In the space beyond the earth, triangular-shaped spaceships are approaching the earth. They are coming menacingly, and they are full of Thanos' army.

These spacecraft began to enter the atmosphere, and their friction with the atmosphere immediately formed a bright fire.

This allows the Falcon and Winter Soldiers staying at the airport to have a clear view.

‘Falcon’ immediately contacted Steve through the wireless communication device in his ear: “Captain, we have a situation here.”

They raised their heads and saw one of the spaceships whizzing down like a meteorite. But before they got close to the capital of Wakanda, they saw a stream of blue light roaring from the distance and hitting the spacecraft in mid-air.

The troop transport exploded immediately, its hull shattered into pieces, and countless alien soldiers fell in the flames, only to be blocked by the defensive shield above Wakanda.

Bucky raised his head, looked at the gorgeous 'fireworks' above his head, shook his head and sighed: "I love this place so much."

"Don't be too happy too soon."

Colonel Rhodes, who had been equipped with a 'war machine', raised his head, looked into the distance and said, "There are more enemies coming outside the dome."

Sure enough, above the defensive cover, spaceships were constantly rubbing against the atmosphere, falling into the distance like meteors.

Since they did not touch Wakanda's air defense mechanism, they were not attacked and were able to successfully fall to the ground and into the mountains and forests.

The earth shook!

The spacecraft crashed to the ground in an almost violent manner, and the debris exploded into the sky hundreds of meters high. Flames roared and spread, burning the forest.

The impact caused by the vibration spread outside the mountain forest, but was blocked not far away by the defensive shield of the leader of Wakanda.

In the laboratory, Steve withdrew his gaze and looked at T'Challa: "Let's go."

T'Challa nodded and said, "We will annihilate the enemy."

"Evacuate citizens quickly and activate a comprehensive defense."

"Surui, give me the command of the 'Black Iron Flow'."

"Also, someone get him a shield."

He pointed at Steve.

Steve smiled and said, "Wanda, you stay."

"Once the rough stone is taken out, it is immediately destroyed."

On the grasslands on the outskirts of the capital of Wakanda, vibranium chariots roared forward, and behind the chariots were countless robot armies.

They are like a black river, flowing out from the capital, rolling forward closely behind the Wakanda army.

Banner drove the Hulkbuster armor and kept cheering, but because he was too carried away, he tripped to the ground, causing the Wakanda general who passed by in a tank to cast a look of contempt.

Sitting next to T'Challa, Steve noticed that the armor on T'Challa was a little different from before.

"This is an upgrade."

T'Challa smiled: "It's different from the old models used before."

"You'll be able to see it later."

Steve nodded, and he also noticed that, except for T'Challa, all members of the King's Guards were also equipped with vibranium suits.

It’s just that their suits are mainly red and gold, and the colors are bright, which is very different from T’Challa’s ‘Black Panther’ suit.

After a while.

The chariot stopped, Steve jumped out of the vehicle, and saw two figures coming out of the forest opposite.

Black dwarfs and Proxima Centauri.

Previously at Scotland Station, several members of the US team fought against Proxima Centauri, and there was also a Deathblade at that time.

But now, there is no death blade in sight.

Arriving in front of the dome shield, Proxima Centauri took out his weapon and scratched it on the shield, feeling the power of the shield.

Steve, T'Challa, and Black Widow walked over together at this time.

Black Widow looked around, then looked at Proxima Centauri: "Where is your other companion?"

"You will pay for him with your life." Proxima Centauri said in a heavy tone.

Black Widow looked up at the sky: "So, he was on that spaceship just now?"

"That's really unlucky."

Proxima Centauri said expressionlessly: "Lord Thanos will decide on this rough stone."

"No way."

Steve said without hesitation: "We will not let Thanos succeed."

T'Challa also announced: "On the land of Wakanda, Thanos will never succeed, and you will only die."

Proxima Centauri said nonchalantly: "We regard death as our own."

She suddenly raised her arms.

This is a signal.

Those spaceships began to raise their doors, and in the spaceships, Thanos' army, some monsters with multiple arms, roared and rushed out of the woods.

There are so many of them, all over the mountains and plains, boundless.

This made Steve, who returned to the main formation, feel depressed.

But the expressions of T'Challa and Wakanda's warriors are not particularly solemn.

T'Challa raised his hands: "Ready to fight."

Then he added: "Kill them all."

War is about to break out on Earth.

On Titan, a black-blue flame appeared, and Thanos walked out of it.

He looked around, and then his eyes fell on a figure sitting in a corner not far away.

Doctor Strange.

"Thanos lives up to his name and dares to appear alone. I admire him very much."

Thanos was silent for a moment, and then said: "It seems that the Black Tongue Advisor is dead."

"What a heavy loss this day has been."

He looked at the container of the 'Time Stone' on Doctor Strange's chest: "However, he has completed his mission."

"Don't be too happy too early."

"You still have to fight against me, a master of secret arts."

While the two were talking, Azu was sitting on a piece of spaceship debris, looking down at them.

He knows that Iron Man and others are ambushing around now. Those people have discussed a pretty good plan, but in the end, if there are no accidents, they will still be punched out by someone in Avengers 4.

At this time, Azu used the 'Reality Stone' to hide his existence.

Even if Thanos and Doctor Strange saw him face to face, they would treat him as nothing.

Because in their eyes, Azu is something that ‘doesn’t exist’.

Thanos then introduced Titan to Doctor Strange. Since he did not have the Reality Stone, he could not reproduce the prosperity of Titan as conveniently as in the movie. He could only describe it to let Doctor Strange know why he wanted to wipe out half of the population of the universe.

Azu actually agrees with Thanos's approach of preparing for a rainy day, but the population of the universe is not yet saturated to the extent that he is worried about, so killing half of the population of the universe at this time seems a bit full to Azu. .

Finally, halfway through Thanos’ introduction, the ambush begins.

Azu watched a wonderful battle as if he was sitting in the front row of a movie theater.

Whether it's Doctor Strange's magic, Tony Stark's cooperation, or Star-Lord's strategy, they are all top-notch.

In the end, Mantis overpowered Thanos and put him into a brief coma.

Others took the opportunity to peel off the Infinity Gauntlet, but Star-Lord wanted to know the whereabouts of Gamora, so tragedy happened.

When he saw Star-Lord punch Thanos in the face, Azu knew that his time to play was up.

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