel that these people were unreliable the more he looked at them.

"excuse me."

Mantis said at this time: "Have your friends always been like that?"

She's talking about Doctor Strange.

When these people started discussing the so-called plan, Doctor Strange was sitting cross-legged, using the 'Time Stone' to peek into the future.

At this time, Doctor Strange let out a soft cry and fell from the air.

Iron Man quickly supported him: "Are you okay?"

"What are you doing?"

Doctor Strange said: "I went to the future and saw a different ending."

“Seeing all the possibilities in this fight.”

"How many possibilities do you see?" Quill asked.

"140000605 possibilities."

Iron Man couldn't help but ask: "How many times have we won?"

Doctor Strange shook his head: "We didn't win."

"Not even once?" cried the little spider.

Doctor Strange shook his head solemnly: "But Thanos didn't win either. Every time I wanted to see the result, I was pushed away by an invisible force."

"It's like, it's like the outcome of this battle is something I can't peep into."

"I do not understand."

"This would have been impossible."

"I own the Time Stone, which should have allowed me to peek into countless future possibilities."


Iron Man asked: "Unless what?"

Doctor Strange himself looked doubtful: "Unless what I'm peeking into is not the future of this universe."

"What's the meaning?"

"Do you know the multiverse theory?" Doctor Strange tried to explain, "This theory believes that there is not only one universe, but infinite."

"Every decision we make, every choice we make, will give birth to a similar but not exactly the same universe."

"In other universes, there are Starks and other people, but they may be engaged in completely different jobs and experience different lives."

"In another universe, maybe you Stark weren't a billionaire."

Iron Man spread his hands: "That's too bad."

Doctor Strange continued: "This 'Time Stone' in my hand can only allow me to peek into the future of this universe."

"Those in other universes have already exceeded the capabilities of this rough stone."

"Just like the laws of one country cannot be applied to other countries."

Stark nodded: "I understand, but how can you peek into other universes in this universe."

"Yeah, no."

"Unless there are other cosmic factors that intervene in our universe, preventing the 'Time Stone' from playing its original role."

"We call this phenomenon 'multiple interference'."

Doctor Strange raised his head and said, "Yes, that's right, this is the only explanation."

Iron Man looked stunned: "Factors from other universes?"

"You don't want to say that people or things from other universes have intervened in our universe, right?"

Doctor Strange nodded and said, "My teacher, the previous Supreme Mage, once told me."

"She told me to be careful of the 'Conqueror'."

"Although there is no direct evidence, she believes that the Conquerors came from other universes."

Stark was shocked: "People from other universes?"

"is it possible?"

"You don't want to say that the Conqueror has mastered the ability to travel through the multiverse?"

Doctor Strange nodded solemnly: "This possibility is very high."

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