I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 338 Declaration of War

New York, in a rental apartment.


After the explosion, Yelena coughed and shouted her friend's name.

Suddenly a figure rushed out of the smoke, it was Maeve.

She didn't suffer much damage except for some singed hair.

Maeve hugged Yelena and jumped out of the apartment.

Yelena felt the wind in her ears and screamed in shock. Suddenly her whole body shook and she fell to the ground.

Maeve put her down and pointed to the end of the street: "Run, run, Yelena."

But Yelena couldn't bear the beating just now, coupled with the vibration when she landed on the ground. She started vomiting while holding on to a car and couldn't run at all.

In a blink of an eye, 'Slaughter' and other parasites also came down from upstairs.

They use their own methods.

The 'body' covered by 'Slaughter' transformed into a huge claw, allowing him to easily slide across the wall and fall to the ground.

The other two parasites, one with the surrounding space distorted and blurred, slowly descended using an anti-gravity force field; the other turned into flames and roared to the ground to reorganize.

The parasitic dog seemed to be able to change its body structure at will. It allowed itself to grow a pair of membrane wings, flapped its new wings and landed on the other side of Maeve.

"You can't run away, superhero."

‘Slaughter’’s eyes exuded a frightening light and pointed towards Maeve.

The parasitic dog pounced first and opened its mouth. In order to provide a larger bite surface, the corners of its mouth were split open, and circles of sharp teeth grew out of its mouth.

He bit down on Maeve's right calf, but was unable to break through Maeve's skin.

Maeve snorted, kicked hard, and threw the parasitic dog away.

The alien dog crashed into a Bentley, causing the car to deform and move, and the alarm kept ringing.

At the same time, the parasite that could turn into flames raised its hands and sprayed out blazing flames from its hands.

Another parasite wrapped Maeve with a layer of force field, forming a closed space around Maeve.

So the flames had nowhere to vent in this space, they could only run rampant and finally explode violently.

But the energy of the explosion was all restrained by the force field space, so Maeve suffered all the damage.

When the parasite released the force field space, a pillar of fire rose into the sky, but at this moment, Maeve rushed out from the flames and punched the parasite using the force field ability, causing the parasite's chest to dent. The punch flew out.

But at this moment, 'Slaughter' came to Maeve's eyes, stretched out his hand and pressed gently on Maeve's chest, suddenly his five fingers suddenly grew, and pushed Maeve away.

Maeve flew hundreds of meters and hit a lamppost. The five fingers of 'Slaughter' were still drilling into her chest desperately, but they only broke through the suit and could not penetrate deep into Maeve's body.

Maeve reached out and grabbed these fingers, swung them horizontally, and 'Slaughter' crashed into a building.

Then Maeve picked up the lamppost behind her, pulled it up from the ground, and then used it as a javelin to throw at the parasitic dog whizzing towards her.

There was a pop.

The copper pillar of the street lamp penetrated the parasitic dog's body, took it away, and nailed it into a building across the street.

Just after finishing all this, Maeve had no time to take a breath and suddenly felt a heavy pressure on her body.

But it was the parasite that could control the force field, pressing down on her with his palms, causing a force field to press on her head and shoulders like a mountain.

The parasite released several more force fields in succession, and Maeve suddenly dwarfed, her legs already pressed into the roadbed.


Yelena ran toward her.

"do not come."

Maeve shouted with difficulty: "Leave me alone, go quickly."

Yelena looked hesitant, but finally nodded.

But just as she was about to leave, a black line passed by her waist.


Maeve yelled.

It turned out to be a sickle transformed from the body of 'Slaughter', cutting Yelena in half!

Seeing her friend turn into a corpse in an instant, Maeve was filled with rage. She pushed up hard, propped up the force field, and was knocked out like a cannonball.

The force field fell and pressed across the road, forming a hole.

Maeve came to her friend and lifted Yelena's upper body, but her friend was already dead.

Yelena opened her mouth and stared at the sky with her eyes blankly, as if she didn't believe that she would die like this.

"Was it wrong?"


"It's just a piece of food anyway."

Carnage walked out of the building and walked towards Maeve.

The same goes for other parasites, including the parasitic dog, which has extracted its body from the lamppost.

Maeve knelt on the ground, tears falling on Yelena's face like broken pearls.

It was as if he had no idea that he was surrounded by parasites.

It wasn't until the parasitic dog pounced that she yelled and pressed the dog's mouth with both hands.

With a sudden tear from left to right, he tore the vicious dog in half, letting the warm blood and dirty internal organs pour all over him.

Throwing the body away, Maeve punched the head of the parasite using the force field, directly blowing the opponent's head open.

However, this alone cannot kill the 'alien'.

It still controls the force field to cover Maeve's body, making it difficult for her to move.

'Slaughter' walked up to Maeve, stared into her eyes and said, "I don't know, are your eyes as hard as your skin?"

Then, he raised his hand, one of his fingers slowly lengthened, and the tip reached into Maeve's eyes little by little.

This scene, through live broadcast, can be seen by humans around the world.

At this time, the Internet was in mourning.

"It's over, it's over, Queen Maeve is dead."

"I didn't expect that the first one to be hunted would be Queen Maeve. She is so pitiful."

"Where is the native? Isn't he Queen Maeve's partner? Where is he?"

"This coward from the motherland has already found a place to hide."

"Trash of the motherland, so afraid of death, why do you call yourself a superhero?"

"Stop talking, Maeve is about to be executed, and we humans have no hope."

New York scene.

Maeve didn't know the current situation on the Internet. She only knew that the God of Death was already grinning at her.

At this moment, she suddenly thought: Maybe this is not bad?

at this time.

Suddenly a crimson light flashed across his eyes.

'Slaughter''s finger was broken into two pieces.

Then the light swept across, and then swept back and forth.

'Slaughter''s body and its parasitic host were just turned into fragments.

Only one pair of shod feet was still standing on the ground.

Maeve was stunned for a moment and looked at the source of the light in disbelief: "A native of the motherland?"

However, when her eyes focused, what she saw was a little boy of eight or nine years old.

In the boy's eyes, the two red lights were disappearing.

The boy held an ice cream cone in his hand and waved to Maeve.

Only then did Maeve realize that the little boy was floating in the air.

The internet is in a frenzy again.

"Holy shit! Who is this? A child's version of a native of the motherland?"

"It does look a lot like the people from the motherland. You see, he can fly, and he shoots laser light from his eyes just like the people from the motherland."

"Isn't he the son of a native of the motherland?"

"No matter who he is, I declare that this kid is now my idol!"

"Look, who is that?"

On the screen, another tall woman walked on the street.

His hair was messy, he was blowing bubbles in his mouth, and he stretched out his hand to make a gesture of squeezing something.

The parasite that used the force field exploded immediately, blood splattered everywhere, and it died completely.

"Damn, another superhero!"

"But I can't remember who she is."

"Whatever, it's cool anyway."

"What's going on? Are the superheroes going to fight back?"

"Okay, except for that bastard motherland who died somewhere, other heroes have appeared. We are saved!"

New York scene.

Maeve's body relaxed and fell to the ground. She looked at the woman chewing gum and walked towards her, and couldn't help but said: "Who are you?"

At this time, the parasite that could turn itself into flames was about to escape, but unexpectedly the shadow under his feet suddenly rose up and enveloped him.

He turned into a flame and couldn't break out until the oxygen in the shadow space burned out and he changed back to his original state.

Then the shadow enveloped him and flew him towards a stretched Lincoln that had just entered the street.

At this time, the car door opened, and Angelina, dressed in an evening dress, walked out.

She made a fist movement toward the shadow, and the shadow twisted and spun, twisting the parasite inside into a twist, and finally the body exploded into pieces.

When he released his hand again, the shadow dispersed, and the fragments of the parasite fell all over the ground.

On the Internet, netizens' emotions reached their peak in an instant.

"This is so cool. Who is this girl? I want to fall under her skirt!"

"Don't you know her? She is President Angelina, the big boss of Caiton Group. I didn't expect that she is actually a superhero."

"With money, beauty, and superpowers, this is really a cheating life. I am so envious that I put 666 on the screen."

"It is said that she is the lover of the motherland. I don't know if it is true."

"No way, that's really a flower stuck in shit."

While there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, Angelina looked at the camera and said calmly.

"Aliens, my master said your game is very interesting, so from now on, we will also participate in this game."

"The difference is, we will hunt you down and kill you all."

"Superheroes from New York, the Federation and the world are also welcome to join us."

"Let's let these alien beings, who don't know the heights of the world, see who is hunting whom."

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Whether online or in real life, people are asking: Who is her owner?

But no matter what, Angelina's appearance is undoubtedly inspiring and gives people hope again.

Central Region.

In a house, 'Starlight' Anne looked at Maeve and Angelina on the TV.

She seemed to have made up her mind, and walked into the bedroom in plain clothes. When she came out again, she had changed into her yellow and white battle clothes.

Seeing her daughter put on the battle uniform again, Donna quickly said: "No, no, Annie, you don't have to go."

"Didn't you decide not to be a superhero?"

"That's what I thought, Mom."

Starlight hugged her mother: "But this is a global crisis, and no one can stay out of it."

"Besides, my friends are fighting and I can't stay here."

"Mom, I promise, I will come back."


Donna held her daughter's hand tightly and said, "You didn't stay away from all this because you were afraid, why do you want to go back?"

"I'm definitely scared."

Starlight smiled and said, "Really, my hands are still shaking."

"But there are some things that you have to do even if you are afraid."

"Maybe my power is very weak, but I also want to do something for you and everyone."

"At least I can shine a light in the darkness."

After kissing her mother's cheek, Starlight walked out of the house without hesitation.

However, not all superheroes are like Starlight and are willing to stand up and fight.

After all, for most superheroes, this is just a job, and who is willing to lose their life for a job?

So when the 'Black Skeleton' parasitic on the Secretary of Defense led thousands of parasites to appear on the streets of New York and approached Angelina and others.

There are only a few superheroes here.

Even so, Angelina showed no fear.

She glanced at Maeve calmly: "Aren't you leaving?"

Maeve only had anger in her eyes now: "No, I won't leave until I kill all these guys."

She decided to avenge her best friend.

Angelina smiled, took out a long suitcase from the car, and handed it to Maeve.

"this is for you."

"The master said it should suit you well."

Maeve opened it and found a long sword shining brightly in the suitcase.

She picked it up and tried waving it, feeling satisfied.

At this time, the 'Black Skeleton' led the parasite army to occupy the street, like an ocean, which could submerge Angelina and others at any time.


"You humans are so pathetic."

"Even if you are willing to stand up and set an example, you still won't get any support."

"You don't think that you three women and one child can deal with us, do you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of a helicopter rang, and a helicopter flew from a distance.

When the helicopter hovered over the battlefield, a figure fell from the sky and hit a car.

Then Starlight jumped down, her eyes lit up, and the electricity in the surrounding cars and buildings was continuously collected by her.

"Who says they don't have support?"

She walked to Maeve's side: "Fortunately, I caught up."

Maeve smiled: "Aren't you still on vacation?"

Starlight looked at the parasite in the distance: "Well, the vacation is over."

Then, several more cars drove into the street from a distance and came to Angelina and others.

The car doors opened, and Ice Princess, Electric Man, and Elemental Man walked out of the cars.

"How are you, everyone?" Electric Man greeted warmly.

The Ice and Snow Princess walked forward reluctantly with a chill all over her body: "I hope the federation will not deceive people, but it probably won't. After all, the president personally promised that if he wins this battle, he will give each of us One hundred million dollars, the kind that doesn’t require tax.”

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