I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 327 Administrator (two-in-one)

New Mexico, Pandiantigo.

A black-blue flame suddenly appeared on the empty land, and then a strong figure flew out.

The black-blue flame disappeared.


A roar echoed across the sky.

Thor's body exploded with lightning and he regained his ability to move, but when he came back to his senses, he found that he was no longer in Wakanda.

He didn't know where he was, but it didn't matter. The Rainbow Bridge could allow him to go wherever he wanted to go.

Thor raised the 'Storm Axe' high and wanted to summon the Rainbow Bridge.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice.


"Are you Thor?"

Thor turned around in disbelief and saw a car parked not far away.

The car door opened and a lady jumped out, but it was Jane Foster.

A few years ago, Jane Foster was accidentally exposed to ether particles, and Thor took her to the divine realm for treatment.

Later, the ether particles in Jane Foster's body were extracted by Azu and turned into a 'reality stone'.

Afterwards, Odin and Azu fought in the kingdom of frost giants.

After returning from there, I felt that my sister Hela had been released.

Thor didn't dare to take risks with his girlfriend, so he brought her back to Earth, but he didn't expect that he would meet her again today.

While Thor was stunned on the spot, Jane Foster's assistant was waving in a car in the distance.

Thor forced a smile in response.

Jane Foster had already come over, holding his face and looking here and there.

"Where's your hair? Why was it cut short?"

Thor said awkwardly: "For the convenience of fighting, I cut it short."

"Where's your hammer? Why did you change it to an axe?" Jane Foster looked at the 'Storm Battle Axe' in Thor's hand again.

"It made my sister burst. This is the 'Storm Axe', I just made it." Thor said matter-of-factly.

Jane Foster took two steps back: "So you are Thor, right?"

Thor nodded: "Yes, it's me."

He put on a smile and said: "Jane"

Before he finished speaking, Jane Foster slapped him on the face.


The crisp sound of the slap could even be heard by the assistant in the car.

"Oh, it's really hot." The assistant shrank his head.

"You dumped me, twice!"

Jane Foster said angrily: "What are you doing back today? Are you going to tease me again?"

"No, no, it's not what you think."

Thor quickly said: "A big thing happened recently, Jane. I am dealing with a crisis that threatens the entire universe."

Jane Foster chuckled: "Yes, you are always busy."

"You are the most powerful Avenger, and you always have endless incidents and crises to deal with."

"Then let's go."

"Don't appear in front of me again."

Thor said distressedly: "I'm not kidding."

"Jane, Stark has paid with his life for this."

"I have to fight for it."

"Because it's your life at stake, too."

Jane Foster was stunned for a moment: "Stark? That billionaire? Iron Man is dead?"

"Didn't he leave the earth chasing the alien spacecraft?"

Thor nodded: "Yes, he went to Titan and died there. A magician brought his body back."

"I swear, I didn't lie to you."

"I'll come back to you after I'm done with this, I promise."

Jane Foster took two steps back: "You'd better remember what you said."


Thor smiled, then raised the 'Storm Axe' and summoned the Rainbow Bridge.

A colorful ray of light fell, and Thor's body rose quickly and disappeared into the Rainbow Bridge.


After Azu left, T'Challa ordered the people below to clear the battlefield.

He himself was taken to his sister Su Rui's laboratory.

"Lie there." Su Rui pointed to a chair next to him.

T'Challa shook his head and smiled: "My health is very good. I don't think there is anything wrong with my heart."

"Perhaps Lord Conqueror made a mistake."

Su Rui said expressionlessly: "I said, lie down, brother."

T'Challa shrugged his shoulders and lay down.

Su Rui controlled several robots and began to conduct a comprehensive scan and examination of T'Challa's body, focusing on the heart.

T'Challa lay there for a while, feeling bored, and asked: "What exactly did you and the Conqueror say?"

Shu Rui thought for a while, then bent down and whispered something in T'Challa's ear.

The next second, everyone in the laboratory heard the king exclaim: "What!"

"Lie down."

Shu Rui pushed back T'Challa who sat up.

T'Challa couldn't laugh or cry: "How could you say that?"

"why not."

"That's the Conqueror. You're not afraid of offending him."

"I am a great hero. You were present and heard what the Conqueror said."

Su Rui smiled and said, "Besides, he didn't refuse directly."

"So next, I will work hard to become the kind of person the Conqueror likes."

T'Challa sighed: "It turns out that you can change for others, sister."

Su Rui was about to say something, but then he became serious: "Brother, what the Conqueror said is right."

"There is something wrong with your heart."

"Fortunately, Lord Conqueror reminded me, otherwise, by the time you feel such a hidden lesion, it may have been too late."

"Now I'll get rid of it."

In the laboratory, a guard glanced at the brothers and sisters, then walked towards a corridor.

When there was no one in the corridor, a burst of green light flowed over the guard, and he turned into Loki in an instant!

When the Avengers went to war with Wakanda, Loki used his magic to disguise himself as a Wakandan.

He originally planned to look for an opportunity to steal the Conqueror's Infinity Gauntlet, but he never found a suitable opportunity.

Seeing that Thor and others were forcibly sent away, he simply kept his disguise and stayed in Wakandari.

"I'm sure I can do something."

Loki said to himself, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a king's guard again: "Perhaps, I can change Wakanda to a king?"

He chuckled a few times and left quickly.

In Thanos Legion's spaceship.

Proxima Centauri, Black Dwarf, and Death Blade were shocked when they saw Azu.

Azu walked towards them with a smile and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm not here to hurt you."

"You can't leave if you want to do that."

He raised the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and let the cosmic stones on it shine one after another.

Proxima Centauri looked at the other two companions, and then asked: "What do you want to do?"

"Replace Thanos and take over his estate."

"Including you."

Azu was blunt.

Black Dwarf immediately roared and rushed towards Azu recklessly.

Azu just lit up the 'Reality Stone' on the 'Infinity Gauntlet', and the black dwarf turned into a Lego toy and scattered with a crash.

Proxima Centauri and Deathblade couldn't help but take a step back.

They are not very clear about Azu's strength.

But being able to wear the 'Infinity Gauntlet' on your hand and collect all the 'Cosmic Rough Stones' explains a lot of problems.

Under Thanos, these two people have much smarter heads than Black Dwarf.

After hesitating for a moment, they all knelt down on one knee.

"It is our honor to follow in your footsteps, great Conqueror."

"I, Proxima Centauri."

"Death Blade."

"I am willing to offer my loyalty to you."

Looking at the two people, Azu nodded, and then let the black dwarf return to its original state.

Seeing that Proxima and the two had surrendered, and having just been taught a lesson by Azu, the big man also knelt down on one knee and mumbled something in foreign language, not knowing what he said.

Proxima Centauri translated: "What he means is that he will always follow the adults."

Azu nodded: "Take me to Thanos' palace."

Soon, they returned to the 'Temple 2' located near the moon.

This is Thanos' mobile palace.

Azu naturally sat on Thanos's throne and took over all Thanos' forces.

After doing all this.

Azu dismissed everyone, leaving only Proxima Centauri.

Proxima Centauri is a tall female alien. At this moment, she is kneeling on the ground, not daring to raise her head to look at Azu.

But in his heart he was guessing what Azu wanted to do.

At this time, Azu was studying the 'Infinity Gauntlet'.

"I have successfully obtained the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and collected all the rough stones. I should be able to make a wish next."

Azu said in a voice that he could only hear, but he was very nervous and worried about gains and losses.

This was the first time since he time traveled and became a native of his motherland that he wasn't too sure about his decision.

After all, his wish may exceed the scope of what the 'Cosmic Rough Stone' can realize.

But apart from the 'Cosmic Raw Stone', Azu couldn't think of any other way to realize his wish.

"I just have to give it a try."

Azu raised his head and wanted to snap his fingers.

But there was a feeling of uneasiness and hesitation in my heart.

This made him very irritated.

Then he looked towards Proxima Centauri.

"come over."

Hearing Azu's call, Proxima Centauri quickly came to the throne.

"Sir, what do you need me to do?"

Azu looked at Proxima Centauri.

Proxima Centauri is tall, even taller than Azu.

"Well, always try everything."

"It just so happens that I've never driven a big car."

"Let me use this opportunity to gain enough experience in my life."

Proxima Centauri showed a blank expression.

A few hours later.

Azu let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Proxima Centauri, a warrior, can't even move a finger now.

Azu also regained his composure.

Without any further hesitation, he raised the Infinity Gauntlet.

The six cosmic rough stones emitted their own light at the same time, and the impact caused by different rough stones made Azu groan.

After he persisted, his thumb and ring finger intertwined.


Azu snapped his fingers.

A ball of colorful light suddenly engulfed him.

Azu couldn't help but close his eyes.

But after the light disappeared, he looked around, and then at himself.

"Nothing happened?"

"The wish failed?"

Just when he had doubts, Proxima Centauri on the throne suddenly sat up, with golden light emitting from his eyes.

Azu noticed it immediately, stepped away from the throne, and looked down at Proxima Centauri: "Who are you?"

"You should have the answer to who I am."

Proxima Centauri said in a nonchalant tone: "It's so outrageous that you actually want to be the 'administrator' of the multiverse."

"Such a wish, or the corresponding procedure, has exceeded my authority."

"However, as a newcomer who has been involved in the 'game' for less than a year, I know the existence of 'administrators'."

"This still makes me impressed."

Azu's heart skipped a beat: "Are you the 'administrator'?"

"Is there really a so-called 'administrator' of the multiverse?"

Proxima Centauri spread his hands: "Otherwise."

"Where do you think the [information] you saw and the rewards you received came from?"

“Who do you think is assessing your event completion and who is sending you disaster event warnings?”

"Of course it's us and only us."

Azu's heartbeat quickened.

After learning about the concept of ‘administrator’ from another female native, ‘Vera’.

Azu had some guesses.

Now, this speculation has been confirmed.

Sure enough, there are multiverse ‘administrators’.

To him, the 'administrator' is like those immortals who jumped out of the three realms in ancient fairy tales.

In the multiverse, no universe can limit them.

They are more powerful than the most powerful beings in the multiverse, and even more advanced than the so-called gods in the multiverse.

They can even 'correct' events happening in the universe.

They are the ones who really do whatever they want!


The wish Azu just made is to become the ‘administrator’ of the multiverse.

He wanted to be one of these beings.

If successful, he can become a god.

God in the true sense of the word!

"So, what is my wish?" Azu tried to ask.

Proxima Centauri, or the ‘administrator’ whose consciousness was downloaded to Proxima Centauri, said: “Of course it’s impossible.”

"As I said just now, this is beyond my authority."


Azu's eyes lit up: "But what?"

"The mechanism, or ability, of the Universe Stone was programmed by us."

"By gathering six rough stones, any wish should theoretically come true."

"If it cannot be realized, it will trigger a 'paradox'. By then, this universe may die, and the ripples it releases will affect other universes."


Proxima Centauri shrugged his shoulders: "I will hold a meeting to discuss whether to open the [Ultimate Mission] to you."

"The ultimate mission?" Azu was startled.

"Yes, complete the mission and you can become one of us."

"But you'd better not get your hopes too high."

"The ultimate mission is very difficult. Even if you try your best, you may not be able to complete it."

"Then, the exchange is over."

After saying that, the golden light in Proxima Centauri's eyes dissipated, and the female alien suddenly fell into a coma.

At the same time, Azu suddenly felt a sharp pain.

It turned out that the arm he used to snap his fingers was burned out by the energy of the Universe Stone, but this time his 'super-speed regeneration' came into play.

The burned limbs are regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Proxima Centauri woke up, Azu's arm had returned to normal.

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