I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 31 Let me give you a full body checkup

After being scolded by Angelina, Dodge couldn't stay any longer and left the Tower of Seven as if running away.


In the real broadcast room, barrages flew by one after another.

‘I knew he was slandering the people of the motherland. I am canceling this rotten man! ’

‘This is too much. I thought he had any real evidence, but it turned out that it was all based on guesswork. ’

‘Garbage, it only creates popularity, what’s the difference between you and those media reporters? Get rid of it! ’

Looking at the abusive messages on the phone screen, I watched the number of my fans drop sharply.

Dodge Wesson's heart was bleeding.

"It shouldn't be like this."

"The doctor clearly told me that Angelina was seriously injured."

"When will the people of the motherland be able to treat serious injuries!"

"He made me a clown, he made me embarrass myself in front of millions of people, and he ruined my career!"

Thinking of this, Dodge suddenly looked back at the Tower of Seven and made an international gesture.




In a townhouse in a certain community.

A man is looking at his cell phone.

"Honey, what are you looking at?"

A fairly good-looking woman handed him a cup of coffee.

The man took the coffee, put down his cell phone and said, "This fool has offended the people of the motherland."

The woman glanced at the phone. There was a man who had just walked out of the Tower of Seven.

"he is?"

"A third-rate reporter tried to gain fame by smearing the people of the motherland, but failed."

The man pulled the woman over and said with a smile: "My dear, do you think if I twist off this fool's head and give it to the people of the motherland, will he let me join the Seven?"

The woman held his face and said, "It must be possible. From now on, our Mr. Blue Eagle will be a member of the Seven."




In an old apartment, a liquid man wearing a long trench coat looked at a tablet.

Looking at Angelina, who looked pale but generally did not look like she was injured, she sternly criticized the owner of the live broadcast room.


Then his phone rang.

Liquid Man glanced at it and saw it was his employer O'Connor calling.

He thought for a moment and answered but also used the recording function.

At this time, the voice of his employer O'Connor came from the mobile phone.

"Tell me what's going on!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Why is that woman still alive!"

Liquid Man was about to explain, but O'Connor didn't give him a chance.

"You have already collected my money, you'd better let Angelina and my cute little niece lie in the cold coffin!"

Then the call was hung up.

Liquid Man was silent for a moment, then turned on the recording and listened again to what O'Connor just said.




Seven-person tower, 88 floors.

In the president's office, Edgar exited the live broadcast room and turned off his phone.

He closed his eyes, smiled, and said to the empty office: "How do you think the people of the motherland healed a seriously injured girl?"

"The organs are damaged and the internal bleeding is severe. It cannot be saved by closing the wound."

The office was quiet and no one answered.

Edgar opened his eyes, looked around, and then said: "I know you are here, invisible man."

"Did the motherland ask you to spy on me?"

"He has really changed a lot. Do you know why?"

Still no one answered in the office.

Edgar chuckled and said, "It seems that death in the deep sea scares you out of your wits."

"It doesn't matter, just keep silent."

"I have only one request."

"Don't stare at me when I go to the bathroom, thank you."

After saying that, Edgar lowered his head and continued working.

At this time, there was a potted plant behind President Walter. There was no wind in the room, but one of its leaves moved on its own.




In the Tower of Seven, in Maeve's room, Azu stood at the window, hands on his hips, looking into the distance.

"Don't you have a room of your own to go to?"

Maeve had taken off her armor and was wearing cool clothes, revealing her long legs and lying on a beach chair.

Azu turned around, walked to Maeve with a smile, and reached out to gently cup one of her cheeks without any hesitation.

"As a companion, I feel obliged to come and see you."

Maeve glanced at the hand falling on her face and did not take it away. She just said, "Then you are finished reading now."

"As you can see, I'm fine, I've recovered."

Azu's hand moved downward: "That's hard to say. I think it is necessary to give you a full body examination."

Maeve chuckled: "Is it just a check?"

Azu stretched out a finger, gently lifted her collar, and asked with a smile: "What else?"

But at this moment, Azu's cell phone rang.

Maeve held her chest without leaving a trace: "I appreciate your kindness, but I think you have other things to be busy with now."

Azu smiled, said nothing, and left the room.

After hearing the door closing, Maeve breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the ceiling and whispered.

"What happened to that guy?"

"It seems like a different person."

"And we have to rectify the Seven."

"However, it would be nice if I could avoid commercials, movies and reality shows."

In a blink of an eye, it’s Sunday.

That afternoon, Azu was in the training room, turned off all the monitors, and then accompanied Angelina for fighting training.

"bring it on."

Azu smiled and waved.

Angelina yelled and moved quickly. Her instantaneous explosive power was very powerful. If it wasn't Azu, others would probably only be able to see an afterimage.

A fierce knee hit Azu's abdomen, but it failed to knock Azu down as Angelina expected.

She circled Azu with punches and kicks, and every punch and kick was enough to kill an ordinary person, but when it landed on Azu, it felt like she was tickling him.

Azu stood still and even had time to open his status bar and look at the talent 'Man of Steel'.

After Angelina played for a long time, this talent reluctantly increased by 1 point of proficiency.

"It seems that daily training is difficult to increase proficiency. Only by fighting can there be considerable improvement."

Just as Azu was thinking this, Angelina jumped up, and rode on Azu's shoulders. She clamped Azu's head with her thighs on both sides, and then twisted her waist hard, trying to knock Azu down.

But Azu didn't move at all.

Then he raised his hand and grabbed Angelina's hand. Azu smiled and said: "It seems that I am not suitable to be your sparring partner. That's it for today. Let's do another kind of exercise."

Angelina suddenly turned slightly red.

While doing exercises, Azu said: "The guy who assassinated you that day, Annika from the Crime Analysis Department provided some useful information. I think it was a superhuman named 'Liquid Man' who did it."

"That guy is on our blacklist and is a professional killer."

"Now that I know you are not dead, he will definitely take action. I need your cooperation. In this case, your revenge drama can be staged."

Angelina's voice trembled: "Everything is subject to the master's orders."

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